Doctor Octopus Isnt The Only Redeemable SpiderMan Villain In No Way Home

Doctor Octopus Isn’t The Only Redeemable Spider-Man Villain In No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home might feature another redemption for Doctor Octopus, but Octavius isn’t the only villain who could potentially be redeemed.

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Doctor Octopus Isnt The Only Redeemable SpiderMan Villain In No Way Home

Spider-Man villains from across the multiverse will visit the MCU in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Doc Ock might not be the only redeemable one. Tom Holland’s Spider-Man trilogy is set to conclude on an unprecedented note, with characters from the Sam Raimi and Marc Webb Spider-Man franchises interacting with each other and the MCU via their supervillains (and, if rumors are to be believed, the previous two iterations of Spider-Man). Most of the villains shown in No Way Home’s trailers aren’t quite “evil,” and some of them even redeemed themselves in their respective movies, including Doctor Octopus, most notably.

The Spider-Man comics and films are renowned for their relative realism. While the superpowers and technology in Spider-Man’s stories are outlandish, the people who use them are written realistically. Peter Parker only began using his powers to help others after his shortsighted selfishness caused the death of his uncle (and father figure). Meanwhile, characters like Sandman and Electro use their abilities to commit crimes, often for morally complex reasons that make them sympathetic villains.

Although only so much can be extrapolated from a movie trailer, especially one for an MCU movie (considering Marvel Studios’ reputation for misdirection in their marketing), No Way Home’s second trailer implies that Doctor Octopus might not be Peter’s adversary for the entire film. Octavius attacks Spider-Man at first, but other scenes show him speaking calmly to his Peter Parker alter ego without antagonism. This implies that perhaps Doc Ock will overcome the malicious influence of his tentacles’ AI and become his normal, benevolent self once again. The same could potentially be said for Sandman, The Lizard, and perhaps even Electro, all of whom are confirmed to return in the trailer.

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Doctor Octopus Isnt The Only Redeemable SpiderMan Villain In No Way Home

The Sandman, aka Flint Marko, became a criminal out of desperation to save his terminally-ill daughter, as shown in Spider-Man 3. Though he tried to kill Spider-Man, Marko redeemed himself by the end of the film. The Amazing Spider-Man’s Curt Connors, aka The Lizard, had a similar villain origin to Spider-Man 2’s Doctor Octopus, with Connors being a kind man whose mind was altered by a failed experiment. Without the influence of his regenerative reptilian serum, Connors helped both Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

Max Dillon is a bit more complicated, however, as he obsessively idolized Spider-Man before becoming Electro, becoming a destructive supervillain after feeling betrayed and forgotten by the web-slinger. Still, Dillon is not a fundamentally malicious person but rather someone who’s underappreciated and in need of a healthy emotional connection. The only villain shown in No Way Home’s trailer who’s likely beyond redemption is Norman Osborn, aka the Green Goblin. Before his mind snapped, the Goblin formula brought out the worst aspects of Osborn, who was already a ruthless business tycoon and an unethical scientist.

Considering that Doc Ock and Sandman both redeemed themselves in their respective movies, No Way Home raises some interesting questions regarding their apparent return to villainy. Could they each have been pulled out of their universe at different points in the timeline (before their respective redemptions)? Time will tell, but the possibility for redemption also coincides with Peter’s reluctance to condemn them to their seemingly predestined deaths. Though visually-spectacular fight scenes are to be expected in Spider-Man: No Way Home, perhaps Peter Parker manages to get through to Doc Ock and some of the other supervillains, redeeming them instead of killing them.

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