Next Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighter DLC Leak Explained

Next Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter DLC Leak Explained

The schedule for an upcoming Nintendo Direct planned for October leaked on Twitter recently and it reveals the name of the next Smash DLC character.

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Next Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighter DLC Leak Explained

It’s been over nine months since season two of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter’s Pass was announced, and fans are patiently waiting for the second DLC character to be released. The first character unveiled as part of Smash’s second Fighter’s Pass was Min Min from the game Arms, but that was back on June 29th. Since Min Min’s release, there hasn’t been so much as a word in terms of who might be next to join the popular Nintendo fighting game.

Nintendo has been extremely tight-lipped this year as far as gaming news goes, but luckily for Smash fans, a recent leak about an upcoming Nintendo Direct in October may have revealed who the next Fighter’s Pass character is. A Twitter user released a full slate of games supposedly planned for a Nintendo Direct on October 8th. The leak features a number of notable games scheduled to be announced during the Direct presentation, but one that stands out is the announcement that Crash Bandicoot will be the next Smash DLC character.

Fans have been dreaming of Crash in a Smash Bros game for a very long time, but it was considered more of an afterthought, as non-Nintendo character weren’t originally included in the fighting game’s roster. More recent entries in the Smash series have included non-Nintendo characters like Snake, Sonic, and Banjo & Kazooie, so there is now a precedent for Crash making his way to Smash. Crash has also appeared on the Switch in the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy from 2017 and it’s rumored he’ll make his second appearance on the Nintendo console when Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time is eventually ported to the Switch.

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Nintendo Direct Leak Likely A Fake

As exciting as this news is, it all seems a bit hard to believe. Most of the games scheduled to be announced during the October Nintendo Direct according to this leak are games Nintendo fans have been desperately hoping for. Things like a new Wario game, Grand Theft Auto III, and Persona 5 all coming to the Switch is just too good to be true. It makes the leak seem more like a hoax put together by some Nintendo fan to try and stir up some buzz.

Another discrediting aspect of this leak is the fact it lists Crash as available immediately following the Nintendo Direct. Nintendo has used Direct presentations as a means of announcing new Smash characters often in the past. While some have been released following a Nintendo Direct, a character has never been announced and released during a single Direct. New characters for Smash Bros. are normally announced during a Nintendo Direct and then released months later, or following the next Direct.

While there’s a lot that proves this leak inaccurate, the most interesting part of it has to be the date. This rumored Nintendo Direct is supposedly taking place on October 8th, which would only be six days after the release of the next Crash Bandicoot game. It would make sense from a marketing standpoint to release Crash as a DLC character shortly after his next game is available on the Switch to try and help promote it. Then again, Nintendo still needs to confirm Crash 4 is being ported on the Switch. Whether this leak is true or not, there is definitely some potential for Crash to make his way to the Smash roster. Fans will just have to wait until October 8th to find out if the leak is real and if Crash Bandicoot is actually the next DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

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