Doing This Will Make You A Better Fall Guys Player According To KittyPlays

Doing This Will Make You A Better Fall Guys Player, According To KittyPlays

The key to victory is simply watching your competitors – although, it’s easier said than done.

You Are Reading :Doing This Will Make You A Better Fall Guys Player According To KittyPlays

At first glance, Fall Guys doesn’t seem like a game where strategy is that important. After all, with 50+ beans jostling for first place, how much room for creativity do you really have? However, after several months on the market, we’ve come to learn that there’s a ridiculous amount of depth to the casual-looking title. And, according to KittyPlays, the key to victory is simply watching your competitors.

Colliding with other people in Fall Guys is a one way ticket to the chopping block. Walking into a group of beans is like walking into a brick wall, and hitting them while airborne is bound to send you tumbling. In a recent interview with TheGamer, KittyPlays said that paying attention to your fellow competitors is one of the keys to a successful round. She said her best tip “would be to keep an eye on your fellow competitors. You never know when someone will get in your way or give you a little grab to throw you off your game.”

That’s really all it takes to send you spiraling into last place – a “little grab” from another bean. But by being aware of your surroundings and understanding what those around you are doing, you can keep your distance and stay out of harms way. Then, as the playing field starts to thin out, you can become a bit more aggressive with your strategy. This tip alone won’t get you a coveted crown, but it’s an important skill to master that will help you become a better player.

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If you’re looking to up your Hex-A-Gone skills, you might be interested in checking out this detailed strategy from Lunplayz. It’s not foolproof, but it’s better than most others you’ll see floating around the web.

As for her favorite map, KittyPlays loves Perfect Match. “It’s such an easy level, but also so funny to see people troll others and go to the wrong tiles in order to trip them up.” We’re curious to know if that’ll change once the revolving arm of doom is added to the mix.

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