The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

The Hunger Games: 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

In The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark were allies and later romantic partners. But they did some pretty awful things to each other.

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The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

Katniss and Peeta, the two tributes from District 12, come together based partly on the trauma they experienced from being in and surviving the Hunger Games. While both cared about one another before they were in the games, they weren’t close friends. True, they both respected each other, but they didn’t really know each other.

Peeta learned that Katniss was resilient, and Katniss learned that Peeta was incredibly kind. Overall, these Hunger Games characters helped each other, but there were times that they weren’t always as kind or patient. Here are the worst things they did to each other.

10 Katniss: Dismisses Peeta When He Confides in Her

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

When Katniss and Peeta talk before the games, Peeta is profound in what he says to her. He talks about how he doesn’t want them (the games and the Capitol) to change him: “I just don’t want to be another piece in their game.” He concludes that he wishes that he could do something to show them that they don’t own him, that he remains true to himself.

At this point, Peeta and Katniss both don’t know each other well, so it’s a profound thought to confide in someone who you are supposed to be fighting against. Katniss doesn’t quite get it yet, saying that she can’t afford to think that way. She’s only focused on surviving. Later, she sees the truth in his statement, but at this point, she dismisses him. It’s almost as if she thinks that these thoughts cause weakness.

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9 Peeta: Doesn’t Tell Her His Double-Agent Plan

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

Peeta decides to act as double agent in the first book and movie. This means that he looks like he’s teamed up with the Career tributes. They seek him out since he’s strong, and it’s a way to stay alive in the beginning. However, Peeta’s really teaming up with the enemy in order to protect Katniss. It could be that there wasn’t the time to tell her, but this led her to wonder if Peeta was who she knew him to be or if she would need to kill him.

8 Katniss: Being Cold With Him

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

Katniss is pretty distant, at least initially. Peeta has done what he can to protect her, and she has done what she can to protect him. She acts warm and loving, but that is only to gather audience support.

Outside of this, she’s cold and uncertain about him. Truthfully, she still has feelings for Gale. Katniss is distant with many people, and Peeta is willing to welcome her in, but she’s unsure about reciprocating.

7 Peeta: Doesn’t Always Consult Her About Their Story

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

Katniss and Peeta survive because they market themselves as young lovers to the audience. Peeta continues this marketing during interviews and the like. It’s actually clever of him since he’s better with PR than Katniss; he’s a natural in front of the camera. However, some of his additions or plans to their story catch her off guard, seeing as she’s not often consulted about them ahead of time.

6 Katniss: Pretends to Be in Love With Him

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

From the beginning, Peeta cares about Katniss. He easily falls in love with her. And Katniss? She cares about him, but she doesn’t love him. She acts for the camera. It isn’t until the second book and movie that Katniss actually begins to be in love with him. Others realize it around her before she does, or is willing to admit it. When she almost loses him in the new game, and Finnick rescues him, her utter relief at seeing him alive makes Finnick realize that her love for Peeta is no longer for show. But for much of the first and second books/movies, Katniss faked it.

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5 Peeta: Tries to Sacrifice Himself for Her

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

Peeta tells Katniss in the second book/movie that it doesn’t matter if he lives, that he doesn’t really have anyone to come back to, and that she’s more important than him. So, in the games, he often seems to try to sacrifice himself for her without consulting her.

Peeta may be trying to be selfless here, but he’s not involving Katniss in his decision, even if he thinks that he’s be doing what’s best for her.

4 Katniss: Doesn’t Tell Peeta of Her Final Plan

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

When Haymitch, Annie, Peeta, and others are with President Coin (of the 13th District), she proposes that they do a new set of games. This time, though, it would be children from the Capitol being made to fight to the death for entertainment. When they vote, Katniss votes yes, while Peeta votes no. In the book, he tells them, “This is why we rebelled! Remember?” What he doesn’t know is that this is a plan to throw President Coin off so that Katniss can act.

On the one hand, we can see why she wouldn’t inform Peeta of the plan in order to make his reaction more realistic. On the other, Katniss has been lied to and left out of many plans, so we’d think that she wouldn’t want to do that to one of her loved ones, especially since it never felt good when it was done to her.

3 Peeta: Chokes Her

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

When the good guys get Peeta back from the Capitol in a rescue attempt, Katniss rushes to see him. He’s depleted, thin and hurt. That alone is hard to see. However, Peeta has been programmed/conditioned to hate Katniss, to believe that it’s necessary to kill her. He chokes her, and if it weren’t for someone else knocking him out, he would’ve killed Katniss.

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2 Katniss: Goes Back and Forth Between Gale and Him

The Hunger Games 5 Worst Things Katniss Did to Peeta (& 5 Worst He Did to Her)

Katniss doesn’t seem to be able to make up her mind. She seems to first prefer Gale. Then she’s on equal footing with both. Then she swings to Peeta. And then back to Gale. This movie and book series keep the familiar love triangle alive and well, but this wasn’t the best treatment to either Gale and Peeta. Finally, it seemed that Peeta won by default ⁠— he wasn’t part of the plan that killed Prim, and he knew what it was like to be in the games.

In the book, Gale confides to Peeta that he wished he had volunteered as tribute to do the games with her instead. They go back and forth about who Katniss loves more. In the end, Gale says, “Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can’t survive without.” However, if she could’ve picked both, she might have.

1 Peeta: Blames Her for District 12’s Destruction

After they rescue Peeta from the Capitol, they realize that he has been programmed to hurt Katniss. Sending Prim in to learn more, Peeta yells accusations about Katniss. He blames her for his parents’ deaths, for the demise of District 12, and then he calls her a monster.

Peeta tells Prim that Katniss will destroy them all, and that she needs to be killed. While Peeta said all of this under the influence of the conditioning, the words are still painful, and they seem to hurt Katniss more than being choked. It could be because Katniss does blame herself, and Peeta is able to pick up on that, making her feel even worse than she already does.

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