Edge Of Eternity Beginners Tips

Edge Of Eternity: Beginners Tips

Revisit old memories or introduce yourself to classic JRPG gameplay with these beginner tips for Edge of Eternity!

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Edge Of Eternity Beginners Tips

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Seasoned RPG players will likely embrace the many familiar mechanics present in Edge of Eternity. After all, the game is a tribute to 90s-era JRPGs, such as the Playstation Classic-era Final Fantasy titles. Furthermore, Millennials and Gen X grew up with these games, and many of them got re-launched for Gen Z to experience.

However, none of these claims erase the fact that Edge of Eternity comes with a unique learning curve. First, it’s a game launched in a landscape that favors action-based RPGs in recent years. Additionally, the game takes liberties by adding new concepts rather than regurgitating standard features. This guide offers tips to help veterans and newcomers enjoy this game’s nuances.

Pay Attention To Your Environment To Survive

Edge Of Eternity Beginners Tips

While Edge of Eternity frames itself as an ode to turn-based JRPGs, one gameplay emphasis that stands out is the attention to environmental effects. The battle system not only works in turns dictated by an ATB gauge but also places characters on a grid, similar to many tactical, strategy RPGs.

Furthermore, battles take place in the open world of the game. In other words, you won’t see your characters whisked away to a generic battlefield designed to look like the environment. On the contrary, your party will station themselves wherever you engage your enemy. In turn, any nearby objects will become a part of play, whether they’re offensive weapons or status boosting landmarks.

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On top of all this, the time and weather of your surroundings will change as well. These changes can bring out new enemies and alter the effects of your elemental attacks. Much like real life, you’ll need to adapt.

Therefore, it’s imperative to pay attention to your surrounding environment in Edge of Eternity. While the environmental, spatial, and time mechanics may take some getting used to, mastering them is a huge asset. In short, this is because the malleability to work with your environment will help you dominate strong enemies and protect yourself when the odds are not in your favor.

One easy way to adjust your strategy regarding the weather is by changing your weapon’s crystal arrangement. Doing so can equip your character with new spells and skills or change their stats. The crystal system, while somewhat restrictive, offers plenty of creative opportunities for players to alter their approach for any situation.

Accept Hunting Board Jobs For Quick Money And Experience Boosts

Edge Of Eternity Beginners Tips

Many RPGs have side-quests, and Edge of Eternity is no exception. While the game has story-driven side quests triggered by engagement with NPCs, you’ll also run into a battle-driven mission post known as the Hunting Board.

Hunting board missions follow a reasonably straightforward trajectory. First, you’ll accept a mission to hunt a certain number of the same creature. Then, after doing so, you can report your mission completion at the hunting board to earn heyr, experience, and consumables. While you can earn these things through run-of-the-mill grinding, hunting board rewards are more substantial.

Another significant aspect of the hunting board is the incentive’s ability to teach you about the game’s catalog of enemies. Getting tasked to hunt a specific animal encourages players to learn these animals’ names, what they look like, and their vulnerabilities and immunities. Again, it’s a very tactile way to ingest the knowledge of the game’s bestiary.

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Hunting boards are so convenient. There are hunting boards near most inns, and they all accept mission reports even if you accepted the mission in a different region. Plus, even if you accepted a mission in one region, species killed in a different region will still count towards mission completion.

Therefore, as long as you continue to fight in battles, there’s a chance you’ll clear hunting board missions without even realizing it. So, truthfully, it pays to visit the hunting board frequently!

Check Out The Tactics Menu To Prepare For Battles

Edge Of Eternity Beginners Tips

Edge of Eternity has fairly robust tutorials. Furthermore, considering all the information the game needs you to know, it introduces new concepts at a very digestible pace. Still, while the tactics’ menu may feel less relevant to learn with a two-person party, it would have been nice to learn about it earlier in the campaign.

As you work through the game’s first chapter, you’ll realize that Daryon and Selene are two very different fighters. Daryon’s attacks are quick-acting physical attacks that deal immediate damage. Yet, while Selene can perform a basic physical attack, spell-casting from longer ranges is her bread and butter.

If we learned anything from Zandra’s tragic demise in the game’s prologue, it’s that mage characters need protection. Therefore, it’s natural to give Selene some distance from enemies at the start of a battle. However, repositioning Daryon and Selene at the beginning of battle wastes turns and makes them vulnerable to attack. So, what can you do to fix this issue?

Fortunately, you can use the tactics’ menu to decide where you position party members at the beginning of a match. Menu operation takes seconds. First, click on the party menu you wish to move. Then, you can place them in your preferred nexus. Now, don’t you wish you knew this sooner?

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Keep Track Of Campfires And Inns To Prevent Party Burnout

One of the cool things about Edge of Eternity compared to other RPGs is that HP and MP replenish between battles. This feature helps alleviate the tedious budgeting of skills in battle out of fear you’ll have no HP or MP left in a later encounter. However, that does not mean that using skills and attacks in the game is free.

Edge of Eternity introduces a unique concept known as Team Energy. In the lower-right corner of the screen, the game has a health bar that applies to your entire party. In turn, using skills and attacks depletes this gauge as you face off against opponents in battle. Furthermore, suffering KOs has a significantly detrimental impact on the team energy gauge.

While the team energy gauge is easy to ignore when starting the game, it becomes more important as you face off against more challenging enemies. Once your team’s energy drops below twenty-five percent, your characters’ stats and weapon stats will decrease. Luckily, you can recuperate your team’s energy by staying at campfires or inns.

Inns are significant points of interest in Edge of Eternity. Not only will they refuel your party, but they also give you a chance to watch specific scenes related to each of the story’s characters. Following these scenes gives more insight into your party’s inner lives and makes the main storyline easier to understand.

On top of all this, inns provide food bonuses that boost stats after staying at them. However, if you wait too long to visit an inn and allow your team energy to drop below twenty-five percent, these food bonuses will become smaller.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/edge-of-eternity-beginners-tips-tricks/

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