Marvel Is Setting Up A Bigger Avengers Movie Than Endgame

Marvel Is Setting Up A Bigger Avengers Movie Than Endgame

Loki’s first episode explained the origin of the multiverse and its consequences, and so the MCU could be setting up a bigger event than Endgame.

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Marvel Is Setting Up A Bigger Avengers Movie Than Endgame

The first episode of Loki included a quick yet very enlightening explanation of what the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s multiverse is really about, and taking all that into account, this universe could be setting up a bigger Avengers movie than Avengers: Endgame was. The MCU had been building its Infinity Saga since 2008, and it finally came to an end with Spider-Man: Far From Home following the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, which brought together all the heroes in the MCU to defeat Thanos and his armies. The MCU is now moving forward with its highly-anticipated Phase 4, which is covering both movies and TV shows.

Kicking off this new wave were WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and viewers are now reuniting with the God of Mischief in Loki. The series sees the title character being brought to the Time Variance Authority (TVA), an organization that oversees the timeline and which will take advantage of Loki’s skills to send him on a very important mission, all while he avoids being deleted, as this is not the original Loki but the one from 2012 who escaped with the Tesseract during the time heist in Avengers: Endgame. As such, Loki will deal with the concepts of time, time-travel, and the multiverse they create, and it already explained how that works.

Loki introduced the audience to Miss Minutes, the TVA’s mascot who was in charge of explaining Loki (and the audience) all about the TVA’s origins and how the multiverse is created along with the “madness” it can cause (thus directly teasing Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness). Now, with this information provided by Miss Minutes, the MCU might be setting up a bigger adventure than Avengers: Endgame, and could even be a lot more dangerous than Thanos and the snap.

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The MCU’s Original Multiverse Explained

Marvel Is Setting Up A Bigger Avengers Movie Than Endgame

The concept of the multiverse had already been introduced in the MCU but hadn’t really been explained, leaving it up for viewers’ interpretation. As such, it was believed that it involved not only the timeline branches left by the time heist in Avengers: Endgame but also the many realms and dimensions the MCU had already shown or teased, such as the Quantum Realm, the Mirror Dimension, and more. Luckily, Miss Minutes arrived to clear everything up and offer a quick history of the multiverse and the consequences of messing with what they call “the sacred timeline”. Many, many years ago, there was a multiversal war where each timeline fought for supremacy, which led the Time Keepers to appear and reorganize all those timelines into one: the sacred timeline. Now, when someone does something out of what’s planned for the timeline – which can be as seemingly insignificant as arriving late to work or as big as escaping with the Tesseract – a new branch is created, making way for a “Nexus event”. If this is not checked and controlled, it can create more and more branches, leading to madness and another potential multiversal war. To keep control of this, the TVA was created, and those who branch out (a.k.a. variants) are brought in and the timeline is reset.

Through this, the MCU explained why the time heist didn’t really mess with the timeline as originally thought as it was an event supposed to happen, but something like Loki’s escape wasn’t planned. With all this in mind, the upcoming multiverse of madness could have its origin in Loki or Spider-Man: No Way Home, thus setting up a much bigger event than Avengers: Endgame.

How A New Multiverse Can Be Created

Marvel Is Setting Up A Bigger Avengers Movie Than Endgame

What Miss Minutes calls “Nexus event” was already teased in WandaVision through one of its fake commercials, and so a new multiverse is on its way. The trick here is when exactly these branches or nexus events will take place and who will be the one responsible for them, thus making way for the “multiverse of madness” Doctor Strange will have to deal with soon. With the aforementioned tease in WandaVision, it could be possible that all that grief that led to the trapping of Westview was the trigger of a nexus and thus the multiverse has already begun, though why Wanda wasn’t brought to the TVA is a mystery – unless her Chaos Magic, just like in the comics, is coming from a powerful extradimensional being able to conceal her actions and thus the nexus from the TVA and the Time Keepers.

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On the other hand, Loki could also be responsible for the creation of a new multiverse. As mentioned above, the TVA will seize his abilities to get rid of another Loki variant that is creating chaos at different points in time, and while the TVA seems to be very careful with how it handles the timeline and its variants, this is the God of Mischief, his 2012 version, and even though he has already gotten a glimpse at how his life ends, he can’t be fully trusted. One of those trips through time and space, or even the mission itself, could go wrong and make way for a major nexus event that not even the TVA can control. On the other hand, there’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, which will bring back villains from the Sam Raimi and Marc Webb’s movies, as are Alfred Molina’s Doctor Octopus and Jamie Foxx’s Electro, which has made fans wonder if it will be the beginning of the multiverse (and they also hope previous versions of Peter Parker will appear, but that remains to be seen). What’s for sure is that a major nexus event is about to happen in the MCU and the TVA might not be able to control it this time, though when exactly it will happen and why is unknown for now.

MCU’s New Multiverse Could Start Another Multiversal War

Marvel Is Setting Up A Bigger Avengers Movie Than Endgame

With a new multiverse, not only would madness ensue but a new multiversal war could also take place. This new multiverse would have a variety of villains and strong personalities that would surely fight for supremacy, leading to a new war between timelines. There’s also the possibility of characters jumping from one timeline to the other, making the chaos even bigger and tangling the timelines more, making way for a major battle, bigger than that between the MCU’s heroes and Thanos and his armies.

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Theory: Avengers 5 Ends The New Multiverse War

Phase 4 doesn’t have a superhero team yet, like the Avengers, New Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy in the Infinity Saga, though there are a lot of potential teams that can join Phase 4 and beyond. If the team is still together by the end of its debut movie, the Eternals could be the first big team in the MCU’s new era, and there are also the potential arrivals of the female Avengers, the Dark Avengers, and of course, a brand new Avengers team. Following the line of the Infinity Saga, these teams could join forces to stop the multiverse war that WandaVision, Loki, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness built up, which would definitely be a much bigger event than Endgame, as this involves multiple timelines fighting for supremacy. What’s going to be interesting to see is how the Time Watchers will deal with this new war, as there will be various heroes and villains involved that won’t make this an easy battle, and the future of the TVA would also be at risk.

Miss Minutes’ short but very well explained video about the multiverse and the TVA reveals more than what it seems, and it could be the first hint at a much bigger setup in the MCU’s future – and even better, Loki could be the one who starts it all or the one who continues what Scarlet Witch unintentionally unleashed.

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