Mass Effect 3 All Consequences Of Mass Effect 2s Suicide Mission

Mass Effect 3: All Consequences Of Mass Effect 2’s Suicide Mission

At the end of Mass Effect 2, many of the characters can die in the Suicide Mission, which has various consequences in Mass Effect 3.

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Mass Effect 3 All Consequences Of Mass Effect 2s Suicide Mission

Mass Effect 2 has a rather climactic end in the form of the Suicide Mission. Depending on the preparations you made leading up to it, and the choices you make during the mission itself, many of the characters can die — including Commander Shepard. Additionally, you will be faced with a final choice that can affect the final ending of the triliogy.

The consequences of your actions in Mass Effect 2 will naturally echo in Mass Effect 3, with some characters only being available depending on whether they survived. If you were wondering what the consequences are of all the choices and events in the Suicide Mission, we’ve got them all listed here.

Consequences for Squadmates

Mass Effect 3 All Consequences Of Mass Effect 2s Suicide Mission


At least two squadmates need to survive the Suicide Mission in order for Shepard to survive. If Shepard does not survive, you cannot import your Mass Effect 2 save file into Mass Effect 3.


  • If he survives: Garrus will return as a squad member in Mass Effect 3 after you meet him on Menae and he can be romanced once again, but only if you romanced him in Mass Effect 2.
  • If he dies: Garrus’s name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy. If you had a romance with him, it will end.


  • If she survives: Depending on whether or not she was exiled, Tali will either be an admiral or supporting the quarians from the shadows. Tali will return as a squad member and can be romanced once more as long as she was romanced in Mass Effect 2. Tali is crucial in brokering peace between the geth and the quarians during Priority: Rannoch, providing that your Paragon/Renegade points are high enough. This means you can get two War Assets.
  • If she dies: Tali’s role is taken by Admiral Daro’Xen vas Moreh instead and Shepard is unable to broker peace between the quarians and the geth. Instead, Shepard must choose between the two races. Whichever race you do not choose will become extinct and you will only obtain one War Asset. If you had a romance with her, it will end.
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  • If he survives: Mordin will have a small role during Priority: Sur’Kesh.
  • If he dies: Mordin’s role will be fulfilled by another salarian. Mordin’s name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy.


  • If she survives: Jack appears in a small role in Mass Effect 3 during the Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation mission and later on in the Citadel. During the events at the Academy, everyone can survive if Jack is present. If you romanced her in Mass Effect 2, you can continue your romance in Mass Effect 3.
  • If she dies: Jack’s role in Mass Effect 3 will be taken by Jason Prangley. Without Jack, Prangeley will die during the events at the Academy. Jack’s name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy as “Jacqueline Nought”. If you had a romance with her, it will end.


  • If he survives: Thane will appear during the main storyline and will save the salarian councilor, though he will be wounded in the process. Having Thane alive helps in talking down Ashley/Kaidan during Priority: The Citadel II, ensuring that they survive and become a War Asset/squad member once more. You can continue a pseudo-romance with Thane if you romanced him in Mass Effect 2.
  • If he dies: If Thane did not survive, Captain Kirrahe will sacrifice himself to save the salarian councilor instead, which means you no longer have Captain Kirrahe as a War Asset. Additionally, it will be harder to talk down Ashley/Kaidan during Priority: The Citadel II, meaning they could die and you will lose a potential War Asset/squadmate. Thane’s name will appear on the Normandy’s memorial wall and if you had a romance with him, it will end.


  • If it survives: As long as Legion survived and was not sold to Cerberus, you can bring it along to the Admiralty board and they won’t react as badly. Legion is crucial in brokering peace between the geth and the quarians during Priority: Rannoch providing that your Paragon/Renegade points are high enough and you can get two War Assets. If Legion was sold to Cerberus, you will have to face it in battle during Mass Effect 3.
  • If it dies: Legion’s role will be replaced by a Geth VI, meaning you cannot bring peace between the geth and quarians and must instead choose between them. Whichever race you do not choose will become extinct and you will only get one War Asset as a result.
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  • If he survives: Grunt returns in a small role in the mission Attican Traverse: Krogan Team. If his loyalty mission was not complete, he will die during the events of Mass Effect 3.
  • If he dies: Grunt’s role in Mass Effect 3 is replaced by a Krogan called Urdnot Dagg and Grunt’s name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy.


  • If he survives: Jacob leaves Cerberus and reappears in a small role in Mass Effect 3 and is a potential War Asset providing you complete Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists.
  • If he dies: Dr. Webber will replace Jacob in the small role that he fulfills in Mass Effect 3. Jacob’s name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy.


  • If she survives: Miranda appears in a small role in Mass Effect 3 where she is attempting to find her sister. If Miranda also survives Priority: Horizon, she will become a War Asset. Miranda will die during Priority: Horizon if you did not do her loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2 or, regardless of loyalty completion, ended an already-existing romance with her in Mass Effect 3, or refused her access to the Alliance’s resources.
  • If she dies: Miranda’s name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy. If you had a romance with her, it will end.


  • If she survives: Samara will return in a small role in the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery mission, as well as appearing on the Citadel later. If you romanced her in Mass Effect 2, you can continue the pseudo-romance with her in Mass Effect 3.
  • If she dies: If Samara died in the Suicide Mission or because you chose to help Morinth instead, she will not appear in any form in Mass Effect 3. If you had a romance with her, it will end. Samara’s name will appear on the Normandy’s memorial wall.


  • If she survives: You will receive an email from Morinth and see emails of Morinth attempting to contact her sisters during the Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery mission. You will later have to defeat her when she becomes a banshee.
  • If she dies: If Morinth died in the Suicide Mission, she will not appear in Mass Effect 3 and if you had a romance with her, it will end.


  • If he survives: Zaeed appears in a small role for Citadel: Volus Ambassador mission. If you completed his loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2, and have high enough Renegade or Paragon points, you can obtain two War Assets during this mission. If not, you will have to choose between the two. If you obtained his loyalty, Zaeed will also become a War Asset. If you did not, he will die during this mission.
  • If he dies: During the Citadel: Volus Ambassador mission, a krogan and a human fulfill Zaeed’s role instead. Zaeed’s name does not appear on the Normandy memorial wall.
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  • If she survives: Kasumi appears in a small role for the Citadel: Hanar Diplomat mission. If you completed her loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2, she will also become a War Asset. She helps to resolve the mission without forcing you to choose between two outcomes, earning you two additional War Assets.
  • If she dies: Kasumi will not be present during the Citadel: Hanar Diplomat mission, meaning that you will have to decide between saving Bau or stopping the upload, resulting in you only getting one War Asset. Kasumi’s name will appear on the Normandy’s memorial wall.

Consequences for Crewmates

Mass Effect 3 All Consequences Of Mass Effect 2s Suicide Mission

If Dr. Chakwas, Gabby, and Ken survive the Suicide Mission then they will return as crewmates for Mass Effect 3. Any crewmates who die will have their name added to the Normandy’s memorial wall.

Kelly Chambers

  • If she survives: If you romanced Kelly in Mass Effect 2, you can meet her at the refugee camp on the Citadel in Mass Effect 3. If you convince her to change her appearance, this will ensure that she lives, allowing you to continue your romance.
  • If she dies: Kelly will not appear in Mass Effect 3 and if you had a romance with her, it will end. Kelly’s name will appear on the Normandy memorial wall.

The Collector Base

During the Suicide Mission, you will be faced with making the choice to save the Collector Base so that Cerberus can reap the technology from it, or to destroy it.

  • Collector Base Saved: You will obtain the Reaper’s Brain War Asset, which has a military strength of 110. If you save the base and do not obtain enough military strength by the end of Mass Effect 3, you will be forced to choose the “Destroy” choice.
  • Collector Base Destroyed: You will obtain the Reaper’s Heart War Asset, which has a military strength of 100. If you destroy the base and do not obtain enough military strength by the end of Mass Effect 3, you will be forced to choose the “Control” choice.

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