Pokemon Fan Creates Adorable Twist on Bulbasaur

Pokemon Fan Creates Adorable Twist on Bulbasaur

An illustrator creates a charming version of Bulbasaur, and shares the re-imagined starter art with members of the Pokemon community.

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Category : Pokemon

Pokemon Fan Creates Adorable Twist on Bulbasaur

A Reddit user posted an illustration inspired by Bulbasaur from Pokemon, making it even more adorable and captivating many fans. Although this art is not necessarily tied to the latest installment of the Pokemon franchise for Switch, New Pokemon Snap, it does have a summer vibe that makes it perfect for this time of the year.

With the recent release of New Pokemon Snap, many fans have turned their attention to the franchise. It has maintained its status as one of the most popular series in gaming given how often it releases new entries. This time, Namco released New Pokemon Snap for Nintendo Switch, and so far it has received fairly positive reviews. Furthermore, the game has made many fans feel nostalgic about the 1999 version for the Nintendo 64. Now that there is a new game for Nintendo Switch, there will probably be more fan art inspired by the Pokemon games.

Reddit user riacchie shared an illustration of Bulbasaur with a cute twist. Instead of being a Grass-type Pokemon like the original Bulbasaur, riacchie’s design is a see-through Bulbasaur filled with boba tea, which is why the artist decided to name it Boba-saur. The post features two images with different color schemes, the first one has the usual colors of Bulbasaur, while the second has light brown skin with darker brown spots to better fit its boba tea-filled bulb.

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Pokemon Fan Creates Adorable Twist on Bulbasaur

The artwork was posted to the Pokemon subreddit where it has earned over two thousand upvotes as of this writing. Most of the comments in this Bulbasaur fan art were positive, although some expressed concern for the fact that Boba-saur is drinking boba tea. Other users commented that the name Boba-saur actually made them think of Boba Fett from Star Wars, which made them feel confused as to why this Pokemon was not wearing a Mandalorian outfit.

One of the things that makes riacchie’s illustration work so well is how perfectly it works with the original Poison/Grass-type Pokemon. Bulbasaur are supposed to store energy in their bulbs, allowing them to withstand long periods of time without eating. It seems that by having boba tea stored in its bulb, Boba-saurs could probably have access to additional energy when needed. Hopefully, there will be more illustrations of Pokemons combined with food to complete a collection. In the meantime, Pokemon fans can enjoy the new Switch game.

Source: Reddit

See more : PokemonWe

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