Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

Austin Powers: Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

The following cameos from the trilogy’s conclusion – 2002’s Austin Power in Goldmember – still tickle fans to this day. We’re ranking the best!

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Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

With each passing installment in Mike Myers’ beloved spy spoof franchise came the demand for even more star power to support him and his shagadelic antics – even in short doses. The following cameos from the trilogy’s conclusion – 2002’s Austin Power in Goldmember – still tickle fans to this day.

Disqualified from contention: (1) characters with considerable screen time beyond what constitutes a cameo, and (2) minor characters who reprised their roles from previous films. No disrespect to Michael Caine, Will Ferrell, Rob Lowe, and Fred Savage.

10 John Travolta

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

His arrival signified the end of the film’s conflict. Isn’t that weird? After a Mission: Impossible-riffing, action-packed and celeb-filled hot open – the greatest trick Goldmember ever pulled was casting the Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction star as its titular villain in its bookend-promoted film-within-its-film.

Fans were also delighted to witness Travolta break out some off-brand, self-referentially poor dance moves before the camera pulled back to reveal Austin and co. were watching the theatrical rendition of their dealings with the real Goldmember. He Goldmember!

9 Quincy Jones

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Quincy Jones!”

The legend-status music producer/mogul may not have scored the actual film. However, within the fourth wall-shattering Austin Powers universe, anything is possible. Including the opportunity for Jones to lend an elaborate opening sequence some of his own personal touch. As his in-film hype-man would likely attest, no master debater could argue anyone other than the master of musical composition himself could give the movie its mojo, baby.

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8 Katie Couric

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

When called upon to make her big-screen debut, the respected TV news anchor and journalist did not hesitate. Couric rose to the challenge of playing the unibrow-clad corrections officer presiding over Frau Farbissina’s steamy visitation with Dr. Evil in a mid-act I scene.

As detailed in a televised behind-the-scenes interview with Mike Myers, Couric was determined to nail the one line he wrote for her to deliver. Despite doing so to satisfactory results, Couric still remains unrecognizable in her brief appearance. Thankfully, Netflix has those in need of a repeat viewing covered; fans who should not blink if they plan on confirming Couric’s presence.

7 The Osbournes

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

Before The Kardashians were on E!, The Osbournes on MTV reigned supreme. Playing into the values of their pop culturally-in-the-know targeted audience, Goldmember called upon the famed musician and his dysfunctional family to tongue-in-cheekily regurgitate an innuendo-reliant gag previously used in The Spy Who Shagged Me.

The humorously apt-to-cuss Osbourne’s returned in a sequence played over the end credits, still hellbent on stealing the spotlight each time they earned the chance.

6 Steven Spielberg

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

Not only did the director helm Austinpussy, the film-within-the-film; he also demonstrated some unexpected acrobatics by back-flipping his way off-set. Granted, a stunt man performed said departure for him (at least according to the closing credits). But what else makes Steven Spielberg’s cameo so bloody memorable?

Perhaps it is because his directing a biographical action film about the spy’s life is ridiculous enough to start making some sense when one mulls it over. Plus, which Oscar trophy was he rubbing in Powers’ face? Schindler’s List? Saving Private Ryan? Maybe the long-rumored Austin Powers 4 will provide an end to the debate; Roighhhhhhhhhht.

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5 Nathan Lane

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

The Tony-winning actor of Producers and Birdcage fame served as Foxy Cleopatra-by-proxy, pantomiming for Powers’ deep undercover lover while connected to her by the backside.

Initially unsure of just what in tarnation is unfolding, the flirty secret agent quickly buys into the ruse meant to keep Foxy (Beyonce) out of harm’s way full-throttle – making Lane’s brief-but-memorable contribution played to sexually-charged, PG-13 laughs impervious to the concerns of cable censors.

4 Tom Cruise

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

“Yeah, baby.” Full stop. Following the movie star’s skydive into a fast-moving car, then subsequent defeat over his adversaries – he reveals his in-character and real-life identity for all the world to see. Tom Cruise-as-Austin-Powers uttering one of the character’s running catch-phrases is a moment that can go toe-to-toe with any teaser in cinematic history, let alone the big-budgeted spoof genre.

Yet one can only wonder what an actual, feature-length Cruise-led Austin Powers – perhaps penned by Mission: Impossible point-man and noted Cruise whisperer, Christopher McQuarrie – could look like. Although Mike Myers would likely arrive to squash all such dreams in full Dr. Evil garb, exclaiming: “how about no?”

3 Britney Spears

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

At the pinnacle of her fame, Britney Spears and her posse popped up to West Side Story-square off against Austin Powers and his crew.

The result? Powers unmasked yet another global popstar as but a malevolently-programmed robot within a film’s opening moments (see: Elizabeth Hurley’s demise at the top of The Spy Who Shagged Me). Leave it to the following day’s headlines to sum it up as they expectedly would: Oops, he did it again baby!

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2 Danny Devito

Austin Powers Ranking The Top 10 Cameos In Goldmember

Danny Devito commanded audiences to look at him, that he was in fact Mini-Me. For over the course of Goldmember’s pre-credit first moments that have uncoincidentally appeared quite often on this ranking, he was just that.

Smoking a cigar while barking with his distinct drawl, Devito interpreted Mini-Me as an uncharacteristically communicative version of Dr. Evil’s otherwise-mute muse first popular by the late Verne Troyer. Rest assured, Devito’s unhinged, assault weapon-wielding and cheesing-hard portrayal of Mini-Me stands out as the most memorable guest among many invited to partake in Goldmember’s unparalleled opening sequence.

1 Robert Englund

Most known for playing the terror-inducing villain Freddy Krueger across several Nightmare on Elm Street films, the significance of Englund’s two-pronged cameo as a laughing janitor may have eluded young audiences. Joining the mob ridiculing an embarrassed, Daddy-issue-plagued Austin at his knighting ceremony was just the start. For by the time Englund showed to mock Powers yet again – this time in a flashback to “that day at The Academy!” – one can now easily connect the dots upon further review.

That like Krueger, Englund’s janitor character had the ability to incept himself into his target’s worst fears and most regrettable memories. Could the janitor actually be Krueger? A potential nod to Austin Powers brainchild Mike Myers sharing a name with a certain other iconic killer in horror cinema, perhaps. If so, allow each of the Powers Brothers’ gut reaction to Number 3 (Fred Savage)’s mole to suffice: “WHOA!”

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