Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Marvel: 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Here are 25 hilarious Marvel logic comics that don’t have to make sense to keep the fans hooked and excited for Infinity War!

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Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has some of the most intricately woven interconnected plots in any other comic-based film franchises out there. Saying that Marvel is good at fantasy storytelling is quite the understatement as they basically pioneered the superhero genre.

With that said, the MCU gave birth to some of the most iconic and memorable superheroes ever seen on the silver screen. They’ve also accurately portrayed some of the most intimidatingly notorious super villains and treacherous miscreants ever depicted in superhero movies. Of course, every good character deserves an equally great backstory and Marvel is no slouch when it comes to bringing their cast to life on the big screen. What makes MCU characters stand out from the rest is their colorful and often quirky personalities that never fail to bring a smile to the face of fans.

There’s a certain charm to the plot of MCU films which can instantaneously switch from a serious tone to a more lighthearted and quite hilarious scenario. Superhero films are always known for pushing the boundaries of reality where normal logic doesn’t always apply. This makes for some comical situations that are so fantastic and unconventional that fans can’t help but chuckle or just laugh out loud altogether.

While Marvel already defies logic with their superheroes, they take that notion even further by depicting their super-powered characters in absurdly sidesplitting ways that makes them appear even more endearing to the fans. Here are 25 hilarious Marvel logic comics that don’t have to make sense to keep the fans hooked in anticipation of the upcoming epic superhero mashup film Avengers: Infinity War.

25 The Misunderstood Avenger

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Hawkeye is the sharpshooting Avenger known for his ridiculously accurate archery skills. Despite that, not many give him enough credit for all his hard work, including a certain iron-clad superhero. What Black Widow doesn’t know is that normal logic and basic ethics don’t always apply to Tony Stark’s well-known humor. Sorry Black Widow, your advice is futile to Tony since it certainly goes against his nature.

Of course, Tony is just doing what he does best in this comic, which is being whimsical and sarcastic towards his teammates whenever he gets an opportunity to do so. Tony just made one of the most underrated Avenger feel even more under-appreciated and, on top of that, he certainly won’t feel guilty about it either.

Artwork by Lufuno

24 Wrong Team, Ant-Man

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Spider-Man and Ant-Man have a lot in common, as they both are based on creep-crawly creatures and they love throwing bad guys around, to name a few. With that said, it’s only fitting for both to belong in the same team, but Marvel had other ideas and placed them in opposing teams in Captain America: Civil War. While that might come off as unusual given their similarities, this comic just explained why that move was quite fitting on their part.

It seems like Spider-Man and Ant-Man are destined to be on opposing teams since Spidey is an arachnid after all. This also means that fellow arachnid Black Widow should be on Spidey’s team, so it’s no wonder Marvel decided to put them together. Hooray for convoluted logic and plot conundrums!

Artwork by Ahmad Safwan

23 No Shields Required

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

There’s a reason Captain America holds a prestigious team of superheroes such as The Avengers together without the need of any flying powers or even a sword. All Cap needs is his courageous heart, strong will and, of course, his trusty shield. Cap even defies logic by using a defensive tool as a weapon, but what if he could beat his enemies without even using anything at all?

Thanos is in for a long night against Cap and he definitely won’t like it.

Cap would definitely need his superhero strength and powerful shield in order to beat a foe as formidable and cunning as the notorious Thanos. However, Cap didn’t even needed to utilize his signature shield in this hilarious skit. It seems like all Cap needs is his clever wit and a whole lot of patience to beat Thanos, kudos Cap!

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Artwork by by Gino Descalzi

22 Spidey Isn’t Impressed

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Spider-Man is definitely one of the most iconic and popular superhero characters of all time. Ant-Man, on the other hand, has a set of skills that are just as impressive as Spidey’s but his name sort of undermines his true capabilities. Sure Ant-Man is a formidable addition to the team, but the insect that represents his superhero name isn’t nearly as impressive as Spider-Man’s.

With that said, Ant-Man certainly didn’t get to impress Spider-Man in this comical portrayal as Spidey basically left him hanging. What makes this even more funny is that Spidey completely disregarded Ant-Man’s capabilities and left without even giving him a chance to explain the rest of his powers. Of course, it doesn’t really help that Ant-Man represents a creature of such a minuscule stature anyway.

Artwork by Hallpen

21 Star Lord’s Groove

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

The Guardians Of The Galaxy might have the daunting responsibility of keeping the universe safe but it’s quite hard to take their leader Star Lord seriously. In the Marvel Universe, enemies don’t always have to be defeated in conventional ways since logic basically flies out the window, especially when it comes to heroes like Peter Quill. He is one of the few superheroes who can pride himself over being able to defeat a powerful enemy with a mere dance-off.

For heroes like Star Lord, dancing is the new way of fighting.

This skit takes that already hilarious notion to even more ridiculous proportions by depicting what Quill has in store for Thanos. After all, how can anyone not get distracted by Quill’s hilarious dancing? Star Lord better hope that Thanos has two left feet in their dance face-off, otherwise the universe is basically doomed.

Artwork by Dakun

20 Recipe For Disaster

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Hulk is one mean green monstrous machine that comes out to smash everything once Bruce Banner sets him loose. In the MCU films, a lot of things can easily trigger Hulk from within Bruce so he had to stay calm for everyone’s sake. Even heated debates and regular arguments are enough to set him off. The lives of The Avengers are at risk even during break time as long as Banner is around.

If that’s the case, then how would Bruce handle a potentially stressful and frustrating game such as Monopoly? This comic pretty much sums up how this scenario would play out which makes sense given Marvel’s portrayal of a more sensitive Dr. Banner. Fans know there’s going to be disastrous results if Tony Stark is the one pulling the strings on pranks.

Artwork by Stephanie Tatoiu

19 No Cats Allowed

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

There are many types of cats from the small domestic cats to the big feral cats from the wild and Black Panther is certainly considered as the latter. Unfortunately for the King of Wakanda, this comic suggests that Tony Stark couldn’t even tell the difference between the different types of felines. All Tony knows is that a cat has entered his house, his allergies are acting up and he does not like it one bit.

Both Vision and Black Panther’s expression and speechless depiction is enough to highlight this hilarious debacle. For Tony, it doesn’t matter if Black Panther was a small cat, big cat or even the king of a technologically-advanced civilization. If T’Challa’s superhero counterpart represented a cat, Tony isn’t having any of that.

Artwork by Hallpen

18 Classy Captain

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Captain America is so popular that even S.H.I.E.L.D agent Phil Coulson is a huge fan of him. However, this funny yet quite accurate skit suggests that if Deadpool becomes a big Cap fan himself, he might not like it when he sees Steve’s true nature. The Avenger leader has always been a shining example for the team given his virtuous traits, but Deadpool is basically the antithesis to Cap’s upstanding image.

Cap’s strict conduct and pragmatic ways often irk his fellow Avengers, even rubbing some of his teammates the wrong way. Steve’s uptight personality is something that Tony Stark knows too well, so it would be good for Deadpool to heed his advice. The only thing fans like Deadpool could get out of Cap is a furious incoming shield.

Artwork by Ahmad Safwan

17 No Free Hugs

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

When Spider-Man was re-introduced back into the MCU, he wasn’t just given a warm reception by the fans, he was also given a personal welcome by Tony Stark himself. Tony can have quite a flippant nature and poor Spidey is unfortunately on the receiving end of his jokes. One of Marvel’s memorable ways of showing this was when Tony seemingly hugged Spidey in Spider-Man: Homecoming, only to explain that he was only trying to open the door behind him instead.

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Nothing is as it seems in Marvel’s Universe, including the logic behind a simple hug.

How can one turn Tony’s ridiculous excuses for not hugging into something even more hysterical? This comedic piece does just that by showing all possible excuses that Tony can make just to explain to Spider-Man that he’s not the hugging type. Poor Spidey!

Artwork by ohohooooho

16 Technologically Impaired

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Despite coming from an advanced civilization in Asgard, Thor still finds the modern day technology of humans quite perplexing. It’s funny how Marvel depicted the God of Thunder as someone who’s struggling with such mundane dilemmas such as tasers or computers. This comic delves on the scene in The Avengers where Thor found out about Jane’s whereabouts. Defying the laws of physics are easier for Thor than deciphering human technology.

Thor commands thunder and flies without effort, yet he still thought the computer was some sort of magic lamp that contained Jane. For someone who travels across otherworldly dimensions through hi-tech worm holes, Thor’s ignorance about human technology sure is baffling in its own right. Technologically-superior places like Asgard apparently don’t utilize computers, not to Thor’s knowledge at least.

Artwork by carrinth

15 Avengers Assembled

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Marvel fans all know that The Avengers are individual superheroes united as one with a common goal which is to defeat evil. However, what if The Avengers team can be represented by just one character? A character that bears all of the superpowers of each individual and combining them into one powerhouse of a superhero?

Now that’s how to assemble a superhero dream team, literally!

While that might be a riveting thought, there’s just one problem that prevents them from accomplishing that feat, Thor’s hammer can only be lifted by someone who’s worthy. Fortunately, this hilarious depiction shows how to get around that dilemma by having Thor himself strapped onto Hulk’s enormous arms. This way, the rest of The Avengers can finally take a break while Hulk can smash to his heart’s content.

Artwork by Neodusk

14 Cap Is Clueless

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

No matter how hard Steve Rogers tries to adapt to the modern world, he just can’t seem to hide his outdated knowledge and ignorance to technology. Sure, Cap is still a Super Soldier but Marvel made sure that he remained clueless to the ever-changing world. However, we would be just as oblivious if we were frozen in time only to wake up decades later.

If this logic holds true, then it’s safe to say that this comedic scenario of Cap going to the ATM could be quite accurate regardless of how ridiculous it might seem. After all, Cap is certainly the type of person who could potentially disclose sensitive information only to ask afterwards if he did things the right way.

Artwork by Athew

13 Wrong Number

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Tony Stark is used to being adored by many, including his fellow Avengers team members. It’s only natural for Stark to assume that people want to see him and hang out with him since he is the Invincible Iron Man after all. Since that’s the case, then how would Tony react if he was called by Thor so that he could stay at his place to watch Sherlock?

The funny thing is that the actor who plays Tony also played Sherlock Holmes, but Thor is requesting for a Sherlock who’s is completely different from the one he played. Not only did Thor request to see someone other than Iron Man, he also wanted to bring Loki along to crash at Tony’s place. Given this comic’s crazy and hilarious scenario, it’s hard to discern which of them is the one who’s being rude.

Artwork by Getakichi

12 Thor’s Little Secret

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Fans might wonder why it’s necessary for Thor to have wings in his helmet, considering the fact that he doesn’t even need wings for him to take flight. That is exactly what this comic tried to explain in a hilarious, yet quite plausible scenario. As silly as the premise sounds, it’s actually quite ingenious and practical especially for a godly being such as Thor.

Who needs remote controlled helmets when wings never go out of style?

However, this logic only gets crazier if Loki is involved, since his helmet is anything but conventional. From the looks of Loki’s helmet, as well as its pointy edges and daunting appearance, it’s safe to say that its function is definitely something that fans wouldn’t want to know about.

Artwork by Lamech O’Brien

11 Not A Fan

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Anyone who has seen The Avengers and Captain America films know that agent Phil Coulson is often seen gawking over Cap. Of course, Steve Rogers is a decorated soldier and inspirational figure, so it’s only natural for Agent Coulson to think highly of him. If this is the case, then Coulson will certainly not get starstruck by any other Avenger including Tony Stark. Agent Coulson can instantly switch from cold to extremely enthusiastic whenever Cap is around.

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While this issue might not have bothered Tony in the duration of the film, he can finally release all of his pent up frustration in this chortle-worthy comic. Tony’s ego certainly took a blow in this one, after all, Coulson didn’t even bat an eyelid whenever the renowned Iron Man was around!

Artwork by Saylem

10 No Fly Zone

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

One of the most questionable aspects of Captain America’s iconic costume is that he actually had a pair of wings on his original helmet. First of all, wings don’t even sprout on heads, making Cap’s helmet seem a bit odd. Secondly, flight isn’t even on Cap’s list of superpowers, which makes the helmet wings a lot more off-putting.

Perhaps Cap was taking notes from Thor when he came up with his costume’s design.

Regardless, Cap managed to pull off this signature look, which is understandable since it’s only meant for aesthetic purposes. Unfortunately for Cap, he was unable to slip past Spidey’s criticisms in this funny portrayal which had him sweating buckets. Spidey was either being childishly curious or downright harsh, but that doesn’t change the fact that Cap was definitely being roasted!

Artwork by Ashley Malone

9 Low-key Insult

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Poor Loki has always been misunderstood by the citizens of Earth, the people of Asgard and pretty much the rest of the galaxy. However, it’s always a lot harder if family is involved in all the criticism and Loki’s family is of no exception to this. Odin has been exceptionally hard on Loki but this comic just took his stern attitude to hysterical proportions.

No wonder Loki had so much animosity towards his family.

If there’s anything worse for Loki than a father than can’t even remember his name, it’s a brother who constantly mispronounces his name. The funny thing is, this is exactly how Thor calls Loki in the movies and even does so consistently. With that said, it’s no surprise why Loki’s family had so much dysfunction.

Artwork by Popetti

8 Too Cool For Tech Tools

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Despite being an almighty being, Thor can still be quite an oaf who has the tendency of being insensitive just as much as he can be completely oblivious to technology. On top of all that, other characters have a hard time conversing with Thor since he tends to take things quite literally. The MCU films have frequently portrayed a clueless Thor and what better way to highlight this aspect of his personality than in a comic. Fans can only imagine how awkward Thor’s conversations with Jane must have been.

The logic behind Thor’s oblivious nature to modern technology doesn’t add up much given the technological prowess of his homeland Asgard. Poor Jane, she must have had plenty of eye-rolling moments with Thor. Perhaps that also explains why Jane was missing in the last Thor film.

Artwork by Dandeliar

7 Butterfingers

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

The Avengers are referred to as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as they ward off evil away from a planet that’s teeming with life. The Guardians Of The Galaxy, on the other hand, take on the role of civilian protectors on a much grander scale than The Avengers. Despite being called the Protectors of the Galaxy, they’re still comprised of a ragtag team who are sometimes a threat even to themselves.

With that said, it’s quite ironic if the ones who are supposed to protect the galaxy end up causing its demise instead, which is exactly what happened in this sidesplitting scenario. Given Star Lord’s rather clumsy nature, it’s quite plausible that he just might end up doing the villains a favor by accidentally triggering a catastrophe. Either way, the Guardians never fail in giving fans something worth laughing at with their silly antics!

Artwork by Terrorwatt

6 You Don’t Say

Marvel 25 Hilarious Logic Comics To Get Us Excited For Infinity War

Peter Quill’s biological father might be Ego, but Yondu was the one who came the closest to being considered as his dad. While it’s impossible for them to actually be related, this didn’t stop Rocket Raccoon from probing Quill in this hilarious skit. It’s hard to tell if Rocket was being serious in his question, but Quill’s reaction was priceless nonetheless.

Star Lord just might turn blue once he starts to actually feel Yondu’s absence.

However, there are already talking raccoons in Marvel’s colorful universe so Quill having a blue-colored father with a permanent Mohawk might not be so farfetched after all, right? Well, not exactly, all Quill needed to do to disprove this crazy argument was to just look at the mirror. Great job figuring this one out Star Lord!

Artwork by Nero

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