10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

10 Reboots Of Fan-Favorite Movies, Ranked (According To IMDb)

Reboots of classic fan-favorite films don’t always work out very well and often pale in comparison to the originals. Still, a few get it right.

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10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

Fans either rejoice at the news of a reboot film or cringe at the possibility of how it will turn out. Some cult classic films become a hit either during their debut or years later, but fans love the storyline, even if it’s resurrected for a remake. Production companies often hope to revive a popular story with new actors, a new look or even new villains. But it’s not always successful. For example, the reboot of Charlie’s Angels in 2019 only garnered a 4.8 rating on IMDb.

In fact, there have been countless memes made about The Fantastic 4 reboot in 2015 that ended in tragedy. Unfortunately, there are just not that many reboots that gain critical success, and many are better left in the shadow of the original.

10 Hellboy (2019): 5.2

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

It’s safe to say that the 2019 reboot of the film Hellboy didn’t so well amongst the fans of the original two films from 2004 and 2008. It teetered between being well made and falling short. The new film starred Stranger Things actor, David Harbour in the lead role. Many agreed that Harbour’s acting helped save the film, but that the dialogue was laughable at times, and not in a good way.

The film’s use of gore and violence received mixed reviews. Some critics felt it was outstanding and new and others, a little too over the top for comfort. Overall, the film did receive good reviews from fans of the original comics who were looking for a bit more gore and a story that stuck more to the source material.

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9 The Mummy (2017): 5.4

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

Many can agree that one of Brendan Fraser’s most recognized roles comes from The Mummy franchise of films, which started in 1999. Fraser played the leading role of Richard O’Connell, who joins a librarian and her brother to uncover the secret of Imhotep and accidentally awakens an ancient evil.

The films gained wide success amongst fans and at the box office. The storyline was later rebooted in 2017 under the same name, but with Tom Cruise in the leading role as Nick Morton. Sadly, the film bombed with audience members who felt it was poorly made and written and lacked in the CGI and effects department.

8 Child’s Play (2019): 5.8

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

Chucky’s back, but he’s not quite the same. In 2019, a reboot titled Child’s Play was created using the famous slasher horror character of Chucky – the creepy murderous doll that no one could find a way to kill permanently. The film was changed to be more relevant to the current time, compared to the 1988 version.

It centered around a family being terrorized by a high-tech doll called Buddi, who becomes self-aware and with a need to kill. The film received mixed reviews. Fans of the original films took a liking to the new version that played upon the fear of A.I. Many loved the new direction the film took, as well as the amping up of the stakes and emotion.

7 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014): 5.8

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

The original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films, both live-action and animated, had many sort-of wishing there were actually mutant turtles living underneath New York City. The story captured audiences’ hearts with the four turtles that are mutated by a green ooze, along with their master, Splinter. The characters were comical, wholesome, family-oriented and could do martial arts.

In 2014, the franchise was rebooted using the same characters. This time, the turtles are a bit more buff and muscular. The reboot gained some mixed reviews with overall low ratings. Audiences felt the film was simply okay, but lacked the backstory from the original films. Others loved the turtles’ new look, as well as the action and comedy.

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6 RoboCop (2014): 6.1

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

In 1987, RoboCop was a highly popular film and a box office success that criticized themes such as corruption, gentrification, privatization and capitalism, combined with the futuristic technology of robots. The storyline was set in a future Detroit, where crime is rampant and a murdered police officer is given a new life as RoboCop, a superhuman cyborg.

The 2014 reboot film followed the same type of storyline. Many were content with the new film’s use of action, style and references to modern times, while still holding true to the original film’s themes. Some felt the film lacked in the humor and satire of the original.

5 Tomb Raider (2018): 6.3

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

News of the Tomb Raider film getting a reboot caused some noise on social media. Angelina Jolie’s role as Lara Croft in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and the sequel became a part of pop culture, while the film was a box office success, right from its opening weekend.

The character and films were rebooted in 2018, but with Alicia Vikander in the lead role as Lara Croft. This time, the character was based more on the current video game version and many felt Vikander was a perfect fit. While the film received good reviews for its themes of female empowerment and more realistic character, some believed it fell short in its storyline and emotion.

4 Godzilla (2014): 6.4

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

Godzilla is inarguably one of the most famous fictional monsters to come out of Japan. Many reboots and adaptations have been created based on the original kaiju from 1954. The character became a pop culture icon around the world and spawned countless media franchises, toys and even a Guinness World record.

The first American reboot was in 1998. 2014’s Godzilla brought another. The film centered around a Navy bomb expert who is forced to go to Japan to help his father. The sea monster, Godzilla, awakens and wreaks havoc as he battles two parasitic monsters. The film was praised for its visuals, musical score, and respect for the original source material.

3 Ghostbusters (2016): 6.5

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

The all-female reboot of the famous cult classic film, Ghostbusters, was the talk of the town on social media. Ghostbusters became a hit sensation that Dan Aykroyd never imagined happening in 1984. Its grand success inspired a generation and created a multimedia sensation and franchise.

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In 2016, the film’s story was rebooted to include an all-female team. The announcement of the change didn’t go over too well with fans. It ended up being a box office bomb that caused plans for a sequel to vanish. Critics did have some good things to say, however, mentioning that the film did stand well on its own and had an impressive level of comedy and good fun.

2 Dredd (2012): 7.1

10 Reboots Of FanFavorite Movies Ranked (According To IMDb)

Judge Dredd is a character from a 1995 film of the same name that film buffs would remember. It starred Sylvester Stallone in the lead role. The science fiction film was based on the comic book character of a dedicated Street Judge who is framed for murder in a dystopian future. The film wasn’t a hit with critics, but is described as a guilty pleasure film for some.

The reboot, Dredd, got much higher ratings than the original and the storyline was changed from the 1995 version. Judge Dredd is still a dedicated Street Judge, but he and his partner are tasked with dealing with a high-rise riddled with crime and a drug lord. This film is filled with intense action, adrenaline and some gore.

1 Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011): 7.6

Rise of the Planet of the Apes became its own popular franchise after being rebooted from the original films. The original film was meant to act as an origin story of the 2011 film, but aren’t meant to be 100 percent similar. The 2011 film’s premise is based on the development of a special substance to help repair the brain and hopefully be a cure for Alzheimer’s.

The substance was exposed to a chimpanzee named Caesar while in the womb. Caesar develops superior intelligence and gives the same drug to a shelter of apes and then leads them in a revolt against humanity. Critics called the film spectacular, full of emotion, intrigue, and drama and a larger-than-life story. The film combined common fears of mistreatment of animals in a lab environment, combined with the belief in human superiority.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/reboots-fan-favorite-films-ranked-imdb/

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