10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

In Hollywood, image is everything. As an aging star you can either grow old with grace or take alternative measures.

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10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

In this modern era of social media and 24-hour news, image is everything and nowhere is that truer than in the world of Hollywood.

For some actors and actresses, the need to stay looking as a fresh-faced and youthful as humanely possible is paramount and something worth shelling out exorbitant sums on, via any number of weird and wonderful surgical procedures. To these stars, splashing out on plastic surgery could be the difference between landing that much-sought after role in the next big blockbuster and a straight-to-video monster movie.

Not everyone agrees, though. To some, the need to stay as natural looking as possible is far more important. Age equals wisdom to these stars. Thus they would rather sport every imperfection as a part of their on-screen personality than present an artificial version of themselves. These two contrasting views have coexisted in Hollywood for some time now, with plenty of actors and actresses familiar to millions falling into one of these two distinct groups.

Some wear their rejection of plastic surgery as a badge of honour, others do the exact opposite, and then there are those who have clearly had plastic surgery, whether they care to admit it or not.

Here are the 10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did).

20 Never Has: Michelle Pfeiffer

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Having established herself as one of the most attractive women alive with her starring role as Catwoman in Tim Burton’s Batman Returns, you would be forgiven for thinking that Michelle Pfeiffer, like her on-screen character, had nine lives.

After all, what else is there to explain Pfeiffer’s eternal good looks, which defy the fact she is edging ever closer to her 60s and what ranks as retirement age for most of us?

The answer, it turns out, is nothing artificial; just a strict diet and fitness regime combined with an acceptance that all of us grow old, whether we like it or not. “I certainly see that I’ve changed. I just try not to dwell on it,” Pfeiffer told People a few years back. “Aging happens to every single one of us. Once you accept that it unburdens you.”

19 Clearly Has: Burt Reynolds

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

There was a time when Burt Reynolds was one of the biggest and best-looking stars in Hollywood. The 1970s was a particularly prolific time for the Michigan-born leading man, who starred in classics like Deliverance, The Longest Yard, and Smokey and the Bandit.

Though the decades that followed were less kind to Reynolds on the acting front, he continued to work steadily and, by 1997, was back with a bang thanks to a stand-out performance in Paul Thomas Anderson’s Boogie Nights.

Reynolds largely retained his good looks too, though as time as worn on, it’s become increasingly apparent that all was not as it seems. “I inherited my smooth skin from my father,” Reynolds once told OK! Magazine but few are convinced.

Though he has admitted to having work done on his eyes for medical reasons, some suspect that Reynolds may have also had a face-lift as well as regular Botox injections. He denies all though.

18 Never Has: Brad Pitt

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Brad Pitt has long been the subject of intense scrutiny online over his looks with several outlandish rumours surfacing in recent years.

In Touch ran a report claiming that the Fight Club star decided to move on after his divorce from Angelina Jolie in a most unusual way: by apparently having extensive plastic surgery to improve his looks and gain a confidence boost ahead of life as a newly-single man. It’s not exactly the most convincing of tabloid tales, despite claims of insider knowledge.

Pitt, for his part, has always insisted his good looks are purely down to genetics and good living, rather than anything cosmetic. “I’m one of those people you hate because of genetics,”once claimed. “It is the truth … One thing sucks, your face kind of goes. Your body’s not quite working the same. But you earned it. You earned that— things falling apart.”

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17 Clearly Has: Melanie Griffith

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

The world fell in love with Melanie Griffith in 1988’s Working Girl, a role that also earned her Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations. With the world at her feet, Griffith seemingly squandered her talent on notable flops like The Bonfire of the Vanities and Shinning Through – the latter earned her a Razzie nomination.

Griffith has put in some fine performances since, of course – 1995’S Buffalo Girls is well worth watching – but as time has gone on she has become more famous – or infamous – for her surgically-enhanced looks.

Speaking to Porter in 2017, Griffith blamed a series of procedures she had done two decades previously for her strange looks, which were not initially apparent to her. “I was so hurt,” she said. “I went to a different doctor, and he started dissolving all of this s**t that this other woman doctor had put in.”

16 Never Has: Kate Winslet

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Having announced herself as a fully-fledged A-lister back in 1997 alongside Leonardo DiCaprio on James Cameron’s Titanic, Kate Winslet has done a damn fine job of staying at the top and maintaining her killer curves and striking looks along the way.

Given her leading lady status, Winslet would be forgiven for indulging in a little nip and tuck here or there, but the actress has always insisted on growing old gracefully – and has some entirely valid reasons too.

“It goes against my morals, the way that my parents brought me up, and what I consider to be natural beauty,” she told The Telegraph “I will never give in … I want to be able to really show the expressions on my face.” Now into her 40s, Winslet’s star status and eye-catching beauty doesn’t look like dimming any time soon.

15 Clearly Has: Mickey Rourke

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Once a Hollywood heartthrob tipped for big things, Mickey Rourke now represents a symbol of the dangers of having too much success too soon in the movie industry.

Similarly, his face stands as an example of the dangers of too much plastic surgery, though Rourke does have more mitigating circumstances than most: a brief career as a boxer meant he required a considerable amount of reconstructive work.

Even so, the Angel Heart star is the first to admit his mistakes in that particular department. “I went to the wrong guy to put my face back together,” he told MailOnline. “I had my nose broken twice. I had five operations on my nose and one on a smashed cheekbone.”

Though he’s had surgeries since to correct some of these issues, Rourke’s chequered past with plastic surgery is all to evident.

14 Never Has: Val Kilmer

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Val Kilmer spent close to two decades delivering memorable performances alongside tales of difficult behaviour on set before time took its toll on his once-boyish good looks. No longer among Hollywood’s go-to leading men, Kilmer’s star has faltered slightly in the years since, but he has remained steadfast in his refusal to go under the knife.

Still most definitely “a looker,” Kilmer is aging like a fine wine, despite speculation he has suffered serious ill health in recent years.

Kilmer may have kept a lid on these issues but the rumours suggest the Top Gun actor previously battled throat cancer and may have even had a tracheotomy – a surgical procedure where an opening is created in the anterior wall of the trachea to help with breathing.

Kilmer continues to rebuff these suggestions though, assisting he underwent surgery for another, unspecified health issue. Either way, he’s growing old gracefully all things considered.

13 Clearly Has: Meg Ryan

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Meg Ryan has come a long way since When Harry Met Sally but there are probably plenty of fans out there who wish they could have the old Meg Ryan back.

A fine actress and star of some of a string of hits in ’90s and early 2000s, Ryan has pretty much gone off the radar in recent years. Since 2009, she’s appeared in just two films one of which – 2015’s Ithaca – she directed herself.

Could this downturn have anything to do with her face? Though Ryan has always refused to confirm going under the knife, her puffed-up appearance and strikingly different facial features tell another story. If Ryan has undergone plastic surgery then it seems apparent that multiple procedures have taken place. Ryan remains silent on the subject, though.

12 Never Has: Julia Roberts

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

It’s hard to believe that Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts’ signature hit movie, is well over 25 years old considering the fact its star still looks as youthful as ever.

Evidently a fitness fanatic who watches what she eats and takes all-round care of herself, Roberts has emerged as something of a bastion of the anti-surgery brigade in recent years. During an interview with You Magazine, organised to promote her role as beauty ambassador for the brand Lancome, Roberts revealed her stance when it came to plastic surgery.

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“By Hollywood standards, I guess I’ve already taken a big risk in not having had a facelift,” she said. “But I’ve told Lancome that I want to be an aging model – so they have to keep me for at least five more years until I’m over 50.” It might have seemed like a risk at the time but, judging from her looks right now, it’s one that has totally paid off.

11 Clearly Has: Sylvester Stallone

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Sylvester Stallone has made no secret of the fact he has undergone plastic surgery, though he has more of a valid reason than most.

When Sly was born he was taken from his mother’s womb using forceps. Unfortunately, the procedure ended up destroying some of the nerves in the left side of Stallone’s face, resulting in his crooked mouth and signature drawl.

By the time Rocky rolled around, Stallone realised that his face was beginning to sag on that side so decided to have it surgically lifted. Whether that is the extent of Stallone’s surgical history is unclear, though The Expendables star sees no issue with going under the knife.

“Sure. Why not do it?” he responded once when asked his opinion on plastic surgery. “You have body work done on your car.”

10 Never Has: Kevin Costner

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

There was a time in the early 90s when Kevin Costner ruled at the box office, with movies like Dances with Wolves, Prince of Thieves and The Bodyguard showcasing the actor and director’s impressive range.

Then The Postman, Costner’s post-apocalyptic tale about mail delivery, arrived and overnight Costner went from hero to zero. Now better known as a character actor and the occasional star of enjoyable B-movie action fluff, Costner has at least retained his good looks– all while staying completely natural too.

“I am never going for a hairpiece, dye, or nips and tucks. You will always have to take me as you find me,” Costner told Celeb Now in 2006. Though the rumours persist, Costner pays little to no attention to them. Maybe the public should too.

9 Clearly Has: Demi Moore

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Once a part of the Brat Pack made famous by a string of memorable movies in the late 80s, Demi Moore seemed to have parlayed that early success into a fully-fledged career with hits like Ghost.

However, the ’90s was a difficult time for Moore and she opted to take a career break as the decade continued, eventually resurfacing for 2003’s Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle.

The film, which saw Moore’ villainous character introduced emerging from the sea in a skimpy bikini, prompted speculation the actress had undergone significant cosmetic surgery. Breast implants, collagen injections, and liposuction were just a few of the procedures Moore was alleged to have undergone.

However, the actress denied any suggestion she ever went under the knife during an interview with the French edition of Marie Claire magazine. Few are convinced though, given her dramatic transformation.

8 Never Has: Salma Hayek

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Though it might sound hard to believe, Salma Hayek is now into her 50s. What makes that news all the more remarkable is that, during that time Hayek has never gone under the knife. In fact, Hayek is staunchly against the idea of plastic surgery, describing the results of these types of procedures as “not beautiful.”

“I believe that every woman is entitled to fight to preserve her youth,” she told Allure. “It’s like the uniform of a generation … And it’s not necessarily beautiful. It’s not wrinkled-looking, but it’s not beautiful.”

Instead, Hayek relies on a stringent regime of exercise, beauty therapy and a healthy, balanced diet. Whatever it is, it seems to be working wonders with the actress looking just as a fresh as she did all those years ago alongside Antonio Banderas in Desperado.

7 Clearly Has: Patrick Dempsey

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Though it may pain Grey’s Anatomy fans to know, the reality is that Derek ‘McDreamy’ Shepherd wasn’t always that dreamy. The Maine-born actor is alleged to have undergone rhinoplasty surgery (a nose job) to reconstruct his nose and help add the cherry on top to his signature good looks.

Noticeably thinner at the tip and bridge in recent photos compared with older images, Dempsey has never clarified for certain whether or not he has gone under the knife and is unlikely to anytime soon.

Around the time Renee Zellweger faced increased scrutiny over her noticeably different appearance, Dempsey came out in support of his Bridget Jones’s Baby co-star and her right to privacy telling The Hollywood Reporter “She [Zellweger] should not have to face such scrutiny.” Well, this just got awkward.

6 Never Has: Javier Bardem

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Javier Bardem is just one of those guys. You know, the kind that ages like a fine wine, much to the chagrin of all those around them.

Being Bardem’s best friend sounds like a thankless task; constantly living in the shadow of someone who gets better and better looking with age while you grow old and grey. It’s probably the exact same scenario if you are one of Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s pals, for that matter.

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Still, while unsubstantiated rumours of nose jobs and other possible procedures persist, Bardem is undoubtedly all natural – there’s no amount of money on Earth that could create all those perfectly positioned wrinkles.

Like Brad Pitt, Bardem is evidently just one of those people born with good genetics – which probably goes some way to explaining why he’s a huge movie star too.

5 Clearly Has: Jennifer Aniston

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Friends mega-star Jennifer Aniston has made no secret of the fact she has gone under the knife. Prior to hitting it big on the smash hit sitcom, Aniston underwent the first of two nose jobs to entirely transform her face from the one that featured in the low-budget horror hit Leprechaun.

She then had a second nose job in 2008, in the wake of her divorce from Brad Pitt. That may not be the end of it though – Aniston is alleged to have undergone several more unconfirmed procedures to alter her appearance and maintain her youthful, eye-catching looks.

Regardless of whether or not Aniston has indeed gone under the knife on several more occasions, the reality is that it seems to be working: Aniston is as beautiful as ever.

4 Never Has: Halle Berry

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Another ageless Hollywood star, Halle Berry looks as youthful today as she did all those years ago alongside Eddie Murphy in Boomerang.

While Catwoman may rank among the worst comic book movies of all time, the film’s anti-cosmetic beauty message appears to resonate with Berry’s own beliefs. The actress is another staunch anti-plastic surgery star, viewing these types of procedures as unnecessary and part of an alarming trend in the industry.

“You have this plastic, very much copycat sort of face that’s evolving, and that’s very frightening to me,” she told MSN. “It’s really insane, and I feel sad that that’s what society is doing to women.”

Still the only black woman to have won a Best Actress Academy Award, the truth is that Berry would rather be known for her achievements on the screen than her good looks. Luckily she’ll be remembered for both.

3 Clearly Has: John Travolta

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

John Travolta has never been the most forward when it comes to his private life. Whether it’s his links to Scientology, his marriage or his hairline, Travolta has never been one for opening up and revealing all to the media.

Which is probably why he’s never spoken about his history with plastic surgery which, if pictures are to be believed, is pretty extensive. Among the procedures Travolta is alleged to have had are fact lifts, hair transplants and Botox injections.

Evidently eager to maintain the good looks he boasted in films like Grease and Saturday Night Fever, Travolta has undergone quite the transformation in recent years. While they might have left him feeling like his younger self again, the pictures suggest otherwise. Danny Zuko he most definitely is not.

2 Never Has: Russell Crowe

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

Russell Crowe is a busy man. So busy, in fact, it seems highly unlikely that he would even have the time, let alone the inclination, to undergo plastic surgery.

Not content with starring in a string of hugely successful movies and even moving into work as a director, Crowe also plays as part of his own band and co-owns the Australian National Rugby League team the South Sydney Rabbitohs.

Also known to enjoy a drink now and then, Crowe has cultivated an image as a man’s man – something that going under the knife would completely undermine.

More importantly, Crowe regularly struggles with his fluctuating weight and is not known for his careful, calorie controlled diet – and his fans love him all the more for it. There’s not a chance in hell of Crowe getting a facelift, nose job or Botox blast.

1 Clearly Has: Jane Fonda

10 Actors Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (And 10 Who Clearly Did)

It’s remarkable to think that Jane Fonda has been making movies for over five decades. It’s even more remarkable that, despite her advancing years, she remains as spritely and alluring as ever..

The Oscar-winner has made no bones about the secret behind her on-screen longevity: plastic surgery. “I wish I were brave enough to not do plastic surgery but I think I bought myself a decade,” she told The Guardian in 2015.

Fonda certainly appears to be fighting fit, having earned acclaim on the hit Netflix series Grace and Frankie. And while the effects of the surgery are clear for all to see, few would disagree with the fact it’s clearly worked: Fonda is close to 80 years old yet could easily pass for someone 20 years younger.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment section.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/actors-did-didnt-have-plastic-surgery/

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