10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

Sometimes we just want some peace and quiet.

You Are Reading :10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

The trope of the silent protagonist may seem like a shortcut for the scriptwriter, but the silent hero is what makes so many games, particularly of the older generation, so personal and beloved.

Maybe it’s that we see ourselves in them, or maybe its that their actions speak much louder than words ever could. The hero with no dialogue, much like the traveler with no name, allows you to create your own character. To write the story, backstory, and personality of the protagonist as you see fit. These are some of the most iconic and well known characters in gaming, and they haven’t needed to speak a single word to get there.

10 The Hero – Dragon Warrior/ Dragon Quest

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

One of the earliest and well known examples of the silent protagonist, the first Dragon Quest provided you with a character that had a lot to live up to. In controlling the Hero, you could vicariously live out the adventure of the descendent of the noble legend Erdrick and save the world.

As simple as and straightforward as it is, Dragon Quest was the archetype of many great RPGs that followed. Giving you control of a blank slate hero with a heritage to live up to helped you immerse yourself in the story, and have the sense of duty to bring light back to the world all without saying a word.

9 The Prince – Prince Of Persia

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

A game like Prince of Persia stands as a perfect framework for anyone looking to make a great game without any dialogue. Jordan Mechner’s classic masterpiece succeeds with its lack of dialogue because the story is told perfectly through the gameplay.

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Without the need of any explanation, you play as the Prince in a game that feels like all the best parts of the swashbuckling films of the 40s and 50s. The Prince remains an icon etched in the stone tablets of gaming history for overcoming the odds despite the lack of size and strength of traditional protagonists.

8 Red – Pokemon

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

The classic lead character of the Pokemon series, Red, as fans have come to call him or her, merely acts as a placeholder and a conduit for you to personally feel like the Pokemon master. Red is the character we journey through tall grass, the indigo plateau, and all the way through the elite four with. Being able to do so without a complex pre-written character, makes the adventure feel like yours and yours alone.

Red is a perfect example of providing players with an avatar that perfectly encapsulates them and their adventure in the game. There is no backstory, no deep relationships or ties, just a silent character to help you feel immersed in the world.

7 The Person At The Computer – Her Story

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

It’s hard to talk about Her Story without giving too much away, but it’s enough to say that the game is improved by the silence and ambiguity of the player character. Her Story’s protagonist is a large part of what gives the game such a strong sense of mystery, that keeps you on the edge of your seat and taking frantic and detailed notes.

The person at the computer may not be the first thing that springs to mind when talking about Her Story, but without them the game would lack the same overall impact and emotional weight.

6 The Knight – Hollow Knight

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

In a game as stylish and atmospheric as Hollow Knight, the thought of a fast talking protagonist just wouldn’t sit right. The Knight himself contributes to the overall unfamiliar, somber, and dark atmosphere.

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As a quiet wanderer, the Knight stands out as the hero whose actions speak for him. Complete with a design that stands out for its simplicity, and breaking free from the tropes of space hunters and vampires, The Knight makes an unmistakable impression above many other indie developed metroidvanias.

5 Kirby – Kirby Series

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

Another character with a distinctly simplistic design, Kirby may be predominantly mute, but makes up for it with personality in every sword slash, boomerang toss, and parasol swipe. In a series known for embracing approachability, Masahiro Sakurai’s character is almost as hard to forget as he is easy to draw.

Despite his lack of language skills, fans find Kirby memorable for having all the lovable, huggable cuteness of a stuffed animal and all the fighting ability and intensity of a Super Saiyan. Sure, he says “poyo” every now and again, but he’s hardly chatty beyond that.

4 The Penitent One – Blasphemous

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

In a game as dark and ominous as Blasphemous, it’s understandable that the Penitent One would travel in such a solemn manner. The horrifying creatures and bleak scenery, along with the stomach-turning monsters are enough to scar and harden the heart of anyone who has to face them alone.

Similar to the Doom Slayer, The Penitent One has seen more hellish fiends and putrid nightmares than most people. Their silent demeanor toward it all is what adds to the games’ atmosphere of dread and uncertainty, a warped and twisted trainwreck you can’t look away from.

3 Simon Belmont – Castlevania

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

Some heroes seem to stay quiet due to the limitations of the hardware a game is on. This may be the case with Simon Belmont, or it may be the case that the Vampire killer knows he has a job to do, one that comes with no rewards, and he’s going to get it done without messing around.

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As we learn throughout the games, and in the Castlevania animated series, being a part of the Belmont clan can be a lonely and thankless job. It’s best to simply march on and slay the Lord of Darkness rather than try your hand at talking to people who probably hate you, or who could just be monsters in disguise.

2 Link – The Legend Of Zelda

10 Best Silent Protagonists In Gaming

Perhaps the most well known and recognized video game hero of all time, Link is the hero of time both in the context of the games and with each new year and new release. Link may appear harmless and small, but he manages to win the day and the hearts of fans by facing the danger head on with a humble and quiet strength.

The hero of Hyrule wastes no time with lengthy dialogue, which is good, because the Zelda games shine when you simply get to explore. Link may be a man of few words, but he still has a place in the hearts of gamers for his iconic look, his epic adventures, and the epic way he does it all.

1 Crono – Chrono Trigger

It’s almost poetic, the way that one character from a game about time travel has won the hearts of gamers in multiple generations. Designed by the legendary Akira Toriyama, Crono had a unique and a distinct look that helped him stand out from other RPG protagonists.

Of course, his wordless ways may have put Crono into as many difficult situations as it got him out of, but what made Crono stay in the hearts of player was how vital he felt to the party. From the beginning, we see what he is capable of and what he’s willing to do for others. Simply put, and spoiler free, Crono was willing to fight for his friends, and that in turn made us willing to fight for him.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/best-silent-protagonists-gaming/

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