10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends, Ranked

Galio’s Hero’s Entrance with Camille’s Hextech Ultimatum makes for a deadly ultimate combo in League of Legends, and there are many more great ones.

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10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

Without a doubt, League of Legends is a titan in the gaming world. It boasts a massive player-base and an ever-growing roster of unique champions to play. When it comes to these champions, some work super well with others. Specifically looking at the synergies of their most powerful abilities, their ultimates, one thing’s for sure: No matter how simple or difficult performing a combo might be, achieving it looks good and feels great.

With so many matches riding on a single teamfight in the late-game, a successful ultimate combo can spell victory for you and your allies. With that said, let’s look at some of the best combos that can seal that win.

10 The Ultimate Lockdown With Camille And Galio

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

No back-liner is safe from Camille’s Hextech Ultimatum, as the only escape from this cage is death (or somehow knocking Camille out of it). This, coupled with Hero’s Entrance (the ultimate of the often-underrated Galio), is guaranteed to set up a kill on a priority target such as the enemy ADC or mid-laner.

The only way this combo can fail is if Camille gets taken out of her own ultimate (by a Lee Sin’s Dragon’s Rage, for example) or dies, thereby allowing her target to escape Galio’s Hero’s Entrance. The major downside is its specific targetting.

9 Build A Stun Wall With Qiyana And Taliyah

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

Qiyana’s ultimate—Supreme Display of Talent—truly shines in close corridors with plenty of tightly packed walls. If you’re playing this champion, you typically want to pick a teamfight in the jungle to get maximum stun and damage value.

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Though a relatively underplayed champion, Taliyah is an excellent option to synergize with Supreme Display of Talent. Her Weaver’s Wall not only brings a massive wall into the lane for Qiyana, but it can connect certain jungle terrains, thus spreading Qiyana’s ultimate even further. This increases its map coverage and limits the enemy’s odds of escaping. The biggest drawback here is simply the fact that Taliyah’s wall is easy to avoid (or just blink over).

8 Line Them Up With Seraphine And Yone

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

Seraphine’s ultimate, Encore (largely accepted as an upgraded Sona ultimate), is a linear ability, traveling in a single line with a decent width. It continues traveling past its initial trajectory with every enemy champion hit, healing allies and charming and slowing foes.

Other linear ultimates, like Rumble’s or Vel’koz’s, can easily synergize with Seraphine’s, but they differ from Yone’s Fate Sealed in that they don’t provide any extra hard crowd control. Fate Sealed adds another layer of immobilization. Yuumi’s ultimate is a decent alternative to Seraphine’s too, the main differences being its increased width (making it harder to line up with Yone’s) and delayed crowd control effect.

7 Fiddlesticks And Nocturne: Afraid Of The Dark?

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

With Fiddlestick able to fear any enemy the first time he damages them while unseen, a champion who shuts the lights off synergizes well with him. Imagine you and your teammates have the entire jungle warded. Every bush and blind spot is visible. There’s no way the enemy Fiddlesticks can get his fear off on you now that you have vision on him. Suddenly, the Nocturne ults, his Paranoia blinding you all and leaving you susceptible to the dreaded five-champion Fiddlesticks fear from his Crowstorm.

The only real con to this combo is having two junglers on one team, though you could always take either of these champions into a solo lane.

6 Kalista And Amumu: Toss A Mummy

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

Amumu’s ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, is not a true engage in itself, as it doesn’t take you into the enemy team. That’s what the champion’s Bandage Toss or flash is for. What if you didn’t need to rely on a single-target skill-shot, though?

Enter underrated ADC Kalista and her ultimate, Fate’s Call, which allows you to throw yourself at the enemy team. Fate’s Call pairs well with any front-liner, as it gives them an easy way to get on top of the enemy team while also allowing them to keep their own gap-closing tools for when they run away. Amumu, having one of the most powerful ultimates in the game, is an excellent choice. The downside here is that usually your teammate playing Amumu will be jungle, not support (though support is viable); lessening the threat of a Kalista ultimate during laning phase and forcing Kalista to stick with her jungler instead of her support.

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5 Ryze And Nunu: Snowbomb Delivery

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

This ultimate combo would make Ziggs blush, as it’s effectively a better bomb delivery than he could pull off. Ryze’s ultimate, Realm Warp, is a simple teleport that can bring Nunu’s crowd-controlling, game-carrying, massive area-of-effect ultimate, Absolute Zero, to the entire enemy team.

The execution is simple: Drop the Ryze teleportation circle, begin channeling Nunu’s ultimate, then watch the snowy explosion. Though it’s perfectly feasible for the enemy team to tuck tail and run from Ryze’s easily-telegraphed ultimate, they will often eagerly await its arrival and stick around to try and time their own abilities to kill the incoming champions. Not against this combo, they won’t.

4 The Demacian Rumble With Gnar And Jarvan IV

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

Gnar’s ultimate is Gnar! It’s like Qiyana’s, in that it is most effective in tight jungle corridors (as a stun effect is added when he throws the enemy into terrain).

With that in mind, anyone caught in Jarvan IV’s Cataclysm won’t even have the chance to dash or flash out if Gnar hops into the pit and uses his ultimate, throwing enemies into Jarvan’s walls. Indeed, Gnar could utilize other terrain-generating abilities (Taliyah’s ultimate or Anivia’s wall), but Jarvan’s ultimate is more reliable: It traps enemies within, making it the easiest way for Gnar’s ultimate to connect.

3 Miss Fortune And Rell: A True Bullet Storm

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

Though Miss Fortune is a relatively easy ADC to play, her Bullet Time could very well be the heaviest-hitting ultimate in League of Legends. Any champion with a mass lockdown ability pairs well with it, but Rell’s might be the best one.

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Simply put, Magnetic Storm continuously drags enemies in for two whole seconds (the stun on Amumu’s ultimate only lasts for 1.5 seconds). It is true that Amumu’s ultimate has a significantly larger radius than Rell’s, but for the purpose of maximizing synergy with Bullet Time (which lasts for three seconds), you want as many of those bullet waves to connect as possible. This makes the longer-lasting ultimate better here.

2 Rammus And Orianna: Soaring Shockwave

10 Best Ultimate Combos In League of Legends Ranked

It’s no secret that Orianna’s ultimate, Command: Shockwave, combos extremely well with hard-engage champions. Of these characters, Rammus has the best ultimate ability to pair with it (though Sett, Jarvan IV, and Hecarim are also great, among others).

Soaring Slam has incredible range (especially when performed at the height of Power Ball’s speed), knocks up enemies at the ability’s center, and slows enemies hit by any other part of the impact circle. The knock-up and slow effects increase the likelihood of Orianna’s ultimate connecting with enemies caught inside Soaring Slam. The travel distance Rammus can achieve with this ultimate also allows for a quick engage from the fog of war, decreasing your enemy’s chance at reacting. Nonetheless, there yet remains an even quicker way to get a five-champion lockdown.

1 Malphite And Yasuo: Knock Them Up, Knock Them Down

Probably the most infamous wombo-combo in League of Legends features Malphite and Yasuo. Yasuo’s ultimate, Last Breath, pairs well with anything that’s a knock-up. Malphite’s Unstoppable Force complements it very well, as it is an extremely fast, gap-closing, mass knock-up.

There are other champions that have knock-up ultimates that also pair well with Yasuo’s Last Breath (Wukong, Diana, Zac), but Malphite’s simple, point-and-click ultimate (the champion is a great pick for new players, after all) works the best. It is super easy to set up and execute, and dishes out tremendous damage on its own. A Malphite that builds tank is scary, but one that builds ability power can easily one shot any backliner, no Yasuo ultimate needed. The instantaneous nature of this combo brings it to number one on the list. It’s the hardest one to avoid, too, due to the lightning-fast reaction time required to evade Malphite’s engage.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/league-of-legends-best-strongest-ultimate-combos-ranked/

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