10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

Control has given us some interesting side stories which we explore in this list of hidden plotlines everyone missed.

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10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

Remedy’s action-adventure title Control offers an interesting peek into the SCP-lite world that Jesse Faden, director of the federal Bureau of Control, inhabits. There are slide projectors that open dimensions. People float in the air like absent dolls. The protagonist has a gun with infinite ammo and an extradimensional presence in her head. It’s certainly not a game for those who like their games to be traditional.

Unsurprisingly, there is more to this world that meets the player’s eye, so here are some hidden plotlines players may have overlooked in Control that we want to know more about.

10 The Origin Of The Service Weapon

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

There is a hypothesis in the Service Weapon’s Case File that it has been around for centuries. The Service Weapon probably took the form of various mythological weapons, such as Excalibur and Mjolnir, depending on their previous users.

Only Directors can use the weapon, and if Prime Candidates fail to harness it, they are “terminated.” Unfortunately, this is the most lore the Service Weapon gets as it mainly functions as a gameplay element.

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9 Everything About Dylan

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

Dylan was in the Prime Candidate program for at least 10 years. The story surprisingly provided scant details about what Prime Candidates do besides train, pass or fail.

Dylan performed consistently well through his time in the program until his “incident” which resulted in casualties. What was his downward spiral like? What was he like before the Hiss started affecting him?

8 Places Of Power

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

Before the events of the game, there were two Federal Bureau of Control (FBC) agents dispatched to investigate and find the Oceanview Motel. According to their travel costs correspondence, they stayed at various motels to find Oceanview. One of them speculated if the hotel was in a landlocked state. At the end of the document, they alluded to “performing rituals” as a way to help “identify Places of Power.”

Are Places of Power like Objects of Power? Are they created by humans assigning subjective value to these places, therefore creating connections to other worlds?

7 Trench’s Life and Descent Into Madness

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

Unfortunately, Trench’s entire downward spiral was monologued into an info dump to Jesse while she was affected by the Hiss. While the information itself was compelling, it would be more interesting to see what Trench’s day to day life was like. Hell, even play as him for a section of the game.

Was he battling paranormal creatures like Jesse? How much was he involved in each branch? What was his process when becoming Director?

6 Safe Rooms & Control Points

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

There are protocols in place in case Building Shifts or Containment Breaches occur in the FBC.

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Control Points and Safe Rooms are established to preserve the lives of agents and personnel, but what happened before, during and after the Hiss invasion. How quickly did the Hiss spread? How is it that anyone survived? Were there special privileges?

5 The Altered World Event In Havana

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

An audio recording and a few case files detailed AWE-48: Havana. Tommasi and other FBC personnel were present at the scene, experiencing “intense vibrations and noise.”Survivors reported suffering from “cognitive issues, dizziness, and fatigue.”

After performing a ritual called Formula I.9, they discovered that the origin of the noise was from a cowboy boot. There were casualties from the incident.

4 The FBC Got Hacked

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

The FBC’s servers were hacked into by five individuals. They accessed several of Dr. Casper Darling’s video files that contained his presentations.

The Bureau was able to locate these individuals through their IP addresses and contain them. They were placed under surveillance and have punishment awaiting them. What happened to those individuals during the Hiss incident? How much of the files did they see? One wonders.

3 Cleansing Hiss Benign Agents

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

One thing that was not resolved by the end of the story was the Hiss agents and employees floating in the air.

According to a file, instead of attacking, they speak in a garbled way and stay static. Dr. Emily Pope theorizes that the Hiss agents are vessels for more hostile creations, but that remains to be seen.

2 AWE-17: Butte

10 Hidden Plotlines Everyone Missed In Control

There was an incident where people disappeared every time they touched the Object of Power Light Switch Cord. When FBC operatives arrived at the incident, some operatives disappeared when they interacted with the Object of Power.

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The FBC found the agents in the Older House while exploring new areas. The Light Switch Cord disappeared after that incident but began popping up around the Older House.

1 Machine God Correspondence

A person had a Dream about “a machine that will contain God, but not the God you know, or the ones anyone knows.” He used various parts from household appliances and machinery, including a refrigerator motor, coils in a toaster, and “wheels from my son’s skateboard.” The mysterious man said the “God” will learn how to move on its own; he even requested an interview with the FBC.

Remedy poses a lot of questions about this intriguing world they crafted in Control. There are many plotlines that could become potential sequels in themselves. If there is a sequel to Control, hopefully, they can expand on the lore and unanswered questions.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/control-hidden-plotlines-everyone-missed/

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