10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Jeff Goldblum revels in the weird and bizarre, with these movies – ranked by their Rotten Tomatoes scores – representing the actor at his strangest.

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10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Whether he’s a leather-clad mathematician in Jurassic Park or fighting against the extinction of the human race in Independence Day, Jeff Goldblum is well known for playing eccentric characters near and dear to our hearts. His somehow timeless sex appeal and charmingly distinct speaking cadence have endeared him to audiences for decades, with the actor showing few signs of slowing down.

Jeff Goldblum has been gracing the big screen with his kooky characters since the mid-1970s and many of the plots of his films are just as quirky as he is. Here is a list of his 10 strangest movies, ranked by their Rotten Tomatoes scores.

10 Vibes (5%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

What better way to kick off this list, than with a movie about two psychic friends going on a trek through the Andes to find the source of all psychic energy? Starring Jeff Goldblum and Cyndi Lauper, Vibes is a wild ride full of mystic buzzwords like ‘spirit guides’ and ‘astral projection.’

When a psychic named Sylvia (Cyndi Lauper) is hired to find a missing person, she recruits her friend Nick Deezy (Jeff Goldblum), only for the duo to find out that they’ve been duped into searching for something else entirely. This 1988 rom-com clocks in at a whopping 5% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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9 Transylvania 6-5000 (18%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Transylvania 6-5000 follows Jack (Jeff Goldblum) and Gil (Ed Begley Jr.), two tabloid reporters that are sent to Transylvania to investigate rumors about Frankenstein. In typical Goldblum fashion, Jack is more distracted by a pretty tourist than by potential monsters, that is until things start getting too weird to ignore.

Transylvania 6-5000 may rank low according to the critics, but this ’80s comedy is a silly but heartwarming lesson about friendship and the dangers of judging others by their outward appearances.

8 Cats & Dogs (54%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Do you love kid-friendly spy movies full of badly computer generated pets? Then Cats & Dogs, a family action-comedy about the secret war being waged between spy dogs and evil genius cats when their owners aren’t watching, might just hit the spot.

Jeff Goldblum stars as Professor Charles Brody, a dorky dad/at-home scientist who is trying to develop a cure for pet allergies. Spoilers: The evil kitties aren’t fans of this at all, causing Charles and his family to get kidnapped by a Persian named Mr. Tinkles. Because honestly, what else can a movie be about when this is an option?

7 The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (56%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

A whimsical and colorful creation from the mind of Wes Anderson, The Life Aquatic stars an ensemble celebrity cast including Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, Willem Dafoe, and Anjelica Huston.

In this dramedy epic, Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) is an oceanographer dead set on making a documentary on his revenge against the dreaded “jaguar shark” that supposedly ate his friend Esteban. Jeff Goldblum plays the source of many memes – also posters, shower curtains, and pillowcases – and Steve’s snobby arch-rival, Alistair Hennessey.

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6 The Mountain (64%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Who wants to watch an arthouse film about lobotomies? What about Jeff Goldblum slow dancing and necking with a woman in a bowling alley? For anyone who raised a hand to either of those things, The Mountain is the movie for you!

Written and directed by Rick Alverson, The Mountain is a 2019 drama set in the 1950s and based on the life of Walter Freeman. Goldblum plays the role of Dr. Wallace Fiennes, a doctor with an alcohol problem that travels from asylum to asylum to perform lobotomies. Tye Sheridan costars as his assistant that documents each surgery.

5 Earth Girls Are Easy (67%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Part comedy, part romance, part sci-fi, and part…musical? Earth Girls Are Easy is the best movie about romance-starved fuzzy aliens that anyone is likely to ever see.

Three, brightly colored, fur-covered aliens from planet Jhazzalan crash on Earth and meet two beautiful women who work at a hair salon. Worried that they will get noticed as extraterrestrials, the women decide to give them makeovers by shaving their coats. They are shocked to realize that the aliens are actually pretty hot. Questionable hijinks ensue.

4 The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension (69%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

This 1984 cult classic is as weird and puzzling as the title suggests. Featuring a surprising amount of celebrities – including Peter Weller and Christopher Lloyd – Buckaroo Banzai tasks a brain surgeon, a rock star, a scientist, and a guy who for some reason is named Buckaroo Banzai to save the world from aliens.

Jeff Goldblum plays “New Jersey,” a brain surgeon who is also a cowboy. But what do you expect from a movie that also has characters with names like John Bigboote, Perfect Tommy, and Lizardo?

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3 Isle Of Dogs (90%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Unwilling to simply cure allergies to dogs in Cats & Dogs, Jeff Goldblum actually plays a dog this time in the dystopian stop motion film. After an outbreak of “dog flu” that panics the nation, all dogs in Japan are banished to Trash Island. Atari Kobayashi is a young boy determined to be reunited with his beloved pet Spots and finds himself on a dangerous journey to the dogs’ new home.

With a star-studded cast full of Academy Award-nominated actors, Isle of Dogs is one of Jeff’s most critically acclaimed films, ranking in at 90% on Rotten Tomatoes.

2 The Fly (92%)

10 Strangest Jeff Goldblum Movies Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Jeff Goldblum is widely believed to have missed out on an Oscar nomination for this classic, body-horror film. Until recently, horror did not receive nominations for their actors, though it did win Best Makeup and Hairstyling.

The Fly follows a gifted but socially awkward scientist, Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum). Eager to test his new teleportation invention, the experiment goes terribly wrong when a fly gets stuck in one of the pods with him. This causes their genes to be spliced, leading to a brilliantly gruesome transformation.

1 Thor: Ragnarok (93%)

While mainstream, that doesn’t mean that this film is not still strange. Full of vibrant, eye-catching color and hilarious one-liners, Thor: Ragnarok is the 17th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and takes place two years after Captain America: Civil War. After Thor crashlands on a garbage planet called Sakaar, he meets its flamboyant dictator known as The Grandmaster.

The Grandmaster is as wacky as he is sinister, happily squashing any hints of rebellion through frequent public and private executions with his “melt stick” while probably playing a cool space-keyboard riff at the same time.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/jeff-goldblum-strangest-movies-rotten-tomatoes/

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