10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

Ghostbusters’ 2016 reboot offers audiences a highly enjoyable piece of cinematic entertainment that is underrated.

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10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

One of the most controversial movies in recent years is undoubtedly Ghostbusters’ 2016 reboot. The film has faced a considerable amount of backlash from fans, who disagree with the casting choices and the decision not to set it within the same continuity of the 1984 original. Despite a largely positive critical reception, it received a more muted response from audiences upon its initial release and failed to set the box office alight.

The movie’s unfortunate lack of success is largely undeserved, however, as Ghostbusters’ 2016 reboot offers audiences a highly enjoyable piece of cinematic entertainment. There are a considerable amount of merits to the supernatural comedy’s screenplay, which proves without a doubt that the feature deserves to be reevaluated.

10 The Cast Is Strong

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

Arguably the most critical aspect of creating a comedy ensemble piece is the cast. Hiring actors who don’t share the same comedic responsibilities can result in a movie that lacks a humorous spark. For this cinematic endeavor, Paul Feig opted to cast Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones in the lead roles, and the result speaks for itself.

This group of hilarious women demonstrates a strong rapport throughout the feature, as they face New York’s supernatural occurrences. The cast is later joined by Chris Hemsworth as Kevin, who delivers an amusing turn as the Ghostbusters’ dopey receptionist. The actors all share natural comic energy, as they bounce off one another with ease.

9 The 3D Effects Are Impressive

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

Since stereoscopic 3D made its triumphant return to cinemas in the late 2000s, many cinematic releases have benefitted from this visual spectacle. Arguably one of the greatest 3D movies is Ghostbusters (2016), which uses the motion picture format to greatly enhance its narrative.

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Audiences are fully immersed in the world of the Ghostbusters, as ghosts and proton streams emerge from the screen. A particularly effective scene involves the specter known as Gertrude Aldridge. The ghost appears during the Ghostbusters’ exploration of Aldridge Mansion and proceeds to spew her green ectoplasm over the cinemagoers, inviting viewers to be a part of the story.

8 Jillian Holtzmann’s Arc

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

The rebooted version of Ghostbusters presents many memorable characters throughout its runtime, but perhaps the most endearing is Jillian Holtzmann. Played by Kate McKinnon, Jillian is the Ghostbusters’ nerdy and aloof scientist, who provides the team with the technological resources they require to tackle New York’s paranormal activity.

Jillian’s character arc is one of the movie’s biggest highlights. The screenplay sees the eccentric inventor develop from a socially inept individual to one who develops newfound confidence with her human interactions. Jillian gives a moving speech towards the end of the film, which perfectly sums up her character journey, as she thanks her fellow Ghostbusters for becoming her closest friends.

7 The Gadgets Are Cool

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

A particularly memorable aspect of the original 1984 Ghostbusters is the Proton Pack, but the 2016 reboot features a varied arsenal of other gadgets for the Ghostbusters to use. Not only does the film feature the return of the Ghost Trap – also considered one of the coolest Easter Eggs of the Ghostbusters Afterlife trailer – but Jillian also provides her team with some of her own crazy creations.

In the 2016 Ghostbusters universe, the paranormal investigators are equipped with everything from Proton Pistols to Proton Grenades. Perhaps the most iconic new addition is the Proton Glove, however, which allows its user to engage in physical combat with a spectral entity. These inventions provide the movie with a greater number of options for action sequences, as the narrative is no longer restricted to the more traditional ghost wrangling methods employed by the Ghostbusters.

6 The Ecto-1 Is Improved

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

One of the 1984 Ghostbusters’ most iconic features is arguably the Ecto-1, a vehicle that the original Ghostbusters use to transport themselves and their equipment around New York. The 2016 film imitates the visually striking design of this popular movie automobile, with a version of the Ecto-1 which manages to improve on the earlier model.

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The reboot’s take is an effective combination of the previous car’s most recognizable characteristics with some bold new additions. Retaining the blaring loud siren and the glistening white bodywork, the new design adds a dazzling red roof and a classy hood ornament made to resemble a ghost. The greatest enhancement over the previous iteration however is the decision to make this car a hearse, which provides a hysterical piece of irony for a team of individuals who fight undead spirits.

5 The No-Ghost Logo’s Origins

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

No business would be complete without its logo, and Ghostbusters happens to feature one of the most famous in film and television. Affectionally referred to by fans as the ‘No-Ghost Logo,’ this simple yet effective design has been prevalent throughout popular culture ever since its introduction in the original Ghostbusters movie.

The 2016 film not only utilizes this logo, but it also forms a significant focus of the narrative. Viewers are shown the origins behind this design, which stems from Patty Tolan recalling to her teammates how she saw the insignia being graffitied by a young artist. Later into the movie, disgruntled spook Rowan takes on the form of the logo’s signature ghost, a clever means of allowing the symbol to become a character within the film’s screenplay.

4 Paul Feig’s Direction

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

Responsible for two of the 2010’s best comedy movies, it’s easy to see why director Paul Feig was chosen for the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot. He’s a filmmaker who has displayed an impressive talent for obtaining the finest performances from his lead actors, as well as providing some of cinema’s finest comedic moments.

Paul Feig’s directing work on Ghostbusters 2016 is one of his most outstanding efforts yet. Throughout the film’s runtime, Feig manages to perfectly capture the original movie’s tone, evoking the 1984 film’s unique blend of horror and comedy tropes. The 2016 reboot also features some of the franchise’s funniest gags, such as the running joke involving Kevin’s dog ‘Mike Hat,’ which proves Paul Feig was absolutely the right man for the job.

3 The Cameos From Original Cast Members

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

Considered one of the best ’80s movie casts, the original Ghostbusters team is one of the most celebrated ensembles in cinematic history. Many fans were understandably disappointed therefore when Paul Feig opted to cast a new set of Ghostbusters for his take on the franchise. Fortunately, these concerns were alleviated when the director chose to cast the original stars in new roles.

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These cameos form some of the franchise’s most memorable moments. Bill Murray’s casting as the paranormal skeptic Martin Heiss is amusingly ironic, given his previous role as Peter Venkman, whilst Dan Ayrokyd gives a humorous turn as a decidedly unhelpful cabbie. Meanwhile, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver, and Annie Potts also deliver some unforgettable performances as Patty’s uncle, Jillian’s mentor, and a hotel receptionist respectively.

2 The Ghosts Are Spooky

10 Ways The Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot Is Underrated

The supernatural spooks of the Ghostbusters movies are among some of the most colorful characters in the franchise and have provided some of Ghostbusters’ funniest scenes. The paranormal specters of the 2016 reboot take this to another level however and offer some of the series’ greatest spooks.

Among the returning Slimer and the possessed Stay Puft parade balloon, the movie features some new favorites, such as Mayhem and the Electrocuted Ghost. The supernatural entities are full of personality, especially Lady Slimer, who conveys a cheeky temperament as she takes the Ecto-1 for a joyride. The film also showcases some truly terrifying adversaries, such as Gertrude Aldridge, who frightens an unsuspecting tour guide in the spooky opening sequence.

1 Abby And Erin’s Friendship

There have been a number of iconic movie friendships over the years, but perhaps one of the best recent examples is Abbie Yates and Erin Gilbert in Ghostbusters (2016). The pair have developed a longstanding relationship as buddies, with their camaraderie dating back to their school years.

Abby and Erin share perhaps the closest bond out of any of the Ghostbusters, with their friendship even leading to their decision to write a book together, entitled “Ghosts From Our Past.” Their companionship provides the heart of the movie, as the duo will go to any lengths to protect one another from supernatural harm. As Abby is pulled into a dimensional portal, Erin leaps in to save her friend at the risk of becoming trapped in the supernatural hellscape herself, proving their loyalty to one another to be one that never dies.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/ghostbusters-2016-underrated-good-aspects/

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