15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

These priceless memes prove that the battle between Pokémon and Digimon still rages.

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15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

The battle between Pokémon Vs Digimon is one that has been raging for what feels like a millennium (or about 18 years or something). The sheer number of friendships this feud has shattered is simply too great for our primitive brains to conceive of, lest your fragile mind be shattered in the process, leaving you to die alone a shell of the anime appreciator you once were. It’s a battle that will surely wage on for another zillion generations, or at least up until the day we mercifully meet our end.

Anyhow, what’s the deal with Pokémon Vs Digimon?! Am I right?!

We’ve scoured the internet and dug up some of the absolute best Pokémon Vs Digimon memes the online community could concoct. Each selected to best represent a different aspect of this outrageous disagreement, making you giggle all the while like a Snorlax who, rather than sleeping a lot, does a lot of giggling. Gigglax, I’d call it. Yes, Gigglax. Look at that, we’re just makin’ stuff up now. Without further adieu, we present to you 15 Pokémon Vs Digimon memes, sure to make you laugh your pants off and then have to put them back on because come on pal, put some pants on! Have some self-respect!

Got some hilarious memes that we missed? Let us know! Drop us a line using the comment button at the bottom of the list!

15 This Isn’t Even My Final Form

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

It’s easy to lose your way when trying to decipher the long list of differences between Pokémon and Digimon evolutionary states. So I believe the best way to keep us on track is with a dog. They are, after all, loyal to the core, man’s best friend, and the internet’s second favorite animal.

The artist behind this piece chose the Chow Chow breed to equally represent both sides, so as to create a level a playing field. No room for bias in this debate! As anyone familiar enough with the two franchises would recognize, there are significantly more evolutionary states per creature in the Digimon world than the Pokémon. It’s also important to note how increasingly wild these evolutions become on the Digimon side, a point we’ll dive into further down the list. For now, look at how cute that pup is! Such a good boy!

14 Crimes Against Pokémanity

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Ouch, somebody call PETA. There are a couple ways we can look at this meme, so let’s get started. As great as this image is, I can’t help but call out the thinly veiled hypocrisy. If I remember correctly, both Pokémon and Digimon are thrust into violent purposes, whether they’re into it or not. Sure, that Charmander is getting absolutely annihilated, but watch any episode of Digimon and you’ll see just how horrific their battles can be.

If you read this meme as social commentary about the greed that plagues Pokémon trainers worldwide (it’s pretty hard to refute this when their motto is literally “Gotta Catch ‘Em All”), it’s clear to see that at least the moral teachings of “Digidestined” may be more centered on modesty and humility than the Scrooge McDuck’s that are their Poké counterparts.

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13 Yu-Gi-Oh… Just… Just Leave.

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

All it takes is one donkey to jump into the debate and make it all about something it’s not. The Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series (the North American edition) started airing in 2000, a year after Digimon, and 3 years full years after we fell in love with Pikachu. Though they all revolve around utilizing various magical beasts and beings for sport, it would be a stretch to throw Yu-Gi-Oh! into the same battle for supremacy between Pokémon and Digimon.

Yu-Gi-Oh!’s entire premise revolves around its card game. As much as they’d love for you to “believe in the heart of the cards,” it’s laughable to think you could be as emotionally attached to a piece of cardboard than, I don’t know, a living, breathing creature that responds to your actions? And like, maybe loves you? Get the heck outta here with your nonsense, Yu-Gi-Oh!

12 What?! Dogmon Is Evolving into… Someone Call The Police

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

It’s been mentioned before, and it will be mentioned again. Digimon have guns, a lot of guns. As fans, we’ve all appreciated the subtleties in the design of our favourite Pokémon, especially when we recognize them as a cartoon-ish take on one of our favourite real-life critters. Recognizing references to our own lives is a foolproof way of getting audiences to react to content, which would explain why so many Pokémon look like the pets you’d be giving and receiving love from if you weren’t busy playing Pokémon or Digimon. Digimon, however, takes this approximately one million steps further. Take a dog, put a rocket on it, and a machine gun, and a sword, and maybe another rocket, and let’s throw in some knives and maybe replace it’s jaw with a steel bear trap. Yep, kid’s will love that.

11 When You See It…

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Hiding in plain sight. Sometimes, the perfect disguise is having no disguise at all. Brilliant. A dangerous tactic, but one that when pulled off expertly, nay, masterfully as this Agumon here demonstrates, merits a 90s era slow clap. Bravo, Agumon, bravo.

As frustrating as it is when someone blasphemes by referring to Agumon as Charmander, you have to admit it’s a totally understandable mix-up. To be completely fair, a quick glance at this meme and you’d likely make the same mistake! These franchises have existed for about 20 years now, adding more monsters to their respective rosters with each new iteration of game, whether it be a video game sequel or trading card expansion. But that’s no excuse. Get it right, you monster.

10 Time For Ash To Grow Up

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Nothing grinds my gears more than when we follow a character’s life for years and never see them get a day older! Ash – Peter Pan- Ketchum is a prime example of this crime against story development. Sure, Ash learns valuable life lessons now and then, he grows emotionally and builds personal relationships with his co-stars, but when is this kid going to hit puberty?! It’s unsettling!

The meme says it all. Goku has a kid! At this point, his kid has a kid! Goku is a grandfather! In fact, in Dragon Ball GT: A Hero’s Legacy, we meet Goku Jr, a descendant of our favourite Saiyan! The guy’s got a massive legacy. Just to reel us back in, even Digimon’s Tai Kamiya has a son! Where’s your kid, Ash? Quick slacking. Buy Misty her damn ring, get a mortgage, and have a kid already. Or at least a mustache.

9 Holy-[REDACTED]-This-Thing-Is-A-Walking-Gunmon

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

I don’t condone violence of any kind in the real world, but since we are in the realm of digital monsters, I gotta tell ya, hot-dang, this is fantastic. If there was ever a massive disconnect between the Pokémon and Digimon worlds, it’s not necessarily the use of violence so much as that of weaponry. Deputymon (depicted in the above meme) is an anthropomorphic gun guy (obviously), who has a penchant for gambling, specifically Russian Roulette. I don’t know about you but I hadn’t even realized there was a Russia in the Digimon universe. Do they have a Putin? A Putinmon?

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We’ve seen some crazy Pokémon in the last few generations, but never anything that could earn an endorsement from the NRA, I mean, this guy could be to guns what Smokey Bear is to fires. If this guy came to my school, dang right I’d buy a gun.

8 What Stinks?

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

As if Deputymon wasn’t enough, Digimon has taken outrageous character ideas to the next level, enter, Sukamon. He’s a yellow, sewer-dwelling anthropomorphic turd with a tongue that would make you think he’s Digimon’s answer to Lickitung, only replacing any likability with straight up creep-factor.

If you look long enough into his glaring eyes, you’ll agree that in his own weird way, Sukamon would make for a more frightening creature than something you’d run into while playing Silent Hill. Sure, Silent Hill is full of rusted, bloody, hepatitis spreading gore machines, but Sukamon is literally a piece of poo. You know what kind of stuff poop can spread? Doesn’t matter. Poop is gross, Sukamon is a creep, end of story. Five points to Pokémon.

7 “We Really Should Stop Fighting, We’ll Miss The Fireworks!”

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Who knew it would be the Joker who would finally just say it. Whether you believe his stance or not, the facts are clear: Pokémon has a larger fan base. Pokémon had a couple years head start, laying a solid foundation for fans to build emotional attachments to it’s fearsome, cuddly characters. Simply by proclaiming “first!,” Pokémon has given its fans the infuriating argument that “you can’t beat the original,” claiming Digimon is simply a rip off of their cherished pocket monsters.

The Pokémon franchise is everywhere. I mean, because of Pokémon Go, it’s literally everywhere. As far as I’m concerned, this is their world now. Digimon may be represented on television, and as manga, toys, etc., but it’d be pretty farfetched (sorry) to suggest that Digimon’s influence has had a stronger, more lasting reach than Pokémon.

6 In With The New, Whether You Like Them Or Not

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

With every new generation comes a bounty of shiny new creations and plenty of smelly disappointments. This meme might show a little Digimon bias, but if you ask me, there’s so much going on in that right image that I have no idea if I’m looking at a Digimon or some kind of fancy keychain. Although some find all those frills exciting (lookin’ at you, you bedazzled iPhone case of a Digimon).

Now to the left, we have Trubbish. A living piece of garbage. If you thought Sukamon was an embarrassment (don’t get me wrong, he’s still literal poo), what are your thoughts on this pile of trash? It’s understandable that with so many imaginary creatures already developed, artists are bound to run out of ideas at some point. But come on, poop and garbage bag? Like a crime-fighting duo that never finds the perp, but always spreads E. Coli.

5 In-fighting: The Good, The Bad, And The Even Worse.

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

In-fighting is never a pretty scene, which is something you’re familiar with if you’ve ever been to a Thanksgiving dinner. Contrary to this meme, in-fighting happens everywhere. It’s how we grow as people and as a community. If people didn’t argue within their own circles, we wouldn’t have progress, let alone a need for progress because no one would have any complaints, thus we would never evolve (rim shot).

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that’s both the beauty and frustration of public discussion! Look at any comment section of a blog or YouTube video ranking the best to worst seasons of any show ever, and you’ll find plenty of angry, excited, happy, and opinionated fans there to defend the content or just wreak havoc via internet anonymity.

4 The War To End All Wars

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

With so much pop culture content swirling around our brains it’s not easy to know where you stand on certain issues. Luckily seeing our favourite things pitted against one another make that decision easier. Nothing’s more exciting than seeing the good guys take each other on to see who’s the best of all. Take Iron Man Vs. Captain America in Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War. Their battle being has devastating ramifications no matter who takes the victory. Cut to the Pokémon/Digimon debate, and bam, comedy gold. The idea that two super-powered heroes of such influence would start an all-out war within their own community over something as trivial as “Ash Ketchum VS Tai Kamiya” is enough to bust your gut over.

3 My Son Just Loves Those Pokémans!

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Someone did indeed have a job, and if that job was to make us cringe, then that person deserves a promotion. If history has taught us anything then it’s safe to say that someone’s mom was in charge of labeling this Digimon bath towel.

Any fan of Pokémon or Digimon has definitely got at least one story about their parents getting the name wrong, despite some pretty clear signage. Alright, I get it, at face value they’re pretty similar: some kids run around collecting little creatures that have magical abilities, ultimately used for battle and occasionally utilized to save the world. In this case, however, the correct name is printed on the friggin’ towel! It’s right there! Just look at it! With your eyeballs! Come on, mom!

2 Power? You Haven’t Seen My True Power

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Plenty of shots fired to be discussed here so let’s get right down to business.

First of all: Ash is a gender-less name, at least since 1981’s The Evil Dead. One point to team Pokemon! Second: with all the dust flying around during monster battles, it’s more surprising that no one else in either of these universes has the foresight to keep a set of goggles around. Last time I checked, I enjoy having working eyeballs. One point to team Digimon! And for the “Tai” breaker (sorry), if you “Ash” me (again, sorry), the final point clearly goes to Digimon because honestly, look at the size of that fireball! It’s almost as big as a single lump on Magmar’s boob-head. What’s the deal with that dude’s head? Is he alright?

1 Can’t We All Just… Get Along?

15 Hilarious Pokémon Vs Digimon Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

It’s time to recognize some inconvenient truths, Pokémon are basically slaves. Their only form of communication is screaming their own names into the spherical confines of their personal Poké-Heck. Their only respite is when they are hurled into battle with another prisoner – I guess at least they learn each other’s names?

That said, their competitor has it’s own problems. Digimon are absolutely insane. In a bad way. Half the time they seem to be just a bunch of metal thrown together, they can be just as annoying in conversation as a Pokémon, and they have guns. They have a lot of guns. Digimon have too many guns. Too. Many. Guns.

Can’t we all just get along and admit that some of us like a little bit of everything? Listen, everyone has their faults, and thankfully we have the internet to expose them viciously and without mercy.

See more : PokemonWe

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