15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

Finding Pokémon with glitches and uncovering wild secrets are just one part of the expanding Pokémon franchise.

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15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

Pokémon has grown to be one of the popular franchises in the world. Everyone knows what Pokémon is, whether you have watched the anime or played one of its games. Since it took the world by storm in 1996, Pokémon continues to be a power house in today’s gaming industry with the recent release of Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon GO. Fans everywhere spend countless hours on Pokémon and it doesn’t look like the franchise will slow down anytime soon with new games scheduled to be released soon. At 802 Pokémon in the universe, it can be hard to spot everything there is to know about Pokémon.

Whether it is one of the main Pokémon games, the trading card game, or the anime, there are crazy details within the Pokémon universe. Even though the franchise is universally praised, there are some weird things going on. Nothing can make sense sometimes and fans watching the shows or playing the games can get confused. Finding Pokémon with glitches and uncovering wild secrets are just one part of the expanding Pokémon franchise. Why do the nurses and officers look the same in the anime? Why is the show’s translation so weird sometimes? Does PETA care about Pokémon? There can even be crazier things about the Pokémon games based on real life cities. Certain details show how well thought out the Pokémon universe is, while others can leave you puzzled.

Here are 15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

15 Ash’s Dad

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

Where in the world is Ash’s dad? He is never seen in the anime and is only mentioned a couple times by his wife. The strange thing about this is Ash’s mom, Delia, pretends like the father is still around from time to time. After the first few seasons, he is never mentioned again. Ash also doesn’t seem upset about his father missing, as perhaps the dad went on a Pokémon adventure just like ash and hasn’t returned. Maybe he works out of town and is never in Pallet Town when Ash is.

If Ash’s dad is out becoming a Pokémon master, maybe they can meet up in the future! I know all the Pokémon fans in the world would love to finally see this mysterious character. It sure is weird his dad is never addressed in the show.

14 Funny English Translations

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

In the anime, there can be some crazy translations. Back in the first season, we see the squad getting ready to eat lunch. Brock pulls out a popular Japanese food named Onigiri, but the English translation is “These donuts are great…nothing beats a jelly-filled donut.” What!? Onigiri is a Japanese food made from white rise wrapped in seaweed. That isn’t anything like a donut. Maybe Brock picked up the wrong tray of food thinking it was a donut, or at least we can all hope that was the case. How could the English translation get something that wrong? Brock is known for some great lines in the anime, like the “I’ll use my trusty frying pan…as a drying pan!” quote, but I think this one was just an accident.

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13 Pikachu and Meowth

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

Did you know there is a little secret hidden in the Pokédex? Pikachu’s Pokédex number is 25 and Meowth’s is 52. They are the opposite of each other, just like a cat and mouse type game. Coincidentally, the Pokémon themselves are based off a cat and mouse! Meowth has appeared in the anime with Team Rocket, the main antagonists of the show. He dreams of catching Pikachu, but never succeeds. Of course, Meowth will never capture Pikachu, and the cat and mouse game will continue forever. In one of the later episodes of the anime, Pikachu threw a luxury ball at Meowth and almost caught him. A Pokémon catching a Pokémon? Now that is a weird thought. What would happen then? Can Pikachu enter battles?

12 Weird Pokemon Names

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

Some Pokémon names resemble something deeper, and some are just weird. Ekans, the purple snake Pokémon, is Snake backwards. It’s pretty funny knowing the Pokémon is literally just a snake. The gigantic serpent Arbok, Ekans’ evolution, is Kobra backwards. Arbok looks just like a kobra too! Although it is pretty simple, it is mind blowing seeing the backward spelling for the first time.

The iconic legendary birds, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, are some of the strongest Pokémon in the game. Longtime fans might remember them from the movie Pokémon 2000, and newer fans might know them from their respective Pokémon GO teams. The crazy thing about their names are the ends of them. ArticUNO, ZapDOS, and MolTRES all have the Spanish numbers in their names.

11 Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

One of the weirdest parts of the anime is why do all the Officer Jenny’s and Nurse Joy’s look the same?! Well, we can look at episode 12 of the show and see one of the reasons why. They are all cousins. However, how do they all have the same job? Why do they look the exact same? I guess they all want to grow up to be a nurse like their mother? I don’t see how they could all be the same, but it’s a funny thing to notice about the show. Even Ash was confused about it. In episode 12, he mistakes an Officer Jenny as another Officer Jenny. It was a funny scene and the fact they are all related in the same job is hilarious.

10 MissingNO. Glitch

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

MissingNo. is a glitch Pokémon in the original Red and Blue games. It has five forms, resembling code and ghosts, and has a cry similar to the Pokémon Nidoran. An easy way to preform one of the glitches for MissingNo. is to first let the old man in Viridian City show you how to catch a Pokémon. After, fly to Cinnabar Island and surf up and down along the east coast where the water touches the land. The third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh slots of the player’s name will dictate of which Pokémon will appear for you. Using a custom name in this glitch will allow the player to encounter MissingNo. This is just one of the glitches for MissingNO. There are several other ones you can test yourself.

9 Regions in the Real World

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

In the main series Pokémon games, the regions are based off real life places. The first games in the series are based off locations in Japan, but they branch out later to other parts of the world. Generation 1 is Kanto, and that is based off eastern Chūbu in Japan. Generation 2 (Johto) is similar to the Kansai region and the western part of Chūbu in Japan, Generation 3 (Hoenn) is in the southern part of Japan, Kyūshū, and Generation 4 (Sinnoh) is based off Hokkaido in Japan. Generation 5 is where it branches out of Japan. Generation 5 (Unova) is based off Manhattan in New York City, Generation 6 (Kalos) is based off France, and Generation 7 (Alola) is based on Hawaii. It is neat that every region can resemble a place in the real world.

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8 Ten Years Old Forever

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

After airing for over 20 years with 970 episodes, Ash Ketchum has somehow not aged. What the heck? The boy from Pallet Town has stayed 10 years old for about 20 years. Some wonder if the show will ever progress his age, but at this point it is safe to say he will stay 10 forever. There are some theories on why he is still 10. Some say he has been in a coma and is just dreaming his adventures. Another theory includes the legendary Pokémon Ho-oh. Ho-oh is said to bring those who see it “eternal happiness.” After Ash saw Ho-oh in the first ever episode of Pokémon, he could have been granted eternal youth. Who knows why he is 10, but it sure is weird he never ages.

7 Pokérus

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

There is a weird disease within the Pokémon games that you might have never learned about, called Pokérus. This disease first appeared in generation II games, and it is randomly found (it is also VERY rare, 1 out of 21,845 Pokémon get this virus). Nurse Joy will alert you of the disease if one of your Pokémon have it and it can spread to other Pokémon in your party. The weird thing is that nothing about this disease is bad; in fact, it is super useful. You gain double effort values in training if the Pokémon has this virus. Because of this, many trainers seek out the virus for their Pokémon’s training. Trading can increase the rates of getting the virus as well. It is weird how the games can have such a rare disease and not tell the players.

6 The Voice Of Ash Ketchum

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

Did you know that Ash is not voiced by a boy in the anime? He was first voiced by Veronica Taylor, but now he is voice by Sarah Natochenny. It is typical for female voice actors to play young boys in animated shows, as it is easier for them to get a higher pitched boy voice. Finding experienced voice actors is much easier when it is an actress instead of a ten-year-old boy and, of course, it is easier to work with an older actress. Why not use a female over a young boy? Most do not even know Ash is voiced by a girl. Regardless, it is an overlooked fact about the Pokémon universe and you may be surprised to find out that many of your favorite shows use female actors for young boys!

5 Pokémon Black And Blue

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

I bet you haven’t heard of the parody game named Pokémon Black and Blue. PETA made a free browser game that made the humans the bad guys. The game tries to show Pokémon fans that battling is wrong and no Pokémon should be kept inside a ball by trainers. All Pokémon should be treated with respect, yes, but PETA might have missed the point with their silly game. Pokémon Black and Blue shows fans that not everyone agrees with the Pokémon universe. The game features horrid moves such as “batter up” and even spoils the ending to Pokémon Black and White. How could they spoil the game! I feel bad for the poor fans who find this game thinking it is a real Pokémon game.

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4 Overpowered Common Pokemon

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

Bidoof and Rattata are known to be weaklings when it comes to Pokémon battles. However, you can use special tactics to make them beat anything that comes your way. Bidoof holds a special hidden ability called “moody.” This raises one of Bidoof’s stats by two stages by random at the end of each turn and decreases another random stat by one. This means Bidoof can eventually turn into a menacing powerhouse, defeating anything that comes its way.

Rattata is used a different way. It is called FEAR Rattata. Put a focus Sash on Rattata, teach it the move “endeavor” and “quick attack,” then watch it wreck people. Focus Sash will not let Rattata die, instead it will live at 1 HP. After, the move endeavor will bring the enemy Pokémon down to the same level as Rattata. Use quick attack to finish the enemy Pokémon off right after!

3 Banned Episodes

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

There have been several banned Pokémon episodes and some have been banned for really weird reasons. One episode, “Beauty and the Beach,” was banned from airing because Team Rocket’s James wore a body suit that gave him huge breasts to win a beauty contest. That was understandably seen as offensive. Another episode was banned for the usage of a handgun in the show. The gun was pointed towards Ash and even shot at Team Rocket.

“Holiday Hi-Jynx” was later banned after airing because of Jynx resembling seeming like she was dressing in blackface. Some people found it to be too offensive and the Pokémon Company decided to take the safe way out. Other future episodes have not aired in English due Jynx’s cameo.

2 Unlock Regirock

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

In the main Pokémon games, there are always some Pokémon that seem impossible to find. In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, there is a special way to unlock the Pokémon Regirock. First, put Wailord and Relicanth in your party (how were we supposed to know that?) and dive down route 134 to find the sealed chamber. Walk to the Braille sign at the end of the cave and use Dig. After using Dig, walk to the back of the room, place Wailord as the first Pokémon in your party and put Relicanth last. Read the sign and a message will show. After, go to route 111 and find the desert ruins. Read the braille at the desert ruins standing in the center of the room facing it. After, walk right two spaces then down two spaces. Then you fight the Pokémon! What a weird way to unlock something…

1 The Mew Glitch

15 REALLY Weird Details You Never Noticed About The Pokemon Universe

Unlocking Mew is a strange task in generation I and we’ll explain how to catch Mew in Pokémon Yellow. Play the game until you have the HM Fly. After, stand in front of the door of the underground path on route 8 and save your game (do not save after!). Walk one step forward, press start, and fly to Cerulean City right before the man below sees you. Go across Nugget Bridge and head to the east until your see the youngster looking up in the middle of trees. After defeating the Slowpoke, fly to Lavender Town. Head west on route 8 and press B when the menu automatically pops up. Once you exit… Mew is there! It is extremely weird the game will add mew like this, but it is a great secret in the Pokémon universe.

See more : PokemonWe

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