25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

The Sims fans need to see these jaw-dropping hacks. Life sims have a whole new meaning.

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25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

It goes without saying that The Sims is one of the best life simulation games available on the PC by a long shot. The fact that this popular series is getting ported onto consoles is proof enough of the sheer popularity that the series has accrued, ever since its inception way back near the start of this century. From its very first release, it was clear to both EA and Maxis that they’d stumbled upon an absolute gem of a series that would stand the test of time as one of the most popular gaming franchises of all time. And this prediction turned out to be true, as the series has gone on to become the most played PC game of all time by a long shot.

One of the reasons for this unmitigated popularity is due to the sheer flexibility present in these games — as is the case with most PC games. The free access that people have to the in-game console and the assets present in the game have led to the development of a large number of innovative cheats and an extremely active modding community that has developed a number of mods for the game. While some of these are extremely helpful, there are others which are just a bit… odd, to say the very least. Here are 25 of the craziest The Sims hacks that you probably didn’t know about.

25 Make Your Sims Twerk

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

In a bid to emulate the latest social trends of real life, there are a number of mods that have been released for The Sims that can help a person achieve this particular task. However, keep in mind that sometimes, it’s better not to have this game become too realistic, and this mod is a good example of that.

The much-maligned twerk dance has become a mainstay of pop culture, mainly due to the sheer ridiculous nature of this move. So, of course, there had to be that one person who thought that integrating this sensual dance move in an innocent game like The Sims would be a perfectly sane idea.

But this is nothing compared to the next entry on this list, that takes realism to a whole new level…

24 Kids Will Have A More Traumatic Reaction To Divorce

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

It goes without saying that divorce is one of the most traumatic events that any family can go through. However, when it comes to The Sims, the reactions that most family members have to something like this is rather understated, and is certainly not reflective of what most people would feel in real life.

However, if for some bizarre reason, you really want the family — to be specific, the kids — to truly react like how one would normally would to something so monumental, then you’re in luck! There’s a mod that tweaks the coding of the game, so that children will become emotionally traumatized once their parents finalize a divorce.

Oh, and if you think that downloading this mod is even a remotely good idea… then shame on you.

23 Instantaneous Pregnancy And Labour

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Pregnancy is a major element of The Sims, for obvious reasons. The fact that you are essentially extending your dynasty is good enough as is, and to top it all off it also serves as a nice way to freshen up the normal gameplay loop as well. However, as is the case with most people, one needs to be patient for the entire process, and if it simply doesn’t sit well with you then you can completely skip the process of pregnancy altogether.

With the use of console commands, you can skip to any of the trimesters involved in pregnancy through the command “sims.add_buff pregnancy_trimesterX”, where X is the number of the trimester you want to jump to. Of course, you can also use “sims.add_buff pregnancy_inlabor” to directly jump over to labor if you wish.

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And speaking of kids…

22 Get As Many Kids As Your Heart Desires

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Most of the pregnancies you experience in The Sims will generally involve one kid only. However, if Lady Luck happens to smile upon you, then you can be blessed with twins, triplets, quadruplets, or even more! The occurrence of something so rare is truly magical, and adds to the innate charm of The Sims that most people have fallen in love with. However, if you don’t want the birth of your Sim children to be dictated by luck, then you can pretty much dictate exactly how you want your births to go.

As always, this can be done through the magic of console commands. Type in “pregnancy.force_offspring_count [simID] [amount]” to specify exactly how many children you want your Sim to have. If you’re confused, the Sim ID can be obtained through “sims.get_sim_id_by_name [PlayedSimFirstName] [PlayedSimLastName]”.

And since we’re on the topic of childbirth…

21 Let Two People Of The Same Gender Have Babies Naturally

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

It’s fairly obvious that a gay couple in The Sims won’t be able to produce a baby (no points for guessing why). While we have to commend Maxis for being so progressive in their games, it would still be a stretch to enable these couples to try for a baby without the appropriate means to do so. While males can get pregnant in these games, it’s only when they get abducted by aliens, which is a pretty rare occurrence.

However, if you want to transcend the laws of reality because having a baby is just that important to you, then don’t fear! There’s a mod that specifically enables these couples in the game to have babies as well. Now you can have the perfect family you want with no worries.

And guess what? There’s a mod that lets you put your baby to good use as well!

20 Serve Your Guests With A Fresh Plate Of Barbequed Baby

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Sorry for that rather tasteless joke… but hey, we’re talking about a tasteless mod, after all.

When it comes to disturbing mods in any video game, it goes without saying that the barbequed baby mod absolutely has to be one of the sickest mods anyone has ever developed. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most well-known mods present in the game as well, due to its inherent odd nature.

Perhaps the worst thing about this mod is that everyone is somehow completely fine with barbequing their toddler and cannibalizing something that used to be a part of their family. It’s almost like as if barbequing babies is completely normal in the Sims universe, once you download this mod.

And we’ve not even touched upon some of the worst mods one can download for their game.

19 Yes, Mods Allow “Family Fun” As Well

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

It’s pretty popular among the fans of The Sims that the creepy “family-fun” bug can hit players who’ve been playing with their families for a while, since the game doesn’t keep track of all these familial relations after a certain point. However, at the end of the day, this is a bug, and a pretty technical one at that.

The mod that we’re talking about allows players to deliberately kick-off “intimate” relations with their family members, which is just on a completely different level of disturbing. The fact there are people who are actively developing such messed-up mods which are being downloaded in the thousands is just plain creepy.

But when it comes to messed-up mods, the next entry absolutely has to take the cake.

18 Completely Destroy The Innocent Nature Of The Sims With One Mod

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Whoo boy, here we go.

The mods that we’ve discussed prior to this one are obviously quite… extreme, to say the very least. But it must be said that none of them completely glorified the rather “adult” interactions present in The Sims. However, it’s this particular mod that completely chucks away anything that might’ve been innocent in The Sims, and turns it into what can only be described as a deviant’s paradise.

The WooHooing becomes extremely graphic (and we do mean extremely), age limits become a non-consequence, and the game itself becomes really, really screwed up. The worst part? The person who’s making this mod is earning a pretty sizeable amount of money on Patreon as well, because obviously, he is.

17 Enable Fatalities In The Sims Through A Simple Hand Buzzer

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

What better way to start this list off than to talk about something cheery like the end of life!

With the sheer volume of mods that are being developed for The Sims, it pretty much goes without saying that there just had to be a mod made specifically to enact out something so disturbing like death. However, what most people wouldn’t expect is just how this deplorable act is carried out in the first place.

You see, this mod essentially reworks the simple hand buzzer trick that we all are already familiar with, and alters it so that the Sim who’s at the receiving end of this trickery ends up dying due to electrocution. Talk about spoiling some light-hearted fun.

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But hey, if you want some variety when it comes to the different manner in which you can end your Sims, don’t worry, because you can…

16 Ensure A Swift End For Your Sims … However You Want, Creep

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Out of all the people who play The Sims, it certainly wouldn’t be a stretch to say that a fair percentage of these people will be somewhat sadistic, and trying hard to find the most creative ways to kill their Sims off. However, finding ways to kill your Sims can be quite hard, especially with the low probability of dying to begin with.

However, there is a way to ensure the death of your Sims in the game. Just enable cheat mode in your game with the appropriate console command, and enter any one of the following commands. These so-called “buffs” will resign your Sims to a grim fate, and unless you happen to be a rather disturbed individual, we strongly advise that you don’t go through this particular course of action.

Of course, if you don’t want any of your Sims to die at all, then you can simply…

15 Disable The Entire Concept Of Death

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Death is an extremely tragic moment, and this is true in a virtual environment like The Sims as well. Most players would certainly develop an attachment with their Sims after staying with them throughout the course of their entire life, and to watch these individuals pass away can be truly heartbreaking. If you, as a player, don’t want to experience this heartbreak at all, then there’s a simple solution to quell your worries.

Simply open up your console and enter the command “Death.toggle”. By doing so, you’ll be able to complete disable death entire from the game itself, letting you play as long as you want with your favorite Sims. It’s a nifty little trick that is sure to help a fair bit of players who want a bit of an extended session with their Sims.

Of course, if you want a personal touch when it comes to the concept of death, then you can simply…

14 Control The Grim Freakin’ Reaper

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

When it comes to the various supernatural entities that are present in the game, it goes without saying that the Grim Reaper is arguably one of the most iconic figures in the entire series. He’s been a mainstay in The Sims from the very first iteration, and players who wished to take a closer glimpse into the life of this supernatural figure can actually do so through a code present in the game.

To perform this trick, the first thing you need to do is sacrifice one of your Sims so that the Reaper arrives in the first place. Once this is done and the Grim Reaper arrives in your home, enable cheat mode and shift-click on the Reaper. Select the “Add to Family” option, and voila — you can now control the most feared entity in the entire game!

13 Turn Living Sims Into A Ghost (And Vice Versa)

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

For a series that’s so intent on providing gamers with an accurate life simulation, it must be said that the various supernatural elements present in The Sims can be a nice little distraction from the usual gameplay loop, and freshen up one’s experience with the game itself. One such supernatural element is the inclusion of ghosts in the game, and if you really want a first-hand experience of controlling something so creepy, then guess what — it’s completely possible.

It goes without saying that you need to input a particular console command and specify exactly what kind of ghost you want your Sim to transform into. After all, ghosts can adopt different colors based on the manner in which they died, and by using these cheats you can turn your once-living Sim into a controllable ghost.

And speaking of transformations…

12 Transform Your Sims Into A Vampire

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

It’s understandable if a player might get tired once they control the same type of Sims over and over again without any variety in gameplay whatsoever. One of the best ways to remove this boredom altogether is by transforming a particular Sim into a vampire. This can prove to be extremely effective when it comes to removing the monotony one might experience from playing the game with the same human Sims for an extended period of time.

If you want to transform your Sim into a vampire immediately without having to go through the headache-inducing steps beforehand, there’s a simple way to do so. Open up the console and enter the command “stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160” to start the vampirism process. Of course, if you want the change to be instantaneous then you can simply use the command “traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire” instead.

11 Reach The Top Of Your Career Without Any Stress

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Working up through the rungs of any career is easier said than done, and this is certainly true in The Sims as well. While it might be immensely satisfying to watch your Sim rightfully live a luxurious lifestyle as they earn a massive amount of money, the journey to achieve such a feat is quite arduous and tiring. If you’re a player who just wants to skip this step altogether, then you’ll be happy to hear that there’s an easier and less time-consuming way to do so.

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Simple enable cheat mode, and use the console command “careers.promote[name of career]” again and again, until you reach the very top of your career. This can prove to be a huge help, since you can obviously enjoy the huge inflow of money that will come as result of these promotions. Whether your Sims have the skills to perform at their job or not is a completely different question… although the next entry should provide you with a satisfactory solution.

10 Improve Any Skill You Want With Ease

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

The development of skills is another area of The Sims that can get somewhat grating, especially in the later stages when it takes a really, really long time to level up your skill. In fact, it can actually get somewhat boring after a while to perform the same action over and over again, just so that you can level up a particular skill. To avoid this grind, you can use a pretty simple solution.

As is the case with most of the exploits discussed on this list, just enable cheat mode and use the code “stats.set_skill_level [skilltype] [1-10]”. Through this cheat, you can set the level of any skill according to what you please, letting you skip the annoying grind that we’ve mentioned before, and turning your Sims into functional individuals who can do anything they wish with ease.

9 Raise (Or Lowers) The Grades Of Your Sims

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Grades are a major factor of any person, that pretty much shapes them for the future. Even in a game like The Sims, grades are pretty important since they provide Sims with a number of benefits that can be really beneficial in the long run. However, trying to raise these grades itself can be somewhat boring, and — just like the development of skills — if you wish to skip this annoying grind, then cheat codes are the way to go.

It pretty much goes without saying at this point that the first thing you need to do is enable cheat mode. After doing so, use “careers.promote gradeschool/highscool” so that you can improve the school performance of your Sims without having to go through the grind every player fears.

8 Influence The Emotions Of Your Sims

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

The Sims 4 included a wide variety of emotions that your Sims can experience over time, which can add a ton of variety to the normal gameplay that has become synonymous with the series. However, there are times when you might want your Sim to experience a particular emotion, and it can get somewhat frustrating if — no matter how hard you try — your Sim just straight up refuses to do as you please.

To avoid such a predicament, one of the best ways to make your Sim see the light is through the judicious application of — you guessed it — console commands. As always, make sure that cheat mode is on, and then use “Sims.add_buff [buffname]” to bestow your Sim with the moodlet you want. The list itself is quite extensive, and lets you flex your creative muscles when it comes to choosing which emotions you want to impart on your Sims.

7 Fulfill All The Needs Of Your Sims

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

The most prominent gameplay loop present in the game involves the fulfillment of your Sims’ needs through constant micromanagement. While this certainly contributes to the addictive nature of The Sims, it’s understandable if a long-time player eventually gets bored of repeating the same actions over and over again. Of course, as is the case with most of the previous entries on this list, you can also choose to avoid this monotonous action with the use of console commands.

In fact, this particular action is more simple than any of the hacks discussed on this list. By enabling cheat mode, you can shift-click your Sims and select an option to max out all your Sim’s needs at once. Yep, it’s really that simple.

6 Modify Your Sims Entirely Mid-Game With The CAS Tool

25 Crazy The Sims Hacks You Never Knew Existed

Your Sim might seem to have a novel appearance when you start off with a particular household, but over time this look can get somewhat grating, which can be due to a number of reasons that we won’t get into at this point. The point is that there should be a way for players to alter their Sims mid-game so that they can get the most of their playthrough — and guess what, there a way to do exactly that.

Similar to the previous entry, this can also be accomplished by enabling cheat mode. By shift-clicking on your Sims, you can select the option that lets you open the Create-A-Sim tool and edit the Sim that you’ve chosen. It’s surprisingly convenient, and a great way to keep the game fresh for a player that might be getting bored from the same old.

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Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/crazy-the-sims-hacks-you-never-knew-existed/

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