25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

The force is with these funny Star Wars comics that show a different side of the movies.

You Are Reading :25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

With every incredible movie series, TV show, or fictional saga comes a dedicated and passionate fandom. These fans demonstrate their love for their favorite fictional universe not only by devouring all of the canon media available but by creating their own material too. Fanart, fanfiction, fan comics… They’re all inevitable products of a successful franchise!

The Star Wars universe is no exception to this rule. Ever since the first movie’s release in the 1970s, ardent fans have been creating astounding pieces of art in homage to their favorite characters. Now, with the rise of the Internet and the release of Episodes VII and VIII, more and more amazing creations are being shared. There’s a whole new generation of viewers out there to join the fandom, and it’s a whole lot easier to share their Star Wars-inspired work thanks to the rise of social media!

Of course, that leaves the entire Star Wars fandom (and the entire world) with a wealth of amazing content to browse online. Particularly popular are the amusing comic strips that have cropped up all over the Internet. Some of them put a totally different spin on the events of the movies; others poke fun at the series we all love so much. Either way, these 25 Star Wars fan comics had us crying with laughter. Whether you’re an original trilogy purist, a fan of the prequels, or obsessed with the recent sequels, there’s a comic here for you. If you do fall into the prequel-loving category, though… Are you okay?

25 Han And Leia’s Parenting Problems

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Thanks to the time jump between the end of Return of the Jedi and the beginning of The Force Awakens, we Star Wars fans never really got to see what Kylo Ren’s early years were like. Did he always display slightly sinister tendencies, or was it really THAT encounter with Luke that pushed him over the edge? Did Han and Leia take baby Ben Solo out on trips to the park? Was he a well-behaved kid?

This comic by the hilarious Brian Kesinger addresses at least some of these questions. As you can see, his version of Lil’ Kylo is a slightly, er, “troubled” one. Those poor snowmen! And Han’s there too, bringing his classic sass… To be fair, he’s not wrong. Leia’s family do have a bit of a history when it comes to the Dark Side!

24 Han Solo The Disney Princess?

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Well, this is a crossover we never expected to see. What does Snow White have to say about all of this? Artist John Trumbull’s interpretation of how Han manages to escape from being frozen in carbonite is an interesting one, to say the least. In the movies, we got that satisfying moment where Leia gets to rescue her beloved, ingenious disguise and all. It was a brilliant reversal of the classic, kinda prejudiced damsel-in-distress trope, and we loved it.

In this version, however, it’s not a Princess that saves Han.

It’s Prince Charming himself! Where the Seven Dwarves come into this, I’m not really sure. Plus, why are only four of them present for this momentous occasion? To be honest, Luke’s confused look is me right now. Did Prince Charming’s kiss manage to wake Han from his slumber? We’ll never know.

23 The Many Sides Of Kylo Ren

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Oh, Kylo Ren – the Star Wars villain with the temperament and the self-awareness of an angsty fourteen-year-old. While this comic by the incredibly talented Claire, aka RandomSplashes on Tumblr, is undoubtedly hilarious, you can’t help but feel sorry for poor Kylo. He thinks he’s going to be the one who continues his grandfather’s evil legacy! He wants to be majestic and sinister! However, pretty much everyone thinks he’s a bit of a joke.

These assessments of Ren’s reputation are pretty accurate, all things considered. In The Force Awakens, Rey does kinda own Kylo in that final lightsaber battle. Hux also blatantly does resent his First Order comrade, although whether he finds him “hot” and his hair “lush” is still open to interpretation! Judging by the fan art out there, a lot of Star Wars fans are Hux/Kylo shippers. Interesting…

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22 The Difference Between Luke And Rey

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Okay, time for a potentially unpopular opinion: Luke Skywalker is pretty annoying in the first Star Wars movie. Even if you ignore the whole “getting the hots for his sister” thing, he’s frequently more of a whiny child than an awesome Jedi master. Of course, this is probably the point. Luke’s original teenage angst allows for a lot of character development over the following films! However, it does portray young Skywalker in a pretty bad light if you compare him to Rey.

Rey starts off as a lonely orphan who’s had to struggle to survive.

She then quickly goes on to show off her impressive fighting prowess, learns how to wield her Force powers insanely quickly, and is a general badass for most of the movie. At no point does she throw a tantrum about wanting to go to Toschi Station for power converters. Oh, Luke…

21 Emo Kylo Ren

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Quite a lot of Star Wars fan comics allude to the fact that Kylo Ren is basically an overgrown emo kid, and they’re all pretty hilarious. This one comes from DeviantArt user WolfAnita, and to be honest, we can all relate to Rey a little bit. Do you think we’re ever going to see Kylo Ren crack a smile in this new Star Wars trilogy, or is he destined to be all of us circa 2009 for the rest of his days?

To be honest, Kylo’s creators didn’t do much to dispell the idea that he belongs in the crowd of a My Chemical Romance concert. He dresses all in black. He’s got that chin-length, Professor-Snape-style hair that does him no favors. He’s moody, brooding, and doesn’t look like he’s seen any sunlight in a while. So yeah… He’s me aged 14. I can’t be the only one who relates…

20 Not The Imperial March Again…

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Even the most peripheral of Star Wars fans know what the Imperial March sounds like. Heck, even people who’ve never seen any of the movies have a shot at being able to identify that music! It’s become totally iconic and is synonymous with Darth Vader himself. Every bad guy needs a sinister tune to play as he storms into a room, right? It’s one of the first rules of movie villainy. However, this comic by the legendary artist Jeffrey Brown poses a hilarious question.

What if Vader legitimately had the Imperial March blaring wherever he went?

What if it wasn’t just included for cinematic purposes, and was the Sith Lord’s actual, real-life theme song? As the comic suggests, the general public would probably get sick of it pretty quickly. Not that they’d dare to challenge him about it, of course… Nobody wants to get Force-choked.

19 Unlucky In Love

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Poor Luke Skywalker. Despite being the hero of his own film series, he doesn’t manage to get the girl at the end of it. That’s Han Solo’s job! Of course, the girl in question is Luke’s sister, so it would have been offensively strange for that particular pairing to work out. But what about one of the other three token women who appear in the original Star Wars universe? Could Luke have found love with Mon Mothma, or… Actually, she’s the only other major female character, isn’t she? Wow.

Anyway, huge gender imbalances aside, this amusing comic by Kevin Bolk portrays Luke as a serially unlucky-in-love guy who’s more than a little bit bitter about it. The first girl was actually his twin. The second is apparently loving it up with Admiral Ackbar. Love? It’s a trap! Well, at least for this version of Luke…

18 Darth Vader Vs. Kylo Ren

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

As much as Kylo Ren may like to think that he’s on the same level of evilness as his grandfather, Darth Vader is unequivocally way more terrifying. This hilarious comic posted by Dorkly perfectly highlights the differences between these two villains. For one, as we’ve mentioned previously, poor Kylo does come across as more of an angsty teenager than a fully-fledged Sith Lord. While Vader was nothing short of ruthless and unhinged, Kylo seems like he’s having a temper tantrum.

His parents just don’t understand him, okay?!

Of course, one similarity between Kylo and Vader is the fact that some good still lurks within both of their hearts. Will Kylo take the same path as his grandfather, and eventually go back to the light side of the Force? We’ll have to wait and see!

17 Stormtroopers Need Downtime Too!

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Here’s a question: what do Stormtroopers actually get up to when they’re not on duty? We know that it’s not target practice, that’s for sure: eight films in and those guys still can’t land a shot even when it’s seemingly straightforward. Luckily, Tumblr user Kylo Life has had a think about what these Dark Side lackeys do for fun when they’re not failing to capture Resistance fighters. You’ve gotta admit, the crossing of the Star Wars and Pokémon fandoms here is an amazing touch.

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Pokémon Go is now playable in a Galaxy Far, Far Away!

We can’t imagine that Kylo Ren would react kindly to a Stormtrooper looming over him for the sake of the game, to be honest. Plus, if augmented reality was going to cause a Pokémon to appear on his head, he’d definitely want it to be something a bit cooler than a Weedle…

16 Hux And Kylo’s Rivalry

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

You can’t choose your co-workers, but if you could, Kylo Ren and General Hux definitely wouldn’t have picked each other. Each of them can’t stand the other, or harbors secret romantic feelings and disguises them using hate, depending on your way of thinking. This comic by an anonymous artist (let us know if it’s you!) chooses to go with the “straight-up hating each other” route, although in a pretty playful way!

Based on Hux and Kylo’s interactions in The Last Jedi, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this situation had actually happened at some point. In front of Snoke, these two were constantly fighting for opportunities and attention. Still, if Kylo at any point felt like he hadn’t got in on the action enough, that’s definitely been rectified by the events of Episode VIII…

15 The First Rule Of Star Wars

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

This hilariously accurate comic came from a Dorkly series about the different levels of Star Wars fandom. One of the highest levels is the Jedi Grandmaster stage, in which a fan has realized that the prequels were actually utter garbage. Not even the presence of Liam Neeson could save The Phantom Menace.

Don’t even get us started on Jar-Jar Binks.

Not only does a Jedi Grandmaster fan recognize this truth about Episodes I, II and III, they aren’t afraid to share their opinions with the world. The uninitiated Star Wars fan who’s not watched the original trilogy yet might think that all of the action sequences are ridiculously manufactured, or that Hayden Christensen’s acting is the best the franchise has to offer. Only when they make it to A New Hope will they realize their foolish mistake and achieve Jedi Grandmaster status themselves. Also, Han shot first.

14 Happy Father’s Day

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Here we have another Jeffrey Brown classic that takes place in a universe where Darth Vader ends up raising young Luke and Leia. Whether he actually enjoys the experience of fatherhood is another matter! Here we have two somewhat painful situations for old Vader. The first is trying to convince young, sweet-natured Luke that Darth Maul, one of the creepiest-looking villains in the world, is a ‘good guy’. It’s ultimately a losing battle.

Secondly, we have a scenario that every parent can relate to.

You know that sinking feeling when your kid is super excited about buying a toy that you find really, really annoying? Yeah. Vader can use his Force powers all he wants, but he’s going to have to buy that stupid Jar-Jar toy for his son eventually. It’s just like real-world parents caving and getting their kids a Furby. It’s the stuff of nightmares.

13 Nobody Likes Jar-Jar Binks

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Whether or not Jar-Jar Binks is a secret Sith Lord or just a comic relief character, there’s no denying that he’s unbearably irritating. What was George Lucas thinking? Not only are there some uncomfortable racial stereotypes surrounding Jar-Jar, he serves little purpose other than to wind every Star Wars viewer up! Thank god he hasn’t made a return in the most recent trilogy…

Still, it would have been interesting to see what Han, Leia and the others thought of old Jar-Jar. While we’ll probably never find out in Star Wars canon, this comic by Morph Maker answers this question in a pretty hilarious way. Han, Leia, and Chewbacca look taken aback, to say the least. Leia’s facial expression is probably the same as every fan’s whenever Jar-Jar appears on the screen. THE HORROR!

12 The Death Star… Again

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Let’s be real here: the first frame of this Dorkly comic could come from any one of three Star Wars films. As much as we love the franchise, the writers clearly aren’t very imaginative when it comes to the bad guys’ ultimate weapons. They love a good Death Star, or a Death Star: The Sequel, or even a Death Star 3: It’s A Planet This Time. Basically, the Dark Side just keep pulling the same trick again and again and then get surprised it doesn’t work.

Han Solo has lived through all three of these Death Star incarnations.

You can imagine that he’d be sick of that nonsense by now! Considering he seems pretty done with life for the entirety of The Force Awakens, this comic is completely in character. He’s got a point, as well – all they need to do is blow it up, again!

11 Shut The Force Up

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

This Kevin Bolk comic highlights a pretty amusing plot point from Return of the Jedi. Luke definitely could have dropped Darth Vader in some serious trouble with Darth Sidious if he’d wanted to! In Empire Strikes Back, Vader suggests to Luke that they rule the galaxy together as father and son. Where does this leave Sidious, exactly? The implication is that Vader wants to “get rid” of him to make way for the Skywalker dynasty! Unsurprisingly, Vader hasn’t shared this plan with Sidious by the time Return of the Jedi rolls around. This comic imagines what would happen if Luke spilled the beans!

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Of course, if Luke HAD chosen to divulge this information to Darth Sidious, it probably wouldn’t have ended well for him or his father. This comic has a pretty optimistic view. Knowing Sidious, he would have gone down the Force-electrocution route rather than prison!

10 Another Death Star

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Another comic, another reference to just how imaginative the Dark Side is with its weaponry. This Blue Milk Special piece imagines Mon Mothma’s reaction to finding out that the second Death Star has been built. She raises a fair point! How the heck did this battle station get constructed so quickly after the first one was destroyed? Maybe the Sith are acquainted with the speediest builders in the galaxy.

Perhaps the second Death Star was indeed made of cardboard.

There is one question that we’re left with after reading this comic. Where has Mon Mothma’s nose gone? Like, these guys are super talented artists and all… But the last time we checked, Mothma wasn’t related to Voldemort. Her hollow eyes are also kinda creepy. This comic might well haunt my nightmares.

9 Beware The Fangirls

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

While the Star Wars franchise has undoubtedly brought joy to many people’s lives, it’s also come with a price. Thanks to these movies, a horde of excitable beings run rampage all over the Internet. No, I’m not talking about the Ewoks: it’s the fangirls! Okay, I jest – the majority of the Star Wars fandom is pretty calm and collected. However, there’s always a few people who take things a bit too far.

This comic by DeviantArt user Chrystalis pokes fun at one slightly bizarre fangirl phenomenon. For some reason, the people of the Internet have a real passion for villains. Despite the fact that people like General Grievous, Kylo Ren, and Count Dooku are pretty blatantly not very nice guys, fangirls love them. Why are we all so drawn to dark souls? I’m not a psychologist, so I won’t even try to explain. Still, the confusion is real.

8 The Skywalker Family

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

If there’s one thing the Star Wars fandom loves, it’s imagining what could have been if Anakin Skywalker hadn’t turned to the Dark Side. What if he’d resisted the pull of the Sith, and hadn’t caused Padmé to pass away from a broken heart? Well, this comic by DeviantArt user Renny08 gives us one brief insight into Skywalker family life.

How cute do Luke and Leia look as little kids, by the way?!

This pretty humorous snapshot shows Leia and Luke messing with Anakin’s lightsaber, and their parents’ understandably horrified reaction. One mis-click of a button and Luke could end up losing an eye – or worse! That’s the thing about kids, though. Even in the Star Wars world, they have little concept of what “danger” means! Anakin needs to learn to keep his deadly weapon out of reach of the kids…

7 Does The Dark Side Really Have Cookies?

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

It’s a phrase common on T-shirts, mugs, and general Star Wars merchandise everywhere: “come to the Dark Side, we have cookies.” Thing is… Is this true? Does the Dark Side ACTUALLY have cookies, or is this just a clever ploy to lure unsuspecting victims to their cause? Well, this comic by Patrick Scullin suggests that the latter is the case!

This poor Dark Side Commander seems to have fallen for the false promises of sweet, sweet baked goods when he signed up to fight for Vader. Still, he’s got guts for actually bringing it up! We’d love to see a follow-up to this moment. Did he get the cookies, or did Vader and Sidious teach him a lesson for this insolent question? The former is a more wholesome option, but the latter is more likely.

6 I Am Your Father

25 Hilarious Star Wars Fan Comics That Leave Us Laughing

Who doesn’t love a humorous twist on one of the most iconic Star Wars moments of all time? If you say “I am your father” to pretty much anyone, they’ll know you’re making a Star Wars reference. Well, you’d better hope so, anyway, or you’re going to have one confused person to deal with. Anyway, this Blue Milk Special strip adds a slightly cheeky new twist to this classic exchange.

We all know that Luke is understandably pretty horrified to discover that Vader is his father. However, this comic suggests that the real terror came from the awful realization that his parents had to have… You know… Actually made the baby. Imagining Darth Vader in that kind of “compromising position” is enough to make anyone scream in anguish. Blue Milk Special, why would you do this to us?

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/funny-star-wars-comics-leave-laughing/

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