25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

These funny Skyrim memes give a new meaning to the word dank.

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25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Skyrim, huh? Where do you even start with this one?

There are some select games that just manage to transcend the genre entirely. To become huge, fiery pop culture icons in their own right. You may never have played a Super Mario game in your life, but you’ll sure know who Mario is. You may not have been around for Pac-Man’s original early 80s heyday, but you’ll certainly be able to pick the spherical yellow fellow out of line up.

By the same token, you don’t need to know anything about the Elder Scrolls franchise to have heard of Skyrim. Its predecessor, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, was a big deal, but not really big enough to be known by its subtitle alone (outside of the industry, of course). In that sense, Skyrim is the Madonna of video games.

Since its original release back in 2011, Skyrim has been utterly unstoppable. It’s been ported to just about every system known to man, repackaged and re-released out the wazzoo. Fans who have already sunk hundreds of hours into the title have double and triple-dipped, because they were simply unable to resist.

The expansive, life-consuming open world RPG is super popular, is what I’m getting at here. That’s always a good thing, but it does mean that the game has been ruthlessly torn to shreds by meme-makers, like anything else that’s high profile. Join us for this rundown of some of the most hilariously unmissable Skyrim memes out there.

25 When Skyrim’s Horses Just Do Not Care

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Now, I’m not going to sit here and claim to be some kind of horse expert. I have slim to bupkuss experience with them in real life. The one and only time I ever rode one was as a terrified, howling child, amazed by this magnificent beast and just how darn far from the ground I looked from up there.

In video games, meanwhile, I’m totally good with horses. They’re a popular way of getting our protagonists from place to place, and you’ve got to appreciate that.

Where would Link be without Epona? Driving that bizarre new motorcycle around, probably.

My favourite are the horses of Skyrim, for their hilariously illogical, gravity-defying ways. How are we climbing up a completely vertical cliff face, again?

24 What You Cut That Conversation Off At The Speed Of Light

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Ah, okay. I mean, that’s not how conversations traditionally go, but whatever works for you.

To be fair, I guess we’ve all been in this situation at some point in our lives.

Awkward conversations with exes, that guy from work who’s all kinds of into you, the eighteenth telemarketer of the day when you’re trying to get your baby to sleep… it’s relatable on so many levels.

If I had to venture a guess, I’d say that this person has done their share of online dating, and has run the gamut of super slick one-liners as a result. It’s often easy to tell where this is going right from the off, and you get a little cynical as a result.

23 When You’re A Strong, Independent Adventurer Who Don’t Need No Health Potion

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

As players know darn well, Skyrim is a vast, expansive sandbox of an RPG. It’s renowned for its go anywhere, do anything approach, and you know where people tend to take that concept: Be as much of a d-bag as possible.

Thievery is often the name of the game, particularly seeing as how you can enter people’s homes as you please for the most part. Just about all of the possessions are available to nab, if you’re sneaky enough, but there’s a downside to that. A lot of what you’re going to find looks entirely worthless. Old empty sacks, wheels of cheese, a carrot or two…

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To the canny adventurer, however, these are just extra sources of HP. Eating the random jumble of food in your inventory is one way of healing in a pinch.

22 When You Hit Them With That FUS ROH DAH

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

While it’s super neat to be able to fully customize your Skyrim character (everything from race to level of studly stubble on your chin can be tweaked to your liking), you’ll still suffer from that common RPG problem: you have no voice of your own. You don’t tend to notice this when you’re in the thick of the action, but it’s a little odd to spend much of your time being spoken at rather than to.

Those shouts, friends. Those darn shouts. You don’t mess with the Dragonborn.

You do get to choose from static lines of dialogue in conversation, but that’s as far as it goes. I don’t know what Link’s excuse is, but in Skyrim, there’s a darn good reason for this: the protagonist’s voice is completely beyond OP.

21 When You’re A Straight-Up Conversational Wizard

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

So, as I say, however meticulously you’ve designed your character, however many hours you’ve spent in that menu debating race and nose length and such, they’re never going to be the social type. That’s just the way things are around here.

Dialogue may be thin on the ground, but there is a Speech stat that you can work on.

This statistic measures your character’s ability to persuade others, how charismatic they can be, and their general chance to talk their way out of a problem. Generally, you can increase this by not simply taking the sword-to-EVERYONE’S-undercarriage approach to your problems. Boring, but effective.

At any rate, you’re still more talkative than the protagonist of the Pokémon games. Just look at this social faux pas. Come on, it’s not a difficult question.

20 When You Realise That You’re Playing As Ed Sheeran

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

As we all know, character creation and customization can be a serious business. There are those obsessive gamers who spend hours tweaking every possible slider and ensuring that every option is just to their liking. On beginning my Monster Hunter World playthrough a month ago, I did just that, tweaking everything right down to the pattern on my palico’s fur. And that’s despite the fact that you’ll be fully clad in armour the entire time, and none of it will be remotely visible for the most part.

Still, that’s just what some of us have to do. Other gamers will be perfectly content to just hit random and roll with whatever they get, but I am not about that life. I’m not about to run through a vast, hundreds-of-hours-long RPG as Ed Sheeran.

19 When Great Power Comes With Great Responsibility, But You Aren’t About That Life

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Speaking of which, the concept of Dragon Shouts is a truly odd one in my book. Words of power, as a way of conjuring magic, isn’t an uncommon idea, but I think we took that ball and ran way into Bizarro World with it here.

What we’re doing here is absorbing the ancient and powerful language of the dragons; ‘speaking’ their words to borrow their powers and cast the associated spells. Rare individuals known as Dragonborn, as we know, are able to instinctively use these powers after absorbing the souls of said dragons (and thus consuming their knowledge).

If you are one of these select, blessed few, you’d darn well better use your powers reverently and responsibly. You won’t, though, because messing with those poor goats is just hilarious.

18 When You’re The Duck With The Devious Masterplan

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Now, true enough, this isn’t an isolated incident. We can’t just single out this one duck. I live in England, and on the beaches of the UK, seagulls are vicious, vicious things. They’ll swipe your food right out of your hands without even a hint of an care given.

If you’ve ever seen You’ve Been Framed! Or America’s Funniest Home Videos, you’ll know exactly what birds can be like.

This particular attack is on a completely different level, though. Just look what’s happening here. This is all entirely premeditated. They’re even using their babies as a cunning distraction! I just do not know what to think here. Ducks always look so innocent. Then again, so do cats, and who can say what those haughty buggers are thinking?

17 When Your Followers Aren’t The Smartest Around

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Now, much as we all admire Skyrim for its sheer scope, replay value and technical achievement, there’s no denying that it can get incredibly shonky in places.

Legendary glitches and bugs aside, the AI is all kinds of questionable.

Followers, as we all know, can be a real mixed bag. On the one hand, nothing quite beats paying Faendal to train you in archery and then just pickpocketing that gold straight back out of his own inventory. That poor, simple Riverwood thief.

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That’s all well and good, but your followers will mess you up in dungeons. They’ll set off that trap you deftly avoided, say, or they’ll face-tank that spell you aimed at that bandit’s squishy bits. Still, you’ve got to admire their enthusiasm. Right?

16 When The NPCs Need To Learn A Little Chill

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Now, let’s be fair here, this isn’t a gripe exclusive to Skyrim. Not by a long chalk. Just about any RPG, you care to mention has some kind of mechanic like this. Oh, so you’re single-handedly saving the world from complete destruction? That’s nice and all, but you’re not getting so much as a free Happy Meal from any of the stores in the game’s world.

Sure, there are completely logical reasons for weapon stores and such to charge you. That’s a given, but it’s still a little peculiar in that sense. Once again, Skyrim’s got to take everything that step further, as we see in this meme. We’ve all fallen foul of the guards at some point in our Skyrim adventure, and man are those guys tenacious.

15 When Draco Malfoy Is Just 100% Raw Savage

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Many of us are familiar with the idea of the schoolyard rivalry. That one due/dudette in your class you never quite got on with, the one you’d exchange snarky barbs with at every opportunity. You never want to admit it, but there are times when you’re hit with a slice of pure 100% proof brilliant wit, and you can do nothing but just accept it.

For Harry Potter, this was one of those times.

Easy there, Draco. We know you’ve been a Grade A d-bag for most of the series, but that’s going a little too far. There’s no need to just demolish the poor guy entirely.

Granted, I’m being sarcastic, but still. The early PS1 era Harry Potter games were just incredible things to behold.

14 When Those Lightweights Need To Step Up Their Skyrim Addiction

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

I’ve already touched on Monster Hunter, and the many hours I’ve spent with that series. For me, the hundreds of hours on end I’ve spent there are rivaled only by the Pokémon franchise.

The thing about Monster Hunter is, it can be a super toxic community. It’s all about the opinions of ‘veterans,’ and if you haven’t spent as long with the games as somebody else, their word is to be taken as some almighty truth. Not always, but often enough.

However addicted to a series you think you’ve become, there’ll always be somebody who can put your playtime to shame. It’s not a contest (at least, it really shouldn’t be), but that’s the truth of it. Two hours? In a game like Skyrim, you’re just barely getting warmed up after two hours.

13 When You’re The Worst Kind Of Skyrim Hoarder

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Not to beat you over the head with this point, but Skyrim sure is a vast and all-consuming RPG. There’s a whole array of different side quests to engage in and activities to try your hand at. No two playthroughs will ever be the same.

As great as all of this is, it can make the game quite the daunting prospect for new players. How can you know which potions to make, or even how to make them? Which weapons are best? Which stats and abilities are worth investing in?

Perhaps most importantly, which items are worth that precious inventory space?

It can be tough. When a game throws all manner of weird and wonderful items at you, you never know if they’re gong to prove useful later on. You never know when you might need that potion, either, which is exactly how this sort of thing can happen.

12 When You’re The Greatest Blacksmith In The Land, You Just Don’t Make A Fuss About It

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

You know, I can fully support this. It’s a refreshing attitude, and one that you just don’t see enough of these days. A little modesty goes a long way, in any walk of life.

Being the world-weary old cynic that I am, I’ve gotten a little weary with those who flaunt their abilities. It’s just the way of the internet age, with everybody begging for likes, retweets, shares and general validation on social media, but it still rankles me.

This guy, on the other hand, knows what’s up. He totally knows that his gear is the best, but he’s not going to crow about it. He hasn’t put a fancy little Best Blacksmith In Whiterun sign above his shop. He knows it’s true, and that’s all he needs.

11 When Your Parents Are Totally Cool With Your Skyrim Habit

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

At times, it can be tough to please our parents. The sad fact is, there are so many opportunities to screw up and disappoint them. You just can’t avoid them all. Maybe you’re in a relationship they don’t approve of, you didn’t get the grades they expected, you dropped out of college or you don’t want to become a professional pie eating champion like your dad.

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Maybe you simply don’t call as often as they’d like. There’s always something.

Some of us are fortunate enough to have parents who fully support us, whatever we choose to do with our lives. Is Skyrim your life? That’s fine, they’re totally cool with that. Look at them there, standing behind you and your Skyrim habit. Great work, mom, and dad.

10 When Mom Drops The Savagery Out Of No-Darn-Where

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

So, yes. Just there in the last entry, we were celebrating those awesome parents out there who are 100% behind their children and their life choices. This doesn’t mean that they think they’re all great choices (because they won’t be), but that they respect the fact that learning to adult means learning to screw up at times and recover from it.

That’s some inspiring stuff, right there. However supportive you may think your parents are, though, you can’t take your eyes off them for a darn second. You can never predict when they’re about to just effortlessly shatter you into a million pieces. These are powerful people, and you’ve got to try and stay on their good side. See what happened when this unfortunate soul thought they could snark on their mom? Ouch.

9 When You’ve Got Hot Skyrim E3 2018 Leaks

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Hindsight is a curious thing, isn’t it? If the sci-fi writers of the 80s and 90s had a chance to look at the world today and amend some of their work, they’d do so in a heartbeat. 80s visions of the far-flung 2000s are hilarious, and all kinds of wrong.

Why do we still not have Back to the Future-esque hover boots? Why?

On the other hand, certain ‘predictions’ aren’t meant to be taken seriously, but are becoming more apt with each passing year. This is because the world has gone super wrong in all kinds of ways, but still. It’s also pretty darn funny. If this snarky meme actually turns out to be an accurate forecast of Bethesda’s next few E3 shows, I really won’t be very surprised at all.

8 When You’re All About That Stealth Archer Life

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Here’s another interesting thing about the boundless freedom and endless customization options of Skyrim: we tend to ignore a lot of it.

Most of the replay appeal lies in the myriad differing approaches you can take to the game. Maybe you’ve done the whole stealth archer thing, so next time you’ll play through as a great, hulking two-hander tank. When the game released on Nintendo Switch, you may have hopped back on board just to play through cosplaying as Link. Maybe a mage, or an interesting necromancer build you saw online, or…

Nah. Stealth archer is the only way to roll, isn’t it? I’ve had so many false starts because I just wasn’t feeling a certain playstyle, as have most people who have ever played the game over again.

7 When Flying Mammoths Are Totally A Thing

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

We’ve already touched on the game’s many foibles. Its ridiculous bugs, amusing glitches, and other issues. Skyrim enthusiasts tend to fall into two camps: those who are fine with these issues and put up with them because they’re part of the charm, and those who drop it faster than Snoop Dogg when it’s hot and mod them out of existence.

The occasional flying mammoth really isn’t anything to be concerned about.

Really, the odd glitch is unavoidable with a game of this scope. All you can really hope for is to be hit by something minor, like odd clipping issues, and not a huge flaw that crashes the game outright. There are even horror stories of deleted saves, which don’t even bear thinking about. The funny ones, I’m totally down with.

6 When The Pain Is Just TOO Real

25 Hilariously Dank Skyrim Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

You know, here on the internet, you can find instant answers to just about any query you happen to have. Whether these answers are to be taken remotely seriously or not is another matter, but they’re here.

If you were to ask what’s the worst pain in the world?, you’d get a whole spectrum of answers. Some would be founded in logic (labour, for instance, or the barbs of the stonefish; most venomous fish in the world), some philosophical (heartbreak, for instance), some just plain snarky. You know what the internet’s like.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t tend to go around baiting stonefish, so I can’t really relate to a lot of these. Treading on a lego barefoot, however, is one we’re all familiar with. Interestingly, this actually is the exact noise most people make when they do so.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hilariously-dank-skyrim-memes-true-fans-will-understand/

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