25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

These incredibly sexy cosplay show off the wonderful World of Warcraft – both it’s hottest races and most beautiful assets.

You Are Reading :25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

World of Warcraft has some of the most complex and fantastical outfits in a fantasy setting. The series is beloved worldwide and instantly recognizable by many. World of Warcraft has continued its reign as one of the standing bastions of the geek world. From 2004 to now it still remains the most subscribed MMORPG in the world, even holding a Guinness World Record for the highest subscriber count. As of 2014, Blizzard counted more than 100 million accounts that had been created over the entire course of the game’s current timeline.

From night elves to blood elves, from Alexstrasza to Jaina Proudmoore, the diverse range of characters in this universe really make for a wide swath of characters to cosplay. Many cosplayers have even chosen to do gender-bent versions of specific characters, or their own versions of a non-human character. The intense amount of work that is put into each costume, prop, and photo shoot featured on this list is truly unparalleled. The World of Warcraft universe comes to life in this colorful showcase.

Another one of the most amazing aspects of cosplay and costume creation is the different mediums that are utilized by these cosplayers. The many nuances that are showcased in these top-notch World of Warcraft cosplays include: armor building, prop building, body paint and prosthesis, sewing mastery, and much much more. These cosplayers have chosen the perfect characters to portray and have used their skills to truly rise to the top and shine as highly skilled craftswomen.

25 Narga Cosplay – Alexstrasza

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Narga Cosplay, or Natasha, is a 23-year-old cosplayer from Russia and is best known for her amazing World of Warcraft cosplays. This is no exception. From the cracked look of her gauntlets to the small indents and nicks on the armor itself, the weathering really makes this costume shine. Narga looks absolutely otherworldly as Alexstrasza, with no detail being spared or overlooked when it comes to her overall craftsmanship of this particular cosplay.

Full armor pieces on limbs tend to really impact mobility sometimes, but it looks like Narga was able to surmount this problem flawlessly. The painting on these armor pieces with gradient colors and textures also really makes this cosplay pop. Alexstrasza is already a flamboyant and gorgeous character, and Narga takes her a step further by actually embodying her.

24 Paladin Tier 2 – Kamui Cosplay

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Kamui Cosplay is a German cosplayer best known for popularizing the use of worbla in making armor costumes. She has written several instructional books about props, cosplay sewing, armor making, and more. Kamui has crafted numerous World of Warcraft cosplays over the course of her longstanding cosplay career, but her blood elf paladin is one of my absolute favorites!

The close-up shot above shows the painstaking and incredible details that Kamui is famous for in all of her armor cosplays. Even her weapon has small nicks etched into it, making it look battle-worn and hardened. The small sigils and symbols that cover her armor are also integral pieces that make the entire look cohesive and amazing. The use of a singular color scheme also makes the costume look beautifully sharp and clear.

23 Miss Lori Lynn (formerly Miss Piratesavvy) – Night Elf

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Miss Piratesavvy originally got her start by making Youtube tutorials for costume and prop making. Now she is a model and a cosplayer who has most recently changed her cosplay handle to Miss Lori Lynn. Her wide repertoire of characters that she has cosplayed led me to rest on her beautiful Night Elf cosplay because of its excellent craftsmanship and extreme originality.

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The beautiful golden scroll work details on the armor really capture an air of regal dignity. The mixture of armor and fabric that the outfit is comprised of works very well together, as the material is a nice earthy tone that makes the gold stand out even more. This photo really has amazing colors and tones for a forest landscape as well.

22 Kirae Cosplay – Draenei Paladin

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Kirae Cosplay is a French cosplayer who has been cosplaying since 2002. She won third place in ECG final season 4 with her Draenei paladin cosplay, which is pictured above. Also, Draenei have hooves, which means she made those herself and is essentially walking on a form of stilts, which is absolutely impressive to me. That shows true commitment to the character and stellar craftsmanship as well because they are integrated perfectly into the cosplay design.

She also has a banner and an incredibly crafted hammer with details, shading, and some wicked looking spikes that solidify her cosplay and her well-earned spot in the competition she entered with this cosplay! Kirae Cosplay is absolutely living art in her Dranei paladin cosplay.

21 Azure Cosplay – Tyrant Velhari

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Azure Cosplay is a French cosplayer, model, YouTuber, and gamer. One of her most popular cosplays is Tyrant Velhari, in addition to her fantastic Widowmaker cosplay. Tyrant Velhari is formidable boss found in the Hellfire Citadel, and she is a force to be reckoned with. Azure Cosplay is also a cosplay force to be reckoned with, having created a beautiful recreation of an iconic villain.

Azure also has created some amazing hooves for this cosplay. The purple and silver color scheme make her look menacing, yet stunning, and strong. The gorgeous glowing green parts of her costume are likely LED lights, and they add another layer of fantastic dimension to this cosplay. I also love the expert sculpting of the demonic face on her belt.

20 Valkyrie Studios – Valeera Sanguinar

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Valkyrie Studios has been crafting since 2011. She is a prop maker, artist, cosplayer, and sculptor from Washington. She excels at working with a multitude of different materials to create her cosplays. She has also won numerous awards for her craftsmanship in the cosplay competitions that she has entered with her fantastic work.

Her expert use of sculpting for the pieces on Valeera Sanguinar’s neck and boots are absolutely unparalleled. Her glowing blades and armor pieces also invoke power and prestige with this costume. This multi-faceted costume can only be crafted so perfectly by a multi-talented cosplayer such as Valkyrie Studios. The subtle paint gradients also give dimension to compliment the textures applied.

19 Jessica Nigri – Sindragosa

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Jess has truly outdone herself with this absolutely incredible cosplay! Having mastered using worbla to craft this full set of armor, she has taken the original design done of a female Sindragosa by Zach Fischer and brought it to life. She has used a multitude of crafting materials, such as worbla, LED lights, face and body paint, and materials that have been weathered.

The immense amount of work, attention to detail, and accurate transposing from a drawing to a living work of art is nothing short of incredible. Jessica has proven herself to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to cosplay. She can sew, work with worbla, make props and weapons, and bring characters to life in the best and most accurate way possible. Her cosplay of Sindragosa is an homage to how much she adores World of Warcraft.

18 Oshley Cosplay – Tarecgosa

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Oshley Cosplay has been cosplaying 2013 and is a from Canada. Her favorite fandom to cosplay from is, no surprise, World of Warcraft! She is also known for her Mercy cosplay from Overwatch. This cosplay is a human version of the powerful blue dragon, Tarecgosa. The beautiful textures on the breastplate and gauntlets mirror dragon scales with a classic touch of gold to really make the armor shine.

The horns are absolutely immaculate, with wrapped ribbon emblazoned with runes, which are mirrored on her leg armor pieces, and an incredible cracked texture. The amount of different types of weathering on different pieces of armor with never cease to astound me. Oshley Cosplay is clearly extremely multi-talented and able to transform a non-human character into her own beautiful masterpiece.

17 Lyz Brickley – Mylune

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Lyz Brickley is a cosplayer from California who also runs a Youtube and a Twitch channel. Her cosplay of Mylune is quite possibly one of the most unique cosplays I have seen thus far. Mylune is a humanoid forest nymph who has four legs. Lyz kept exceptionally well to the character, even going so far as to add two more legs to really bring the character to life.

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Hers is the one of the only cosplays I have seen of Mylune thus far, and I believe it is truly the absolute best! Her dedication to the character is unmatched. From the body paint to the amazing ear prosthesis that she has to actually walk around the convention on, Mylune’s work is nothing short of amazing. She saw a character that was not cosplayed at the time and went for it, and I really love when cosplayers go for lesser known characters.

16 Geeky Red Cosplay – Malygos

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

One of my favorite types of cosplay is when a non-human character is made human. Geeky Red Cosplay has done an amazing job transforming Malygos with her own original design. Malygos is a blue dragon, but also a Wyrm, one of the most ancient creatures that lives on Azeroth. The first thing I notice is the amazing dragon scale design on her breastplate. Work like that is painstaking and often takes a bit of time to do, and her craftsmanship attests to that.

The finger armor that mirrors dragon claws is also a fantastic touch. I also adore her choice of makeup and wig, which makes Malygos quite fashionable indeed. The headpiece with the horns is also excellent, and I love how it really resembles a part of the armor but also has Malygos’s distinct horn shape and texture.

15 Shayola Artwork – Ysera

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Shayola Artwork is a Hungarian cosplayer and artist. It is apparent that with her build for Ysera she is extremely talented with the sculpting and painting of armor. The beautiful lavender body paint that she has chosen is applied flawlessly. Body paint can sometimes be a challenge because it can smear or rub off or go on patchy, but Shayola has mastered the application to really make it look like that is her skin color.

The beautiful and peaceful mood in this photo is absolutely evocative of an in-game scene where Ysera just happens to be resting for a moment in the forest. Every small detail that Ysera has on her armor is without a flaw and completely present in her build. Her ability to match the exact color scheme is also uncanny.

14 Lynx Cosplay – Garona Halforcen

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Lynx Cosplay made her Garona Halforcen cosplay as a collaborative effort with her boyfriend. She did an absolutely incredible job considering that this is her very first cosplay! I am thoroughly impressed by her craftsmanship, use of diverse materials, and the body paint and prosthetic teeth she used to really tie the costume together. The character of Garona is a half-orc and half-Draenei, so she is quite a unique character to choose.

Lynx Cosplay has truly set an amazing standard for herself considering she is so new to cosplay, and already her work is this fantastic, clean, and flawless. Looking at this costume you would expect a costumer of several years to have undertaken this character, but Lynx Cosplay absolutely nailed it on her first go! From the armor to her weapons excellent work all around.

13 Ardsami Cosplay – Demon Hunter

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Ardsami cosplay has been cosplaying since 2013 and is located in France. She made her first costume, which was a D3 Wizard for Blizzcon that same year and has grown immensely in her craft. The Demon Hunter is a relatively new class for World of Warcraft, having been announced in 2015 at Gamescom for the World of Warcraft: Legion expansion. The trademark weapon is a large, curved war glaive.

I absolutely love everything about this cosplay. The scale of the weapons is just fantastic and really pulls the cosplay together. A lot of cosplayers have chosen to use brighter paint or LED lights to make their costumes glow as if they are magic, and I really appreciate this being used in cosplay creation, which Ardsami has done an excellent job with.

12 Lady Arthas Cosplay – The Lich King

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Lady Arthas Cosplay is a Scottish cosplayer who adores all things Blizzard and is also prop maker. She has won first and second place in every competition she has participated in, which is a testament to her fantastic work. Her gender bent version of the Lich King is absolutely fantastic. I love her use of fur in addition to the armor which gives the cosplay a roguish, barbarian-esque style.

I also absolutely admire any cosplayer who shoots in the snow, especially with a cosplay that isn’t exactly the warmest. Having done it myself, it is incredibly rewarding, beautiful photos for just a bit of exposure to the cold. Since the Lich King feels at home in the ice and snow, this is the perfect backdrop for this cosplay!

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11 Danielle Beaulieu – Death Knight Heroic Tier 10

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Danielle Beaulieu is a cosplayer who hails from Boston and specializes in armor and special effects cosplay. She has been attending anime conventions since she was 13 and she has been cosplaying ever since then. Danielle is absolutely amazing at anything and everything involving armor. I love the fact that her weapon (which is expertly crafted) is stained with blood and her makeup is FLAWLESS.

She is giving us this gorgeous glam, and I just love when cosplayers have an awesome makeup look to go with their cosplay. She is a Death Knight, but knows how to absolutely kill it with beauty at the same time. The full shot of this cosplay features an amazing use of fur, gradation, and LED lights that make her ready to stalk the battlefield.

10 Ai Derathar – Arthas Menethil

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Ai Derathar is a cosplayer and an artist whose motto is, “Do it with passion or not at all.” This is an excellent creed to apply to cosplay, and it’s clear that she showcases her love and passion for cosplay with every cosplay that she makes. Her gender-bent version of Arthas Menethil is amazing!

First of all, I really love the unique weathered texture that she created on the armor pieces. It is almost like metal that was struck with a hammer to shape and mold the pieces in a hot forge. The sword has the same treatment, with beautifully sculpted pieces that lend the sword a hefty weight and realistic feel. Overall an amazing and regal looking cosplay for sure!

9 Ohana Cosplay – Tier 5 Night Elf Warrior

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Ohana Cosplay is a Polish cosplayer who has made numerous gorgeous World of Warcraft cosplays. However, she is best known for her Tier 5 Night Elf Warrior costume. Not only does she have a beautiful, cohesive, forest-green and gold color scheme for her cosplay, she also has a fantastic, well-scaled and detailed weapon to compliment it.

She even has the long brows, elf ears, contacts, and makeup to complete her epic transformation into a night elf. Looking closer at her armor you can also see the detailed nicks and cuts that make it look battle worn. I always appreciate detail work in any capacity and Ohana Cosplay has certainly crafted a beautiful cosplay.

8 Hekady – Blood Elf

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Hekady is a Spanish cosplayer who has also entered competitions with her cosplays. Her blood elf cosplay is beautifully sewn and crafted, and the ears blend seamlessly with her skin. She is delivering absolute high fantasy glamour with her pose in the photo, posing in a forest area with sunlight streaming in to create a gorgeous shot.

I love the fact that she is learning against a tree and it creates such a classic beauty pose as a result. The draping of the fabric on her skirt is stunning, and I love the sparkly golden details that make it look like gold leaf on the costume. Also, she is blessed with some amazing hair, perfect for a blood elf cosplay!

7 Lunar Crow Cosplay – Deathwing

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Lunar Crow is a cosplayer based in British Columbia and has been cosplaying since 2014. She has been a cosplay guest, panelist, and judge at numerous conventions for cosplay competitions. Her human version of Deathwing is really fantastic, and I adore her choice of wig. It really makes her hair look like fire, which Deathwing embodies with his whole being as a dragon.

The added aspect of the cracked horn really connects her costume directly to World of Warcraft lore, which I thought was a nice touch and really shows that she’s cosplaying Deathwing. The beautiful fire-flecked paint job that she has used really pops against the dark grey and steel colors she has chosen for the armor.

6 Andy Rae Cosplay – Paladin

25 Hottest World Of Warcraft Cosplays EVER

Andy Rae is a Canadian cosplayer who has been making costumes since 2014. What stands out the most to me in this cosplay is how absolutely clean the lines and casting are. I love the subtle weathering on the breastplate and the nice resin casting for the gems on the armor. The color scheme is a straightforward gold and gray with hints of red and I love that! The less amount of color you use the most uniform the costume will look.

I also love the edit with the wings, she looks so angelic, and it really suits the religious nature of the paladin class. I love how well crafted the sword looks as well. With each of these cosplays, I have noticed that each weapon is perfectly scaled to suit the class and character that is being cosplayed, and Andy Rae wields her paladin sword with grace.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/25-hottest-world-of-warcraft-cosplays-ever/

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