25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

The land of Hyrule is a large and beautiful place. Here are some Zelda moments that every fan will understand!

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25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Zelda, Link, Ganon, Hyrule, the fairies, and the Triforce have been part of the video game world since 1986 and most gamers wouldn’t have it any other way. After a rather long slump of same-y games, the fandom bounced back last year with Breath of the Wild, winning several Game of the Year awards and once again winning the hearts of gamers everywhere.

The Legend of Zelda is one of those franchises that all gamers just understand. There is a lot to complain about, especially with some of the games being really same-y, featuring all the same weapons and characters. But I think most of us would agree that the good always outweighs the bad. The best Zelda games are filled with amazing storylines, characters, great level design, and memorable bosses. Even if we wouldn’t mind a jump button in some of the retro ones.

Since all Zelda games take place in variations of the same universe, or the Land of Hyrule, we expect some aspects of the game to stay the same. We know that the hero will be a young blond boy in a green outfit, we know he is saving Princess Zelda, he’ll be fighting Ganon and he’ll probably do this with a boomerang. But there are some jokes about the universe, some moments in the game, that every player can relate to. Little quirks or annoying things in the world of Link that we all remember well. Here are the fan comics that best bring to life those game moments!

25 It’s Dangerous To Go Alone

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

When you’re the hero destined to save the princess and all of Hyrule, you take help where you find it.

Even so, some of the companions that Link gets in the game make you wonder if he would have been better off going alone.

Whether it’s a small fairy who won’t stop pointing out the obvious and telling you to listen while targeting things you really don’t want to target, or a humanoid fairy creature who lives in a sword and speaks with autotune.

These guys certainly aren’t the most annoying creatures in the Zelda universe, that prize will always be awarded to Mr. Tingle and his stealing of Link’s look, but when they tag alongside you the entire journey, one does wonder if they are really worth the help they give. Sometimes they give useful advice, other times they just have you hitting the mute button for some peace and quiet. Maybe the Gods are worried that Link will get lonely if he doesn’t have at least someone with him at all times! Needless to say, it might not be a coincidence that the best Zelda games are the ones without a constant companion (or a least a companion that shuts up every now and then).

Artwork by Bananamuffinman.

24 Green Kid Wanted

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

My favorite Zelda game of all time is, without a doubt, Wind Waker. While there are a lot of things to love about Wind Waker, one of the main things I love about it is that he puts on the green suit because his Grandma told him to. The only reason he matches the god’s description of a green-clad savior is because his sister got taken on his birthday! If she had been taken the day after, he would have completed the quest in his crayfish shirt (which you can for the second playthrough).

This does make me wonder if there is some kid somewhere in Hyrule who deliberately abandoned his special green birthday clothes, because he in no way wanted to be the one to save them all! It’s a pretty tall order from Hyrule to wait for some green kid to come along and save them every time something goes wrong, rather than actually preparing for disaster. What happens when a green kid doesn’t turn up, or decides that he has better things to do than save your butts? Perhaps it’s time you guys decided on a plan B, especially if this is becoming a regular occurrence.

Artwork by GG-Guys.

23 The Messy Maps

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Games that don’t have maps really annoy me. It becomes too easy to get lost and you can’t always find where you are supposed to be going. Zelda games, fortunately, understand this and make sure that Link has a map, so the player knows exactly which direction he needs to head in and where he is starting from. As the game progresses, you can add new areas to your map. This is either by finding characters in the game who will draw on your map for you or, and this is where this comic comes in, you can draw all over them yourself!

Now, maybe for some of you, you’re very talented artists and enjoyed the creative freedom of being able to make notes on your map. I, however, am incredibly clumsy and can’t draw to save the queen. After more than two things have been added to any of my maps, I can’t read what I’ve written. You may be able to hold a DS stylus like a pen, but all gamers know that it doesn’t handle like one. Writing can come out big and clumpy, blending together too easily. We appreciate the option Nintendo, but we really don’t need to mark our maps ourselves.

Artwork by Kate Tiedrich.

22 Hyrule’s Best Weapons

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

One of the best things about the Zelda games is the variety of weapons that Link is given. Link leaves every dungeon he enters with a new weapon (although I do wonder why his enemies would hide the very weapon that can defeat them in their dungeons in an unlocked and poorly guarded chest. Even if you do have to work to get there). These weapons unlock new opportunities within the game and add some variety.

But the weapons that gain are pretty much the same in every Zelda game, such as a slingshot, a bow, a grappling hook and a boomerang.

This has also lead me to wonder why, in sequels, Link has to gather the weapons all over again!

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The point of the matter is, no matter how useful these weapons prove themselves to be, there is sometimes a character that is more than ready to insult your hard-earned weapons. I’d really like to see that tiny fairy throw this boomerang at all the correct targets to order to open the door. Maybe Link could put her in the slingshot, and then we’ll see who Dennis the Menace is! Besides, surely these weapons are better than none.

Artwork by Dorkly.

21 Cute At First Sight

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

The trouble with making Zelda game after Zelda game is that the relationships in them soon become a little tiresome. Nintendo fans expect Link to fall for Princess Zelda, and for Zelda to fall for him, making even the subtle hints at romance in the games just a little eye-roll worthy. Plus, the two never really say anything to one another of any real significance. Okay, so Link never really says anything, and he does rescue the princess which is worth some gratitude; but all they really have to go on with one another is how “cute” they think they are.

This is especially questionable when Zelda, and Link for that matter, look pretty much the same as all the other characters in Hyrule.

Physical attraction can’t really mean much in a world where everyone has the same facial features and hairstyles. This is probably why my favorite Zelda is the Wind Waker Zelda, since she has way more personality, as does Link, and the two have several interesting interactions before she discovers she is the Princess. But I think what this comic really proves is that anything Link actually does have to say, isn’t worth hearing.

Artwork by Chat en Rose.

20 Not So Great Deku Tree

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

The Deku tree levels are always the ones I find the most fun in Zelda games. This may be because the levels themselves are fun, with interesting enemies, but part of it is probably because they’re quite funny. Not extremely funny, but some of the monsters are pretty silly.

The Deku Tree is supposed to be this great spirit of nature that controls all the forests. But he’s a pretty terrible father!

Why, in every game, are there things surrounding him that can hurt you? These plants that surround him are presumably the Great Deku Tree’s children, yet they are out to get you! Can’t the tree just tell his kids that the green kid is a friend and that they should let him through? He’s green so it can’t be that confusing for them! Unless attempting to bite you is their way of saying hello, in which case the tree should try to explain that not everyone wants to be bitten and sometimes we should just wave. Then again, Link does take his Deku Nuts and use them as weapons. Perhaps the tree and his children are secretly plotting their revenge on Link for using their potential brothers and sisters as weapons.

Artwork by Brawl in the Family

19 He Who Pushes Boxes

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Seriously, what is it with the people who make these dungeons and boxes?

So many of the puzzles in Zelda can be solved by pushing boxes around, either to push down buttons or to be able to reach something, or to just make a pretty picture of the Triforce light up. Mind you, we don’t really know what’s in these boxes. They good be filled with shiny gold spirit dust that can only be moved by the purest of hearts. Or filled with angry, hungry sharks, and only one who is brave enough to move the boxes, without letting on what’s inside can be deemed brave enough to take up the quest. Or maybe there is just a magic hex on the boxes, meaning they can only be moved by one who is truly the hero destined by the old stories.

Even if all the above reasons applied, you do have to wonder why they brought all these things together… Well, in boxes! Besides, there are plenty of monsters you’ve defeated, and you’ve traveled far to be here. What are these boxes going to prove? But, we’ll do them anyway, since they seem to be a part of every Zelda game. So, shut up, Navi! We know what to do with them.

Artwork by VG Cats.

18 Waking The Wind

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

I’ll probably go on several times here about how Wind Waker is the best Zelda game, but I am convinced that this is a popular opinion, even with Breath of the Wild’s success. But the most annoying part of Wind Waker is its title device.

The game is mostly sailing across the ocean, a wide, bright blue ocean. You can’t sail your boat unless the wind is blowing the right way (well, you can you just won’t go very fast), but luckily you were given a conductor’s baton made by the gods which includes a song that allows you to change the direction of the wind. Having to stop and do this, however, every time you want to change direction is really annoying. I haven’t played the HD version, but I know that there you can get a sail which changes the direction of the wind automatically. Helpfully, yes, but it does take away the use of the title item.

The point of the matter is that, given how often you have to do this little dance, this would definitely happen at least once! Especially given how clumsy the average gamer is. Take a deep breath, Link, and make that air bubble last! Or maybe you can get it out with the grappling hook.

Artwork by Rodrigo D Carnerio.

17 The Best Disguise

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Although Nintendo confirmed that Sheik is just Princess Zelda in disguise, fans have speculated whether she uses magic to make her disguised form appear more masculine. Either for Princess Zelda to appear male in a male-dominated society, thus gaining more respect. Or due to her possible genderfluidity as a character. Different fans have different ideas. Although it is curious to think of her just using magic to put on an outfit, rather than change gender. Not that there isn’t anything impressive about a changing clothes spell. If The Sims has taught us anything it’s that we’d all get to work on time if we could change our clothes by spinning.

Either way, it’s about time a Zelda game included this option. If Zelda is going to use magic to turn herself into male Sheik, she should make Link’s Sheikah form a feminine one. After all, Sheikah does sound like a typical feminizing for Sheik’s name. I’ve been saying for a while that I’d like to see a Zelda game where Zelda saves Link from Ganon; after all, her name is the game title. Perhaps a game where female Sheikah alongside Sheik save Hyrule together is the first step towards that dream.

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Artwork by Lethalityrush.

16 Not Again!

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

If I’m in a bad mood when this happens in Zelda, I need to put the controller down and go to make a cup of tea to calm down. It’s just so irritating! It could have been one of the first things you found at the beginning of the game. It could be something you regularly find in the grass or from monster drops.

But if you find it in a chest this time or if someone hands one to you, the game has to explain what the thing is all over again!

Okay, so Link isn’t the brightest bulb in the tanning bed, but surely, he remembers what a thing is when he has fifty of them in his bag. You don’t need to be reminded every time! There is no reason for the game to do this, and I can’t understand why it does. In most games, they explain what an item is to you the first time you get one, maybe again later if you ask for it. Then the game assumes that you know what the idea is and don’t feel the need to remind you. Reminding you every time is just annoying. Really annoying!

15 Beware Of The Chickens

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Everyone who has ever played a Zelda game knows one basic rule: don’t mess with the animals! You may have been able to defeat Moblins, Bokoblins, the Deku Tree’s children, and giant butterflies that shoot their babies at you, but you are no match for the chickens or the pigs of Hyrule. You can chase the animals around hitting them with your sword, but you can forget all images of a lovely barbeque dinner. Hit the animals one too many times and they will turn red with anger and get their revenge! I love the pro-animal message of the game, and the way it discourages players from attacking defenseless cute creatures.

But it does beg the question: why aren’t we sending these chickens to defeat Ganondorf?

These animals are indestructible and very powerful when angry. The great hero of Hyrule quickly learns not to mess with them. At very least Zelda could take them with him? He might not be able to defeat them, but he can easily pick them up. Why not just shove them in his bag alongside the fairies and set them free during a boss fight? Thank goodness the chickens aren’t on Ganon’s side!

Artwork by The Legend of Cucco.

14 Not Quite Beaming

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Maybe not quite as annoying as when you are explained what’s in the chest when you already have the item, or maybe it is more annoying depending on the situation, but it is an incredibly frustrating moment in Zelda when you go through all the dungeons, complete all the puzzles to reach a chest, only to find that it’s just some rupees. Rupees are great, they’re money, you can use them to buy things. Except for the fact that you never need to buy anything in a Zelda game, because you can find literally everything you need in the grass and you can reach your rupee capacity before you reach the nearest shop in the first place!

So, when I finally get to that chest, don’t tell me my face is beaming when you’ve given me something that adds literally nothing to my inventory. You can’t even put the purple rupee back into the chest and come back to it after you’ve spent some of your money. Once you open the chest, the rupee is lost for all eternity. Plus, you still have to find the weapon chest! So, don’t you dare tell me that my face is beaming!

13 Accidental Music

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

It’s always curious in video games, when you play through the game again, that none of the secret passwords work (even though you know them) until you are told at the same points. I wouldn’t expect them to work, but it does always make the game a little more interesting. Zelda is no different. But alongside having to get the same passwords and find the same passages as last time, Link has to relearn all the same songs on the Ocarina and all the same songs with the Wind Waker. This isn’t a complaint, just so you know, little more than an observation. It’s all part of replaying a game.

What is interesting is that the tunes you learn with the Ocarina or with the Wind Waker aren’t that complicated. So, if Link was just chilling on the grass and accidentally improvised one of the tunes without learning it, would it have the same consequences? What if someone programmed a song into the Ocarina long ago that would explode the entire world and Link just accidentally played it when messing around with the Ocarina. Maybe there is some magic in the Ocarina and the Wind Waker that only lets you play a tune properly when you’ve seen it before.

Artwork by Kate Tiedrich.

12 Don’t Play With Fire!

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

There are plenty of moments in the Zelda games when Link, often as a young child, is given access to powerful fire. In most games, Link can’t start fires, but he can find plenty of sticks to set on fire to light torches or to burn down an island. For some reason, in the questionable Wind Waker sequel The Phantom Hourglass, the powers that be give this crazy child a sword that can set things on fire!

Let’s be honest, there isn’t a single Zelda game where you don’t run around cutting the grass. There are lots of useful things to find in the grass and it just grows so quickly.

You can’t become the hero and savior of all of Hyrule if you don’t cut some grass along the way!

But at least in the real world in which we live, the grass is incredibly flammable. Granted I’ve never been able to set the grass on fire during my trips to Hyrule, but then again in most games, you don’t get a sword which sprouts flames every time you see it. Let’s be honest, this is what should have happened after Link got his special fire sword. Zelda certainly doesn’t teach much fire safety.

Artwork by Puffsan.

11 How To Jump

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Perhaps the sheer number of boxes in the Zelda universe is because of Link’s inability to jump in a lot of the games. I think that the jump button is one of the things that people love most about Breath of the Wild. Sure, there are lots of things to love about it and it was a pleasant surprise that reminded us all why we loved Zelda so much. But the jump button; that was a great relief! I still remember reading excited news articles about the fact that there would be a jump button!

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In the early games, despite not being able to jump, there were times when Link still had to jump. Abandoning the fact that it’s terrible security to leave the key to a locked door on a shelf next to the lock, Link could easily get that key if he reached up to get it. Or maybe that stupid fairy could just pick it and hand it to him!

Despite being able to fly when jumping off the roof with a chicken, a bird famously known for its poor flying ability, or being able to fly with a large leaf, Link has to stand on a box to reach a shelf. Some hero.

Artwork by Domics.

10 The Silent Hero

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Perhaps the most notable trait Link has is his continued muteness. For a while now, Link has managed to get by with just facial expressions and selected answers, despite never opening his mouth. But surely, at some point during his life, Link is going to have to open his mouth and use his words. I have sometimes wondered if Link can actually speak. Maybe he is just a mute hero and manages to peruse his dreams regardless. Although there are a lot of heroes in video games who either don’t speak or can’t say an awful lot. Perhaps creators are worried that players won’t be able to project themselves onto the hero if they speak with a strong confident voice that doesn’t resemble theirs. It’s probably best to keep the heroes quiet.

But all gamers have that moment when you just want your hero to say something! Either to defend themselves or to shut up another character. If Link didn’t speak during the quest, when confronted with the forces of evil, then he probably isn’t going to speak during his wedding, but happily select his answer. Sorry, Zelda, looks like you’re going to have to give the speeches.

Artwork by Lethalityrush.

9 Don’t Mess With Birds

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

The mobile game Angry Birds taught us that if you mess with birds, they will organize themselves together and fire themselves out of a catapult in an attempt to destroy your poorly designed house. But it’s an idea that the Legend of Zelda was rocking before smartphones were even invented.

The chickens in Zelda, as we have already established, are completely crazy and indestructible. I’m now starting to wonder if Hyrule is a post-apocalyptic world after chickens and pigs have destroyed most of the world and the people. Now they just roam the streets, waiting for someone to stand up to them so they can put them down again! There isn’t a lot of weight in this fan theory, no giant golden statues of chickens and people still keeping pigs as pets, but I’m going to mull this over in my head until I can make it work.

Even so, the Angry Birds are for sure the descendants of the Zelda chickens. Their grandparents told stories of the hero of the land who tried to defeat them, but they completely battered him! It served as their inspiration in their war against the pigs. Luckily, the pigs were also green.

Artwork by Jenna Lovegood.

8 Teaching Responsibility?

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Before getting the Master Sword, Link often finds a young person’s sword, either from a chest in the forest like he finds everything else, or from the kindly old man who taught him to use it.

In the last entry, we talked about the birds and how they grew up to be the birds that took no nonsense from pigs. But Link wasn’t that kind to pigs, either! You could gather all the pigs up in Wind Waker and bring them to the kind woman on top of the hill, who will pay you for your trouble. But after you’ve got your money, you can just throw the pigs out of the pen, off the cliff and into the sea! There is no reason for this, it’s just for fun!

Luckily, the pigs don’t take any more nonsense than the birds and will turn red to attack you if you pester them too much.

But given Link’s irresponsible behavior, throwing pigs into the sea and breaking jars for fun, one does wonder why this kind man thought that he was responsible enough to carry around a sword? True, the kind man trained him well, but that certainly doesn’t mean that Link is responsible or will use it well.

Artwork by Dilly-oh.

7 Makes Sense, Bro

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Poor Link. It’s interesting that while wandering around the world a lot of characters will still talk down to you like a child, even after you’ve saved all their behinds. It’s reminiscent of real childhood, when nothing you ever do or say will be taken seriously because you’re a child. Even if you went to the magic castle at the bottom of the sea in your talking boat.

This does make me wonder, though: no one saw Link going to down to the bottom of the ocean on his boat. And how many other characters talked to the boat themselves? Perhaps Nintendo decided to pass on the Wind Waker sequel where no one believes any of Link’s tales of adventure and a new cult is founded based on the belief that Ganon is still alive.

But these memes do point out that it’s hard to look for plotholes in a game with a talking boat and a magic castle in a bubble under the sea. Oh, so animals are more powerful than the biggest game bosses and Link can’t jump to grab a key on a shelf just above his head… but what do you expect from the talking boat? Have good adventures, Link.

6 Power Of Pots

25 The Legend Of Zelda Fan Comics That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

Like the grass, the pots in the world of Hyrule are full of money and other lovely things that Link wants. This does become a little questionable. The money found in the grass is implied to have been dropped by passing strangers and is free game, but the money in the pots was presumably placed there by someone who thought it was well hidden. Some of them are out in the world where anyone could find and smash them, but a lot of the time Link goes into someone’s actual house to break their stuff and steal their money. Rarely is he reprimanded for this!

So why doesn’t Link just reach into pots and take the treasure? If you’re going to rob someone maybe show the respect of not also smashing their stuff. It would make for a much subtler break-in. Then again, once you’re robbing someone, you’ve already thrown caution to the wind. If you’re stealing someone’s money and possessions you’ve made it quite clear that you’re not that concerned with their feelings. Besides, what’s quicker and more fun in games: reaching into pots to get the rupees or running around and smashing them to pieces?

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/legend-of-zelda-fan-comics-player-same/

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