30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

These memes from brand new video games change the way gamers look at PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch games.

You Are Reading :30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Do you like memes? Well if so then you probably read a lot of TheGamer articles. If not I’m writing this for no one. Anyway we cover a lot of different topics, but no matter if it’s about TV shows, cartoons, movies, or games we try our best to put a smile on your face. Most of what we feature is based on retrospectives. Content from a bygone era we want to revive and remind everyone about. That said it’s not often we tackle anything current except for news. That’s not totally true, but if you look at percentages the majority of our writing is all about nostalgia. I love doing it especially if it covers something near and dear to my heart. However, it is nice to break the mold and actually cover something more modern.

The following twenty-five memes are all games from 2018 and 2017 with the obvious majority falling into the latter as we’re only a third though this year without a lot to really cover yet. I chose a lot of popular titles as well as some obscure ones. They also range from negative comments to positive reinforcements. What I’m trying to say is I wrote with some variety in mind and tried to not seem totally biased from one genre or console to another. It would be painfully easy to drag Microsoft and the Xbox One through the mud for example, but why kick a console when it’s down? Okay enough babbling from your author, enjoy!

30 Seven Cups Too Far

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

This is kind of an older reference paired up with a fairly recent game so let me explain. Seven is classic suspense/mystery movie involving a criminal going around and offing people themed around one of the seven deadly sins from The Bible. It all concludes with the scene, depicted above, with Brad Pitt’s character asking, “what’s in the box” as if he doesn’t know already.

Don’t mess with the cup.

Another mystery, similar to that line of questioning, is applied here to Cuphead. What’s in the head of Cuphead and his brother Mugman to make them so powerful? Is it a wholesome supply of milk? Nope. If you paid attention to the marketing it’s clearly an adult beverage of some kind. Mystery solved.

29 Move Over Tom Cruise

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Anyone else feel weird about William from Nioh? How does a white guy from Ireland become a master samurai? That’s not to say only native Japanese people can become samurai as if it was genetic. It’s just weird and William isn’t the only example. Remember The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise? It’s actually a good movie despite the idea of Tom Cruise becoming Japan’s final samurai seeming silly. It was a movie though and Nioh is a game. At the end of the day, we have to have some level of a suspension of disbelief. Without it how could we enjoy anything in life? Sometimes it’s best to brush questions like this aside no matter how ludicrous the ideas may seem. It’s for the greater good of entertainment.

28 Nostalgia Of The Colossus

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Shadow of the Colossus has proven its worth three times now. First on PS2, then with a slight HD visual upgrade on PS3, and then with the full-on remake on PS4. Of the three the new one is by far the best in terms of visuals and gameplay tweaks. In my head, this is how I remember the game looking. While it still is a gorgeous showpiece on the PS2 it is admittedly dated.

One of 2018’s best is a decade old.

The controls are not totally brand new on PS4, but even a slight retooling is better than nothing. Agro unfortunately still controls about as good as a truck with one tire, which is to say not at all. That said I still get choked up when he meets his maker.

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27 Walk Like An Egyptian

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

I’ve been on board with Assassin’s Creed since day one. It had a rough start, but it kept getting better and better. That is until Assassin’s Creed III. The series then started to dip. Some were good and others were bad. You never knew what you were going to get in terms of quality and quite frankly I had gotten tired of the yearly cycle.

I wonder how Geralt feels.

Well, they finally took a year off and let the newest game, Assassin’s Creed Origins, cook a little longer. Fortunately, it was for the best. It doesn’t feel like an Assassin’s Creed game making me think they should have just created a new IP. As this meme jokes it really does feel like The Witcher, which isn’t a bad thing.

26 So Wet

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was easily my game of the year in 2017. It blew me away by how much I enjoyed the game despite disliking all of the previous 3D titles. That said the game is not without flaws. The story is pretty bare bones, the weapon system is clunky, and oh yeah, the rain. You would think a game about exploration wouldn’t hinder progress time and time again with pesky rain. There is literally no way to conquer it, which is to say there is no special gear that allows you to climb wet surfaces. Not only that, but you have to make sure and remove metal equipment, or else you’ll get struck by lighting. Arg, curse you rain!

25 Sea Of Nothing

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Rare used to be a name synonymous with quality from the SNES through the Nintendo 64. After that, they were acquired by Microsoft and things took a turn for the worse. After decades of mediocre titles, fans rejoiced when Microsoft unveiled Sea of Thieves at their E3 2015 press conference. The more the years dragged on and the less they showed and explained I started to get worried. Turns out I was right to be nervous. The content is so lacking that the first Destiny feels like Skyrim’s level of activity for comparison. It’s not all bad, but you need a dedicated crew and because of the lack of variety you’re probably not going to find one. I guess there could be some merit to being the only pirate left.

24 Winnie The Cheeseburger

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

A classic take on one of the Internet’s oldest memes. Remember when our lives used to be filled with nothing, but cat, or dog jokes? The world has expanded now. Move over cheeseburger cat, because there’s a new cutie in town and his name is literally Cheeseburger. He’s one of the many animal companions you can recruit in Far Cry 5. Sure a loyal dog, or a cougar is cool, but come on. How awesome/hilarious is it to sick a giant bear on a group of redneck bible cultists and call him Cheeseburger? There isn’t a better sensation in the world, or at least in this game’s case. I can haz Cheeseburger indeed. Now if only you could ride home like in Breath of the Wild.

23 Less Is Not More

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Now that Sea of Thieves is out what is Microsoft’s next big game for the Xbox One? I’m sure we’ll get a new Halo announced at E3 with a surprise release of this Fall, but it’s unclear right now. It seems like not a lot of thought it going into the game’s division at Microsoft. They’re floundering in the water, throwing out random ideas that come to mind without a filter.

Where is Crackdown 3?

There was the Xbox Game Pass announcement of being able to play first party games day and date with their launch. And now they’re going back to the well and adding more original Xbox games compatible with the Xbox One. I’m excited, but it’s not a good message for every Xbox fan.

22 Massively Disappointing

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

It’s been over a year now and a lot of people still haven’t gotten over Mass Effect: Andromeda. I know I sure haven’t. The original trilogy, while it didn’t end the best, was some of the best gaming experiences found on the last gen consoles. It’s a fantastic RPG that emulates both Star Wars and Star Trek in the best ways possible. It was dormant for a while so when Andromeda was teased at E3 2015 I couldn’t have been more hyped at its return. What could possibly go wrong? Well, a lot of things it turns out. No, it isn’t as terrible as some may want you to believe, but it isn’t much better either. Yes, I’m upset too, James Van Der Beek.

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21 A Rabbid Too Far

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

When rumors started sprouting around a possible Mario and Rabbids crossover people were obviously skeptical. Not of Mario being in a tactical RPG. That might technically be a new genre for him, but Mario has proven himself in the RPG gauntlet time and time again. No, it’s the Rabbids that don’t exactly have the best track record. They were basically Minions before the Minions were even a thing.

It’s X-Com for a new generation.

The best way I can describe them is charmingly annoying. They really didn’t bother me as much. All that said, again, it’s crazy that these two properties combined into a more accessible version of X-Com and was also good. How did this happen and when can we get more of these wacky crossovers?

20 Watch_Bats

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Christopher Nolan’s Batman films are great even if it faltered in the third movie. It made superhero movies matter again in a big way. That said they’re not without goofy ideas. The way Christian Bale portrays Batman’s voice is laughably overblown so much so that that has now become the standard way to imitate Batman. Another silly voice is Tom Hardy’s Bane, but that’s a whole other meme story. Now let’s get to Watch_Dogs, which is an open world game similar to Grand Theft Auto except you’re a masked vigilante with your gadgets being your superpowers. Oh, and you’re trying to avenge a deceased loved one and your voice is gravely. Aiden tries to be Batman so hard, but fails miserably. Get the joke now?

19 Head Games

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Is this a quiz you can ace without looking it up on Google? Do you know which Chun-Li belongs to Street Fighter V and what version comes from Capcom vs Marvel Infinite? Well if you knew about the controversy surrounding the game’s release then you should know that the weirdly misshapen head of the right Chun-Li belongs to Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. Seriously what went wrong in production here? She isn’t the only design in the game that looks off either. As far as the fighting goes it’s still pretty good, but the characters designs are so distracting to look at. It takes me out of the experience especially in the story mode where Chun-Li is trying to sound earnest with a head like that.

18 Bound For Disappointment

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

There isn’t that many Xbox exclusives that have made me excited since the console debuted back in 2013. Their big flagship franchises like Gears of War and Halo do little to nothing for me. However, there was one I had my eye on: Scalebound. It looked like Devil May Cry with a dragon buddy and who wouldn’t want that? I’m in for whatever PlatinumGames decides to cook up too. It debuted in 2014 and made sporadic appearances over the next few years until it was outright canceled in 2017. Maybe it was for the best. We’ll never know if the game was just bad and Microsoft didn’t feel like spending more money on a stinker, or what. It could be a lot of things. Either way it’s a bummer.

17 Prison Break

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

A Way Out is one of the best products EA has helped ship in ages and feels like a breath of fresh air. That said the story is a mess. That is to say it doesn’t match up with the gameplay. Why would you be so casual about walking around town without masks when you just broke out of prison?

Should we escape, or play another round of ball?

On top of that why would you sit down to play literally dozens of mini games? Now admittedly those distractions are the funniest and most humanizing moments of the game. As a story conceit though I’m just not buying it. There are more things that bugged me, but overall it was a blast. Make sure you get a good buddy to play it with.

16 A Tarnished Lineage

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Who doesn’t love a good SpongeBob “soiled it” meme. For those unaware it comes from an episode where he thinks he ruined Pearl’s good time. As for Metal Gear Survive, well, despite the fact that Konami seems like a cruddy company to work for given the whole Kojima blowout, I was cautiously optimistic about the game. I wasn’t excited, but I was curious and when it came out I did give it a fair shake, but it isn’t good. It just isn’t. Everything is clunky and feels like a free to play game with its limitations and micro transactions. Not to mention the story bits feel so dirty like I’m watching a forbidden fan play. SpongeBob’s cries are accurate. It soiled the saga that came before it.

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15 Bad Advice

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Like many I was a late bloomer when it came to becoming a Persona fan. It finally hooked me with the portable versions of Persona 3 and Persona 4 and since then I’ve become a fan. Suffice it to say I was crazy excited for the fifth installment and while it is good it also felt a little too much of the same for a PS4 game.

Rule number one of the Phantom Thieves: tell everyone.

First of all the Phantom Thieves begin by meeting on top of a roof, which is out of the way, but still get caught. Their next idea? A crowded skywalk that is always busy. Yes, that ought to deter prying wars. I’m no criminal, but even I know that was a bad strategy.

14 Nintendo Battle

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Like it, or not the Battle Royale theme popularized by PUBG and Fortnite is here to stay. Expect it to pop up in all of your favorite multiplayer games this year including Battlefield, Call of Duty, and maybe even Red Dead Redemption 2. They will all probably work the same way albeit with a few mechanical tweaks. I’m not really thrilled by it. You know what would prompt me to get interested? Battle Royale modes for the Switch’s Super Smash Bros. Just imagine it. You pick a classic Nintendo character and then get dropped off on a deserted island to fight against everyone else. It would have slightly different mechanics in 3D, but it would still resemble the game proper. It could happen. You never know.

13 Robosapiens

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Who would have though Nier: Automata would have not only been a great game, but good enough to puncture the hearts of gamers who would otherwise ignore action RPGs from Japan. Not to mention the first game, while a cult classic, isn’t as well received. Part of why this new game became so beloved is it’s quirky nature and oddball moments that are hard to forget like the one above.

What isn’t creepy/cool about a bunch of tin can looking robots chanting “become as Gods” as they wield flames at you. There is another scene more memorable way before this, but it’s a bit too risqué to talk about here. If you played the game then you probably know what I’m referring to.

12 The Chosen Monster

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

With every new Monster Hunter, there’s always that one obsessed fan that claims this is the one that will bring newcomers in. I tried time and time again because of this on the PSP, Wii, and 3DS, but they all felt terrible. Based on the trailers Monster Hunter World looked more promising seeing as it marked the return of the series to a dominant console, but I was still cautious. Even after stories came out and proclaimed it was the one I still didn’t believe it. To make a long story short I finally gave it a try and boy am I hooked. Seventy plus hours have gone by in an instant. Take it from me, the guy who tried and hated everything before Monster Hunter World. This is actually the one.

11 The Ultimate Troll

30 Fresh Console Game Memes Guaranteed To Make Gamers Question Everything

Whenever a new game gets announced for either the 3DS, or Switch I cross my fingers in hopes of new Amiibo. I’m crazy addicted to the things even if they are useless plastic. I can’t help but love them based on the designs though. The odds of getting one alongside a game’s launch seems to only be around 25%. It gets even lower when discussing third-party properties.

This truly is the Dark Souls of Amiibo.

That said I was sure Skyrim would get a sweet Dovahkiin Amiibo, but I was wrong. Because of this, I was sure Dark Souls wouldn’t get one. It seems to go against the very nature of the experience. Well I was wrong again. The prospect of a toy helping you out seems like it goes against the very nature of the experience.

Tristan Jurkovich began his career as a journalist in 2011. His childhood love of video games and writing fuel his passion for archiving this great medium’s annals. He dabbles in every genre, but he’s particularly fond of RPGs and portables. Secretly he enjoys the Just Dance series a little too much. Aside from writing, Tristan also hosts a plethora of shows on his YouTube Channel, ReActionExaminer.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/fresh-console-game-memes-gamers-question/

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