30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

We’ll never get tired of talking about Skyrim. At least until the next Elder Scrolls game comes out. Here are 30 hilarious Skyrim fan comics!

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30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

While we all wait patiently for the next Elder Scrolls title, we can always sit back and continue to play Skyrim for the thirtieth time. At least create a character telling yourself you’re going to go the sneaky build this time or the Archer build. Then you pour through the internet wikis to find out which race will be best. Only to play until about level 2 and give up. We’ve seen how many Nords you’ve forsaken from all the created character saves that never amounted to anything.

Seriously, it’s sort of disappointing to sign in to Skyrim after many years, create a Khajiit character, make its face look like your actual cat in real life, only to realize that you did the exact same thing thirteen months ago and completely forgot about it. Has anyone one else ever had this issue? The creation of the character is fun and all, but to waste your time due to the lack of brain cells accumulated in your remembering section just shows your age.

Whether you’re sick fo the old Skyrim or even sick of modding the game until its unrecognizable, these comics should alter some of your thoughts and perhaps even send you back into the game. It’s sometimes easy to forget that the reason these games are so awesome is that they take years to develop. Years of people waking up and going to sleep every day trying to create ways to make the game better. Patience.

30 The Choice Is Definitely Yours

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

The easiest way to describe Breath Of The Wild is that the Nintendo people finally made Zelda into Skyrim. It’s not a bad thing at all. In fact, it’s about time they took the leap and changed the gameplay to something freer. The best games are the ones with freedom of movement and choices of when the story moves forward and how.

As we get older and we experience new games, we raise the bar of standards. The reason why a lot of RPG games from the earlier consoles don’t hold up is that when Skyrim and Kingdom Hearts 2 came out, they crushed the turn-based battle of the Final Fantasy series. They’re all great games, but it’s important to see those older games as stepping stones to the awesomeness we have now and let them chill in our past with the nostalgia.

Comic by Dorkly.

29 Button Mashing Babies

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

Chances are that eventually all people will be videotaped at all moments of their life and monitored by the government or hackers. But all privacy will be gone and we’ll finally get to see all the stupid faces people make while gaming.

That won’t be the worst of the privacy stolen, but it will be the one most relevant to this part of the article.

We guess it’s a sort of paranoid thought to think that there are people watching you at all times no matter what you’re doing. Observing, studying, laughing. Because you people do weird stuff when you’re alone. We all know it. We’ve all been alone at times. Tested the sounds our mouth can make. Tried to dance. Gotten way too into a video game.

Comic by Gavin Spencer.

28 Hold Up, Dawg

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

The life of an NPC will always be an interesting subject because no one really knows what goes through their minds if anything. Probably nothing. But just in case there is some weird Tron or Wreck-It Ralph type stuff going on in-game, this is for that.

Because every time you pause a game you’re interrupting some sort of code or something.

To an even more questionable subject: What happens when you turn the game off? In some other dimension, that game is played all day every day and is the actual source of all power in the universe. That means somewhere, the NPCs you ignore have happy lives of their own. But they’re probably not happy because life sucks and that’s why we play video games.

Comic by RuneHunters.

27 We Make People Kiss Too

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

These “arrow to the knee” memes are getting out of hand. What’s the big deal, so the guy has a bum knee? Don’t we all? Don’t we? I’m seriously asking. Because sitting pretzel style is incredibly painful since I turned fifty. In dog years. So that makes it age seven or so. Anyway, the point is, knees are fragile things.

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Makes you think what developers know what’s going to go viral of if they have no idea in regards to their content. That if they place certain things in the game knowing that it will make people laugh and get spammed on the internet. Chances are they don’t have a clue and just try to make the best game possible. Letting the chips of virality fall where they lie and benefit from it financially.

26 We Choose Window Four

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

The games that give the most freedom could be studied to see the choices we made and the how they’re a reflection of real-life thoughts. Perhaps even deeply buried unconscious thoughts. Closet thoughts. Iron closet thoughts. People get home from a bad day at work, or they get dumped, or they are feel sick and they sit in front of the TV to play some games and unwind. There’s no way fewer people perish in GTA 5 when you’re in a bad mood.

Unwinding in video games is a great way to subside your sadness or depression.

Oh, and your anger. The anger that gets people locked up or put on some sort of watch list. Funnel that into a game where you shoot things a lot. Turn the controller vibration up and just pretend. Soon, when VR makes it way into every home, we’ll be able to plug in like the Matrix and really get some satisfaction.

Comic by The Escapist.

25 Get Them While They’re Young

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

This brings us to the conversation about the modder who specifically made it so kids could be slaughtered in game. Admit it, when you saw little kids running around in Skyrim you tried to end them too. Only to find out there was some sort of block as if a God protected the children from harm. But hackers and modder didn’t like that. They didn’t like it at all the children were so OP.

The idea of children being immune to harm until they are grown-ups is a pretty great concept. No kids can be hurt before a certain age. They’d make the best test subjects for all sorts of stuff. Plus we could fight wars with them and there’d be no loss of human life. Half the people who play Call Of Duty and talk trash about my mom are kids anyway. They know what they’re doing.

Comic by The Escapist.

24 Get Lost In Beauty

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

We’re not really sure the happenings in areas that are characters currently aren’t located in the world of Skyrim. How far away from a town does the player need to be to not have it be attacked by a dragon? One must assume that the world outside of the Dragonborn’s area ceases to operate.

But it’s always a blast to come upon a village after a long long walk to find a Dragon is attacking it.

Sometimes you’re not ready for it and when that happens, it’s best to just hide in someone’s house since these dragons fire doesn’t burn buildings. That’s something we want in the next game, houses to burn down. Speaking of lighting things on fire, whatever happened to napalm. You know, the stuff you get when you mix styrofoam and gasoline. Be sure to show your kids.

23 One Cucco Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t know what happens to a Cucco when you attack it, then shame on you, dude. What are you even doing in your life if you’ve never played a Zelda game? Earlier we recognized together that without the greatness of Skyrim, Breath of The Wild may not have been the amazing piece that it was. But one must also recognize that without games like Ocarina Of Time, Y2K would have ended us all.

Yeah. Not many people know it because the Vatican covered it up, but a bunch of aliens came to Earth and were going to push the termination button on us until they played OOT. That’s Ocarina Of Time for you savages who don’t recognize the acronym. The aliens played the game and decided if something so awesome could come from this planet then it’s a place worth investing some crystals or space dollars in or something like that.

Comic by WoodenPlankStudios.

22 But First… Huzzah

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

The games that give free roam to the players still have to find a way for us to want to finish the game. Titles like The Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and GTA, offer so much content to discover that you could play the game for 400 hours and not even be halfway through the storyline. This is a good thing, but not everybody has the 800-1000 hours to put in each game. And with all the awesome releases coming out every year, the decision of what to buy is getting harder.

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Just recently, some of us got interested in the game State Of Decay 2.

We had never even heard of the first game in the series. How could something so awesome go under the radar of true gamers? It’s a testament to the quality being released from various publishers.

Comic by Direman.

21 Hero With A Thousand Faces

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

It was always a treat when you played a game that allowed us to craft any character we want as our avatar. One might think that this ambiguous choice of who we play as could hurt the potential for story, but not with the Dragonborn. It didn’t make a difference who we decide to play as the story played out wonderfully.

But for the NPCs that had to see the creation of the Dragonborn, they may not be so inclined to worship the changeling as a hero. Seeing the face and gender of the avatar change instantly right in front of them. The question is, what did the Dragonborn look like before the prison guard asked us their name and what not? Probably just a ghost or a Nord or something.

20 When Skyrim Reals Way Too Reals

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

We’re going to go ahead and assume that this kids parents signed into their Skyrim account, destroyed all their good stuff and ended their love interest’s life. If that’s the case, then parents are getting too knowledgeable on how to punish their kids. We all know that most of the people online talking trash about your mom are little kids. And it’s safe to say that parents who give their children gifts only so that they can take them away when the child misbehaves are a solid tactic. But to leave them with their games but destroying their character and their saves?

That’s next level punishment.

When all of us have kids, it’d be best to not even let them know we are gamers. That way we can really infiltrate their games when they don’t do well in school and really screw up their quests. Something else to look forward to besides nuclear war or zombies.

19 Show Me What You Got

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

Some aspects of the game seem completely normal until you look at them objectively. Pickpocketing in Elder Scrolls is definitely one of those things. It’s illegal to steal from someone and that only really creates an issue if someone sees you do it. But you’re literally deciding whether or not to steal everything they own including their clothing while the NPC is standing right in front of you. It doesn’t make any sense that rooting through someone’s clothing and a bag is only illegal when you steal something from it. Whatever happened to an invasion of privacy.

We wish we could walk around looking into peoples pockets, into their backpacks to see what they got. We really wish we could just look through peoples cell phones and internet history, even the stuff they delete. When you think about it, the government probably already does all that stuff. The Government has a level 100 pickpocket and lockpick at all times.

18 Skyrim Bugs Eat Skin

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

With games of this size, we are forced to put up with the inevitable bug that occurs within the game or storyline. The amount of work that goes into the creation of a game is so vast that if there is a glitch you can just bounce from that location and do stuff elsewhere away from the bug, It’s sort of like that in real life, too.

If you go into a room where there’s a spider, you can just leave the room.

The worst thing about coming into contact with spiders is you don’t know if their bite is poisonous and once you lose sight of them all hope is lost. So in most cases, where you see a gnarly looking spider and then it vanishes, sleep somewhere else or move. Find a new apartment because if you don’t have a flamethrower, you’re pretty much a goner.

Comic by Direman.

17 The Grind Is Real

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

Every RPG involves a level grind at some point. Whether you’re trying to accomplish something personal in-game or you’re just not strong enough to advance level grind. We remember the early Final Fantasy games where you’d find a patch of land where the strong enemies spawn and you fight them for hours because they offer the most experience. Tyrannosaur Forest in FF6.

But in Skyrim, you might be chilling on a grindstone making four million iron daggers to level up smithing, then enchanting. It’s all pretty boring, the grind, simply because after a while it’s repetitive. Pretty sure the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. We don’t know, we saw that in a movie. Which means it’s probably true.

16 Who Are The Truest Werewolves

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

The word werewolf means man-wolf. “Were” is from the word wereman which was an original name for males as opposed to wifmen which are females. Yeah, we did the research. So, therefore, a Wifwulf is the proper name for a female werewolf. Does anyone even care? You should. Because the coolness of lycanthropes has definitely lessened as of late due to Twilight.

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We don’t care if you’re a fan of the books.

We’re talking about the movies that were just terrible. We get it, they make millions of dollars. But at what true cost to the werewolf name. The only two big titles with these creatures are the Underworld series and of course the earlier mentioned Twilight. It’s pretty obvious which is the cooler and more powerful of the choices. But in both scenarios, there are too many shirtless men.

Comic by Ctrl-Alt-Del.

15 Why Do They Restrict Us?

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

Some games make things hard for no reason other than the fact that we’d be way too overpowered and things would be way too easy. Certain restrictions in the game like not being able to climb through open windows, destroying chainlink fences, or ride any animals you choose are sort of ridiculous to complain about considering you’re a superhero.

Most games you’re basically a superhero in a way. Dragonborn, Batman, the God of War. We get to play with some serious characters that do some pretty amazing things. Being salty about the small things is a classic case of only focusing on the negative. We get to fly, fight dragons, and steal cars, but not being able to smith arrows is what sets us off.

14 One Second Is Too Long

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

This is a personal issue to many people in RPGs. The number of times you get stuck behind an NPC are some of the most aggravating moments in a life. Dating back to the old JRPGs where little 16-bit bros would walk along their tracks in bars and saloons blocking your path to the doorway or stairs. And then when you try to go around them to the left, they move left, so you go back to the original path to the door and that’s when they turned around and went back to the door blocking.

The fact that you have to walk from place to place when the objective is burning in your mind is inconvenience enough.

To have NPCs get in the way is just an infuriating moment. Like in this comic, when someone gets stuck in your way it literally feels like forever has to pass by before you can move again.

Comic by Ctrl-Alt-Del.

13 Skyrim Quests

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

There really are a ton of quests in Skyrim. Not so many that you’d end your life trying to finish them, but after a while, you realize this game is taking a bunch of hours from your life. But who cares? You don’t need to worry about your life, it’s probably hard anyway. That’s why you play Skyrim every day.

This comic brings up the question of the future and if they’ll ever find any skeletons sitting in front of computer’s that are still loading. Or that they stayed on the game for such a ridiculous amount of time in their lives that this is where they wanted to be buried. That’s where I’ll have my funeral at. Me in my man cave with my hands on the keyboard and mouse. Either that or get shot into space. You can do it for like $12,000.

12 All The Crimes Database

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

It’s as if there is a criminal overseer in Skyrim that no matter what you do in the game that is slightly illegal a bounty gets added to your life. Either that or you get randomly attacked for a crime you committed a while back and depending on your skill level, decide whether or not to crush everyone around you when it happens.

It would be nice to have an item or indicator on the map in-game that told you where you would be welcome and where you’ll be instantly jailed.

It’s always nice to manage all the evil stuff you do. That way when you go back and fix them all you have an indicator of all the good things you’re capable of. None of us would be mad if the Dragonborn got a cellphone. To prove it, Breath of the Wild won game of the year and they gave Link an iPad.

Comic by Ctrl-Alt-Del.

11 All Wolves Go To Heaven

30 Hilarious Skyrim Comics That Show A Different Side Of The Game

Makes you think about all the animals you’ve fought in the games. Were any of them pets to another NPC or player? Could it be possible that you are a monster and are going around causing mayhem and sadness by mistake? There could be so much more to the actions we take during these games. This comic displays a very hurtful one.

This begs the question of people who care more about animals than they do humans. Do those people play video games, and if so, do they only play video games where there is no violence to animals. Because if that’s the case, then they’re missing out on so much greatness. Think of all the non-human, non-demonic creatures you battle in every game. There are too many to count. Where are PETA and the vegans when you need them?

Comic by Dorkly.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hilarious-skyrim-comics-that-show-a-different-side-of-the-game/

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