5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways It’s Lacking)

Pokémon waded into another genre with the release of Unite, but how well does it handle MOBA-style gaming and in what ways could it improve?

You Are Reading :5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

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5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

Pokemon Unite, the latest spin-off game in the franchise, sees trainers entering an arena with their Pokémon for a MOBA-style experience that has a lot to offer while also leaving a lot to be desired. Since the game’s release back in July, it has enjoyed a steady player base and a smattering of updates but has yet to see any kind of monumental change or shakeup.

Fans of the MOBA genre will see a lot they recognize in Pokémon Unite but are likely to be disappointed if they expect to see much more than that. The game has solid MOBA fundamentals that make it enjoyable for new players and veterans alike but also has a number of shortcomings that may make it a no-go for those looking for something with a bit more substance.

10 Great: Quick Rounds Make For An Easy Pick-Up-And-Play Style Game

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

The rounds in Pokémon Unite are limited to ten minutes, no overtime. This means a player always knows how much time they’re committing to a game, making it an easy game to fit into a busy schedule.

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This casual playstyle appeals to many gamers and stands in contrast to other MOBAs where games can last for much longer. The consistency gives the matches a familiar rhythm each time, allowing players to gauge how the round is going for their team.

9 Lacking: A Small Character Pool With So Much Unused Potential

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

Pokémon Unite’s character pool pales in comparison with other MOBA’s like League of Legends and Smite, offering barely ten percent of the roster of those games. While it is understandable that these games far outrank Pokémon Unite given their age, the lack is still keenly felt.

There are over 400 Pokémon families, each one a potential fighter in this game. To have only twenty available at launch, with many locked behind steep paywalls, makes this roster feel painfully small.

8 Great: Simple Mechanics & Small Movesets Make The Game Accessible

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

Pokémon Unite is a fantastic introduction to the MOBA genre for those unfamiliar with it, or for anyone who balks at the complexity of games like League of Legends or Dota.

Characters have just two moves at a time, choosing from two options in each slot. A passive ability, held items, and special Unite Move combine for a character build process that is complex enough to feel engaging while still being very accessible for new players.

7 Lacking: A Pay-To-Win Monetization Model With A Long & Tedious Work Around

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

Like many “free” games, Pokémon Unite has a monetization strategy that has come under fire from critics and players alike. The game features two different premium currencies which can be used not only to buy cosmetic options but also to upgrade items, resulting in significant gameplay boosts.

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While these upgrades are theoretically available through grinding, the time investment required makes the process very nearly not worth it. And with upgraded items having as much as a 10% boost in damage over their basic counterparts, the disparity between free and paid players is hard to ignore.

6 Great: An Existing Franchise Gives The Player An Easy Entry Point

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

Pokémon is one of the largest media franchises in the world, and Unite is just one more gem in its collection. Fans of Pokémon who have never touched a MOBA will instantly be greeted by familiar Pokémon, items, and moves, making it as much a Pokémon game as it is a MOBA.

Unite serves as a perfectly functional Pokémon brawler game for anyone looking to see their favorite monsters battle it out in real-time rather than in the franchise’s classic turn-based combat.

5 Lacking: Repetitive Gameplay Can Make The Game A Slog

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

With only a handful of maps and a very small roster of Pokémon both playable and non-playable, every round of Pokémon Unite can start to feel the same. Players can only be expected to go through the same loop of advancing, knocking out a Ludicolo, attacking a Drednaw, and scoring so many times before it becomes a chore.

Switching characters and roles can alleviate the problem somewhat, but the game’s fast pace and narrow scope mean attackers, speedsters, all-arounders, and defenders don’t really play all that differently.

4 Great: No Chat Function Ensures Player Safety

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

Unfortunately, MOBA games have a reputation for having less-than-welcoming players as a vocal minority. Jumping into a match to face harsh criticism, expectations of perfection, and severe admonishment for failure can leave a bad taste in some people’s mouths.

Pokémon Unite solves this issue by significantly limiting player communication to basic directions and positive encouragement. The lack of communication sometimes results in a scattered team, but this can be overcome by learning to follow cues and use the communication tools the game does offer.

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3 Lacking: Messy Targeting Makes For Frustrating Battles

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

A small but significant quirk that can really impact the gameplay in Pokémon Unite is the targeting. Moves attempt to auto-target nearby enemies, which is very helpful for the frenzied environments the game creates.

However, this targeting is not always consistent, especially if a character is surrounded by both wild Pokémon and opposing players. When combined with the imprecise nature of joysticks as opposed to a mouse, not to mention potential Joy-con drift, the targeting system leaves a lot to be desired.

2 Great: Charming Characters That Are Fun To Watch Compete

5 Ways Pokémon Unite Is A Great MOBA (& 5 Ways Its Lacking)

Pokemon is filled with characters players love, and Unite does a great job of translating them to a new gameplay style. Every Pokémon has a unique animation when it scores, such as Mr. Mime juggling the energy before dunking, or Snorlax plopping down for a nap.

These little touches keep the game charming and fun to watch, even when the gameplay comes up short. A range of new cosmetic options allows players to customize both their trainers and their Pokémon, adding an extra layer to the experience.

1 Lacking: The Overall Depth & Nuance Just Aren’t There

What Pokémon Unite has in character and familiarity it lacks in real substance. Unfortunately, some of its strengths are also some of its greatest flaws. The small character roster is easy to learn but leaves players with nothing else. The gameplay is easy to pick up on but becomes predictable very quickly.

Unite’s monetization strategy requires players to either pay to unlock top-tier items or grind for hours upon hours to reach the same goal. But with such a limited game, many players find the game simply doesn’t feel fun for all those hours.

See more : PokemonWe

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