SpiderMan No Way Home Cast May Have Already Spoiled MJ’s Fate

Spider-Man: No Way Home Cast May Have Already Spoiled MJ’s Fate

The Spider-Man: No Way Home cast is spilling the beans on the new Marvel movie, and they may have already spoiled the fate of Zendaya’s MJ.

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SpiderMan No Way Home Cast May Have Already Spoiled MJ’s Fate

The Spider-Man: No Way Home cast is spilling the secrets about the new film, and they may have already spoiled the fate of Zendaya’s MJ. No Way Home is preparing to change the Marvel Cinematic Universe forever. In the film, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) wants the world to forget that he’s Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) tries to oblige. However, Doctor Strange’s spell to make the world forget Peter Parker’s secret identity goes wrong, and past Spider-Man villains, including Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock and Jamie Foxx’s Electro, enter the MCU. Now, Spider-Man needs to stop the villains, and the entire Multiverse may be at stake.

The No Way Home trailers have put the fates of several characters in question. One moment in the trailers shows Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) running frantically, and it may be in the same area where Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin throws a bomb. The moment has started theories that Aunt May will die in the film. In addition, the film’s marketing focuses on a harrowing scene where Peter Parker’s love, Zendaya’s MJ, falls from a building. The moment seems to mirror the fall of Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which also appeared in trailers for the film. Stacy dies in the scene, so things don’t look great for MJ.

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Though Zendaya’s fall seems dire, the cast may have already spoiled its outcome. When asked about MJ’s and Gwen Stacy’s falls in an interview (via CinemaBlend), Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon talked about how including Stone’s fall in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer made it appear that she’d live. “By putting that in the trailer, it almost made it seem like she survived,” Holland said. When asked if that meant Zendaya survived, the cast then joked that she was a goner. However, given the jokes and Holland’s comment, the No Way Home cast’s exchange about MJ’s fall hints she will make it through the ordeal.

The cast pointed out exactly why MJ will survive: Sony already pulled trailer trickery with Emma Stone. Including Gwen Stacy’s fall in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer was a major twist for the film. When theatergoers discovered that the moment was Gwen Stacy’s death scene, it hit them even harder. Because Sony already pulled off the trick, it doesn’t make sense to do it again. It wouldn’t have the same impact and could cheapen a tragic scene. Including MJ’s fall in the trailer likely means that she survives, but another twist isn’t out of the question.

Since Sony had success with its Gwen Stacy twist, expect one coming with MJ. Following MJ’s fall in the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailers, fans theorized that Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man would return to catch her. Thus, he’d redeem himself after Gwen Stacy’s death in Amazing Spider-Man 2. Of course, there are other possibilities for the scene, such as Holland’s Peter Parker saving MJ himself or Marvel even using editing tricks in the trailer to hide what’s really happening in the film. However, MJ’s death seems the least likely out of all the options.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spiderman-no-way-home-spoiled-zendaya-mj-fate/

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