BuddyPhones Play Headset Review Kid Tested Dad Approved

BuddyPhones Play+ Headset Review: Kid Tested, Dad Approved

The Play+ headset is a kid-friendly solution for safely delivering audio to my kiddo’s little ears, while graciously restoring his parents’ sanity.

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BuddyPhones Play Headset Review Kid Tested Dad Approved

My son turned two-years-old last month, which means that he is already well-versed in the usage of tablets and mobile phones. My wife and I did our best to stave off screen time for as long as we could, but raising a toddler – especially one as high energy as ours – during a pandemic while we were both trying to work from home… well, we eventually caved. We ended up getting him an Amazon Fire Kindle Kids Edition, and though I personally hate the device in terms of sharing apps and content for the kid profile, it gets the job done while being far cheaper and a bit more durable than an iPad.

But again, with my wife and I both working from home and often being on business calls, we prefer to not have Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Daniel Tiger, or his Pinkfong game blasting away in the background. That’s where the BuddyPhones Play+ headset comes in. The Play+ headset is a kid-friendly solution for safely containing the tablet’s audio to my kiddo’s little ears, while graciously restoring his parents’ sanity.

BuddyPhones Play Headset Review Kid Tested Dad Approved

BuddyPhones Play+ headphones are created with kid safety in mind, containing built-in qualities that are designed to protect kids’ hearing while also teaching them safe listening habits. The BuddyPhones Play+ is not made for adults, and in fact, is too small for my head. That said, your toddler should be able to get plenty of use out of the headphones as they continue to grow.

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Setup for the headset is about as plug and play as it gets. Once charged I was able to seamlessly connect the headset to the tablet, as well as my own iPhone. The headset worked without any issue, which was good because my son was very excited for his new yellow headset with the lion stickers that he had decided to stick on the earcups. Too bad I had a little bit more of my own testing to do before I gave up the headphones.

Even though they were too small for my head, I was able to check out everything the BuddyPhones Play+ had to offer, including the absolutely incredible sound that emits from the super comfortable earcups. When I was a kid, I NEVER had the kind of audio quality in my headphones that the BuddyPhones Play+ puts out, which I would argue it sounds about as good as any decent adult/full-size headset. This is especially true when the device’s Study mode is turned off, providing plenty of bass and all encompassing sound to make you really feel the music you’re listening to, or the audio impact of whatever movie you may be watching.

There are three modes available, including Toddler, Kid’s, and Travel. For testing purposes, I turned my iPhone’s volume all the way up and was incredibly pleased with the decibel output that each mode offered. Toddler mode, which is the mode my kid uses currently, is not loud at all, but outputs just enough to get the job done. Kids mode makes it a bit louder, while Travel mode is the loudest and requires me to turn down the volume on my iPhone. It’s clear that BuddyPhones are designed with kid’s hearing safety in mind, which I am grateful for as a parent.

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And how does my two-year-old like it? Well, once he finally got a hold of the head set, he could rarely be seen not wearing it. For the first few days, he used it to watch his tablet exclusively, which makes it clear that he enjoys the headset. Now, he mostly uses them while his parents are on calls, which is very helpful instead of fighting with the volume on his tablet while being on a video call.

If you’re looking for a kid-friendly headset, the BuddyPhones Play+ headphones are a great purchase. Not only are they built with kids’ hearing safety in mind, they are big and durable enough to be around as your child grows, meaning you won’t have to worry about replacing a headset every couple of weeks.

A product sample was provided to TheGamer for this review. BuddyPhones Play+ headphones are available now from BuddyPhones’ website.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/buddyphones-play-headset-review/

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