25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say “Same”

It’s always fun to experience Link’s life as a hero in Legend Of Zelda, but it’s clear even he would agree some parts of his world make no sense.

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25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

To date, there are a total of thirteen official Legend of Zelda games in existence. That’s thirteen adventures with Link and Princess Zelda over 32 years. Some of them are classics, some of them are modern hits, and there are also a few we would rather not remember. These games are some of Nintendo’s biggest successes and are definitely some of their most iconic projects. With the recent Breath of The Wild arriving with raving adulation and even more games on the horizon, it seems that The Legend of Zelda will always be a realm for players to immerse themselves in and enjoy.

As with any fantasy world in video games, there are more than a few aspects of The Legend of Zelda that logic simply fails to justify. As expansive and ambitious as some of these games are, it’s no surprise that some things just don’t add up. It can be difficult to make a game that’s fun to play and that’s entirely consistent with the world of objective reality as well. Sometimes you just have to accept the weird logic that video game worlds seem to function with.

Today we have 25 memes that’ll show just how logically confusing and hysterically inconsistent some of these moments are. We have everything from confounding physics to laughable character motivations and wacky Hyrule social customs. Take a look and enjoy what The Legend of Zelda players find the most hilarious about the franchise.

25 Hey! Listen!

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

The insistent little Navi is constantly following and demanding our attention. The developers must have assumed the players needed consistent reminders about every little detail of the game, lest our short attention spans lead us to get lost inside their immeasurably complicated digital world. Without a constant barrage of explanations and expositions, how would we even know what was happening?

It should come as no surprise that Navi is one of the most disliked video game characters of all time.

She’s consistently made it atop the lists of “Worst characters” and “Most Annoying Characters” by a number of video game critics. Despite that, she does still have her supporters among the community. It’s been pointed out by many that she actually does help the player and provide reasonably good service as a side-kick. It’s just too bad you can’t mute her once in a while.

24 Never Touched The Water?

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

When you grow up literally surrounded by the ocean, you might think swimming would be an important part of life, wouldn’t you? How could someone live their life knowing how to swim, fight, and solve puzzles without having the capacity to tread water for more than 30 seconds? It’s a good think Link has his sailboat, otherwise this adventure might not have lasted much more than an hour, if that.

As far as Zelda games go, it is definitely as much of a classic right up with Majora’s Mask and the original NES titles. That being said, even some of the greatest games of all time have their fair share of wonky gameplay features. Sure, Link could probably swim farther if he just took a few classes or something, but that by no means limits the impact of the game overall.

It just doesn’t make any sense at all.

23 Impossible Acrobatics

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Speaking of wonky gameplay decisions, when you’re trying to design a feature that limits movement, would you not also include flips? Surely, if your boots are too heavy to run in, then jumping, flipping, or anything of that sort is out of the question. I’m sure iron is heavy and you wouldn’t want to run in such material for very long if you could avoid it.

That being said, either you can run and flip or you can do neither.

The Iron Boots were an annoying but effective item in the Majora’s Mask game. Besides the fact that you couldn’t run in them, you couldn’t swim in them either. The boots were simply too heavy to allow much freedom of movement. Should you need some extra dexterity, however, you could always just take them off and carry them in your inventory without suffering any drawbacks.

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Realistic? No. Practical? Perhaps.

22 Weird Kid

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

We have to face the fact that kids simply aren’t known to exhibit proper cleanliness on their own accord. With that in mind, I think we can cut a little slack for the kid with a perpetually runny nose. Still, has no one thought to give him a tissue or a handkerchief or something? Who are this kid’s parents who allow him to leave the house in such a state without a Kleenex or something?

Non-playable characters in games have come a long way since the days of the Nintendo 64. No longer do we have to put up with uncanny characters standing in the same place engaged in the same activities without rest forever. Soon, NPCs like this will be a distant memory. Our grandchildren will only know stories about the Infamous Booger Kid and how we fled from him.

21 With Great Power…

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Is any other genre of video games more notorious for wasting time on mundane tasks than the RPG? It isn’t enough to simply be a hero, solve puzzles, and fight against the other side, you also have to do menial work!

After all, you aren’t going to earn the money you need for adventuring by adventuring alone!

For the life of me, I couldn’t tell you where the idea to cut grass for money came from in this game. For a guy like Link with this kind of power, you might think there would be more exciting opportunities in life. Sadly, it seems Link has no other choice but to commit himself to hard labor and whatever random chores his neighbors don’t want to do themselves.

The life of an RPG hero is no easy one. It seems not even they can escape the drudgery of everyday living.

20 You Don’t See That Everyday

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

For a world that gets consistently robbed by a green vested young man in search of rupees and floating hearts on a regular basis, you might think locked doors would be more common. Perhaps Link is simply so accustomed to entering whatever building in town he fancies that any locked door comes as a surprise. Perhaps there is one person in town with enough sense to keep Link from coming in for whatever he wants, or maybe the developers simply needed a place to hide something.

Whatever the reason, the social customs of this world certainly weren’t thought out in any practical sense. A society like this definitely wouldn’t function in any world outside of a video game, but could we really expect it too? Perhaps locking their doors would be more trouble than it’s worth, for the citizens of Hyrule. If anything important goes missing, they could probably just ask Link to get it back for them anyway.

19 Gifts From Your Love

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

When you miss someone, any little thing you get from them can make you cherish that gift, whatever it is. I’m sure Link was only thinking fondly about his missing love when this sail arrived for him, but did he really think Zelda had intended this kind of use for it? Sails were meant to be flown Link, not smelled.

I’m sure Zelda meant this gift to be practical rather than sentimental.

As much as Link has done for Princess Zelda over the years, it’s no surprise he cherishes any sort of present he gets from her. The amount of time he’s devoted to saving her would literally border on absurdity, if you were to take every version of their story into account. Like Mario and Princess Peach, it’s rather sad they can’t just settle down and be happy already.

18 To Be A “Real” Man

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

It was a shame that due to Link’s upbringing, he could not attain the level of manhood all Kokiri men had before him. Luckily he was able to remedy the situation with the help of the annoying but persistent fairy Navi.

I wonder what life would be like if nearly everyone had their own personal fairy to accompany them through life. It might be commonplace to the Kokiri but, for those of us outside the world of Zelda, it would be extraordinary. Who knows how much we could benefit from such companionship? It could be fantastic, assuming they weren’t calling for our attention every few minutes of every day.

17 Priorities In Video Games

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

When there is a whole open world to explore and various activities to keep you entertained, sometimes you just have to let the fight against the bad side go for a while. Sure, things are getting worse with each passing day, but there are fish to be caught! I’m sure Ganondorf will still be around by the time we’re ready to go after him.

It’s not as if we’re running out of time or anything, right?

If there is anything worse than having to work for a living in RPGs it would have to be the insane amount of leisure activities worth doing in them. Having an open world for the player to make choices in is a great idea for gameplay, but not so much for urgent storytelling. It’s hard to justify spending time like this when the fate of the world rests entirely in your hands. Luckily the forces that threaten our existence are patient enough to wait until you’re ready to face them before doing anything too over the top.

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16 Not So Innocent After All

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

It can be hard to face betrayal from someone you knew and trusted. It can be a lot harder if that someone is the love of your life and you never imagined they’d be capable of such a thing. Link managed to get through it okay though, and Zelda was only having a bit of harmless fun.

Still, being pushed by someone is bound to make you think twice about that person.

For those who may be confused, Link is lucky enough to have a flying steed to help him in the Skyward Sword game. Zelda only gave him a little push to help him get on to his trusted flying companion. It all ended up being fine, but is that any reason to just push someone off of a cliff? Accidents can happen you know Zelda, you’re lucky Link’s bird friend is as reliable as he is.

15 The Various Motivations Of Link

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Every hero needs a good motivation to get their story going. If you’re about to embark on an epic adventure, then you need to have a reason to start. Whether you’re doing it to save someone you care about or trying to save the world itself, at some point the hero needs that first step to push themselves into action.

As good as the motivation to save a loved one may be, Ocarina of Time decided to take the Zelda series on a different route. All players know that time travel and a magical instrument play a significant role, but so does a being known as the Great Deku Tree. After being cursed by a “wicked man of the desert,” this tree entrusts Link with the sacred task of stopping Ganondorf from taking over the world. Taking advice from a tree may not be conventional, but if the world is truly at stake, what else could you do?

14 The Never-Ending Tutorial

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Sometimes a game just wants to make extra sure you get the point. It doesn’t matter if it has to repeat the same text once, twice, or a hundred times, it just wants to be certain you understand exactly what it’s trying to tell you. After all, you wouldn’t want to miss out on all this world-building exposition, would you?

The amber relic is a common treasure found throughout the surface world in Skyward Sword.

The item literally respawns indefinitely, meaning that you’ll pretty much always be able to find one if you just look. Every time you do find one, you’ll be rewarded with the same exact message that vaguely explains the relic’s origins. You won’t get anything too heavily related to the story or any extra gameplay. It’s just a little bit of exposition you’ve already seen enough to stop caring long ago.

13 The Power Of Colorful Shirts

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Just imagine having the ability to tackle any element with a simple change of clothing. Need to get through a fire? Just put on a red jacket! Need to breathe underwater? Just put on a blue one! Need to travel straight through the earth? Well, Link has never done that before but following this kind of logic, I suppose a brownish dirt-colored article of clothing should do.

It’s simple enough to understand, even if it doesn’t make any sense at all.

Color-coded powers applies to apparently magic clothing, so why not? At least Link learned to swim at some point outside of the Wind Waker universe though. It might not be the most logically sound ability in the world, but at least it’s good for something.

12 Adventuring Attire

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

There are no rules or regulations in regard to proper adventuring attire. Anything that fits and affords you suitable protection will do. That being said, the choice to go without pants isn’t something your average adventurer would choose.

Surelypants could only benefit a person who spends so much time fighting and being exposed to the elements.

It seems that Link can go with or without that particular garment depending on what game he’s in. Over the years he has appeared in his signature green vest both with and without pants. Sometimes he’s wearing a kilt or something similar but still forgoes full leg coverings. With his appearance in current games generally keeping him fully dressed it appears he’ll likely be better covered moving forward.

11 How To Get Around

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

If somersaulting is faster than walking, then why would you ever want to use your feet? Sure, you might look ridiculous rolling around the plains of Hyrule like that, but does anyone really care? We have pots to break and hearts to take after all and time is of the essence!

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So many video games have made the mistake of giving the player a faster mode of travel without meaning to.

Quite a few games managed to avoid this pitfall by giving the player the option to run instead of walk. Seriously, if you’re not going to let players run when they want to, this is just the kind of thing you’ll get. Do developers really want their hero somersaulting a majority of the time? It just doesn’t seem like a dignified way for any protagonist to get around.

10 Something Seems Off

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Do you ever get the feeling that some items in your favorite video games just weren’t really thought through? Does it seem like the developers just kind of stuck it in the game without really paying attention to what that item was supposed to be? Somehow, it just seems weird in some strange way.

Let’s be totally honest, if you have an in-game item called a “red” rupee, wouldn’t it make sense to color the thing red?

Creative license certainly gives you the right to name and color a thing in any way you see fit. Does that mean you should really name an obviously non-red thing a red color, though? It’s just one word away from making sense, just one tiny little detail away from making it sane and logical, but no.

No, we have to have a red rupee that isn’t red.

9 The Life Of Link

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Link is perceived in so many ways by so many different people across Hyrule society. He’s a hero, a celebrity, a defender of the people and a hard working grass cutter all in one. It’s funny how our perceptions of certain people can be so misleading sometimes isn’t it? I mean, you never really know someone until you play their roles in a game for yourself, do you?

It’s a pretty unfortunate fact of Link’s life that he spends more time looking for rupees in the grass than spending time with Zelda. Actually, it’s pretty sad that he spends more time cutting grass than anything else in the world.

He may still be a hero, but as long as we need more rupees, he’ll be condemned to fall short of society’s perception of him.

8 Still In The Friend Zone

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Is it really fair that Link spends so much time chasing the same princess but never really gets to settle down? As many times as he’s saved her, she somehow manages to get involved in yet another dire situation involving the end of the world.

This is without all the teasing and falling off cliffs he’s experienced for her sake.

The truth is that, as long as another Legend Of Zelda game is on the horizon, we’ll never get to see Link settle down permanently. As it is with Mario, the princess will always be in the next castle. She’ll always be waiting at the end of another game until interest in the series has faded away completely. It may not be fair, but as long as we’re still having fun, I guess Link will just have to keep adventuring!

7 Sounds Like A Plan

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Once again, the priorities of video game players triumph over the need to do anything about the darkness consuming everything around us. It’s not that we can’t be bothered, it’s just that there’s so much loot out there left ungathered for us to focus on saving the world alone. Most of us will probably get to it eventually, but we are all trying to escape from reality here after all.

It is funny just how dire the circumstances can be while we’re fooling around collecting things.

The world just thrusts its weight onto our shoulders and we’re content to let it linger there as we frolic around the countryside looking for whatever treasures may be hiding in the grass. Was the world right in choosing us to be its champion? I guess we’ll see, after we spend a few more hours looking for more rupees.

6 It’s Not You, It’s You

25 Hilarious Legend Of Zelda Memes That Will Make Any Player Say Same

Sometimes there’s only so much you can do to please someone. Sometimes you go the extra mile to fulfill someone’s needs and be the person they need you to be, but no matter what you do, you can’t be anyone that isn’t you. As far as you go, you’ll never “not” be the person that you are. That makes sense, right?

It can’t be easy for someone like Link to take rejection so frequently. After everything he’s done and all the people he’s saved, you’d think he would have more success in his personal life. Unfortunately, Link has better relationships with fairies, trees, and mask salesmen than he does with the one person he loves more than anything. At least he can always look for rupees in the grass!

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hilarious-legend-of-zelda-memes-make-any-player-say-same/

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