25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

We’ll never get tired of talking about the Super Mario Bros. franchise! Here are 25 side-splitting logic comics that will make any fan laugh!

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25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

When Nintendo started out, many wondered if they would make an impact on the gaming industry at all. After all, they had been a playing card company before designing their first gaming system in the Game & Watch, but it was a far cry from a full-fledged gaming console like its competitors. Even so, there was cause for optimism given that the Game & Watch was so successful in such a short time. When the Famicom/NES was finally announced, it took the world and the gaming industry by storm. Game designers praised its ease of use and the console was flooded with some of the best titles ever created. It had its ups and downs, but before long Nintendo became a household name and the NES became one of the best selling consoles in gaming history. From that point on, everyone wanted to replicate the company’s success and many companies now believed they could make a splash in the gaming world too.

Over time, the company would grow and innovate and give the world some of the most interesting controls and interfaces to work with. While its systems would change over the years there was one title in particular that would make its way onto every console, with only a few not having it as a launch title. That game would be Mario and its impact would be felt immediately. From his humble beginnings as Jumpman to the iconic character we know of today, Mario has remained a mainstay of the company through generations. Like most games though, there are a few things within Super Mario that don’t make a lot of sense when you think about it. Below you will find twenty-five humorous comics that point out just some of the issues with the game.

25 It Never Changes

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

When you really think about it, the last thing that anyone would want to be is in Mario’s shoes. Sure, he gains the admiration of all of the Mushroom Kingdom for what he does on a daily basis, but his life prospects are rather grim when you think about it. He has to go through life constantly worrying about when the next threat will appear and he always has to concern himself with not if, but when, the next event will occur. This means that not only does he not get any real rest, but it also means that he doesn’t truly get a happy ending either.

For Mario, the cycle continues once again from the moment that he saves Princess Peach.

As morbid as this whole prospect might seem, it gets even darker when you consider how life within the game itself is run. When Mario meets his demise he simply comes back to life again ready to do it all over. You can imagine what kind of life that would entail. If it happens within the game world that means that when Mario finally meets his demise outside of his mission he will once again start his quest all over again, in theory. Not exactly a comforting reality when you think about it.

24 The Shoe’s On The Other Foot

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

There are a lot of areas where the Mario universe could expand and improve and there are a few ideas that are floating out there that I hope that Nintendo decides to implement within the games at some point or another. I’d like nothing more than to see Mario and Bowser duke it out in a whole new way and I think that it would be rather interesting to have a game where you are beefing up the Mushroom Kingdom against attacks by Bowser instead of the other way around. In this way, it would be you on the defensive rather than the offensive and you could even make it like the normal game in the sense that once you lost part of the kingdom you could reclaim it.

I’m not sure if anything along these lines will ever truly be implemented into a Mario game or not, but one thing is for sure and that is that Mario would have come up with some ways to throw Bowser off Peach’s trail by now. After all, through a lot of experience, he pretty much has Bowser’s main objective nailed down and he has a pretty good idea of how Bowser might go about things. That’s why I knew I had to include this comic which turns the tables on Bowser and even uses a rather familiar statement from the older games to do so.

23 Mario’s Day Off

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

While we don’t exactly see Mario really take a day off at any point within the main games, it is thanks to spin-off games that we have a pretty good idea what he and the others might do in their free time. After a while you have to imagine that Mario gets pretty worn out from the whole rescuing thing and in reality, it might happen that he is out doing something and doesn’t really know that she is missing at all until much later in the day. In fairness though, given that news travels fast within the Mushroom Kingdom, it isn’t likely this would ever be the case.

That being said, you have to wonder at times, as I have, what things might be like had Mario ever taken a day off from rescuing Peach from Bowser’s clutches. What if he just didn’t feel like going through all the hassle one day and decided to play golf or ride go-karts instead? Even if he didn’t decide to do it right off hand, it stands to reason that he might become distracted by such things and forget the whole purpose of his mission.

22 The Forgotten Sidekick

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

With pretty much anything that you do in life, there are a lot of people that help you along the way. You might not remember them all right off hand, but over time as you get older, you begin to realize the part that everyone has played in your life and shaping you as a human being. For Mario, without Luigi by his side things would have been a lot more difficult to accomplish. They have teamed up numerous times throughout the franchise to complete their quest and save the Mushroom Kingdom, and yet, it seems as if Luigi has been largely forgotten when it’s all said and done.

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It’s one thing for others to forget you when you aren’t there when the entire task is completed, but you would think that your own brother would step in and thank you for your help himself. Despite all this, we’ve never seen Mario once thank Luigi in front of everyone and it makes you wonder who the real selfless hero within the whole franchise is. It has even caused many fans to debate if the presence of Luigi is used as both a contrast and a commentary on what a real hero is actually supposed to be. Granted, Mario does a lot to earn his praise, to be sure.

21 This Is The Mushroom Kingdom

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

For the most part, if we are being honest with ourselves we would probably all agree that the Mushroom Kingdom is pretty lax when it comes to the handling of Bowser and his minions. You’d expect someone who has committed the crimes that he and his followers have to be punished in a pretty strong manner and in a way that it isn’t likely that they would easily be able to get away from said punishment and cause the problems that they had prior to said punishment. After a while, you might imagine that Mario would be fed up with the whole thing and decide to take matters into his own hands in a much darker manner then we are used to.

I mean think about it, Bowser is coming in and destroying everything that he and those around him hold dear, and in most cases, ruining their lives in some way. Not only that, but he is constantly taking away someone that Mario holds dear and threatening to do her harm. If that isn’t enough to make someone take drastic measures to put a stop to it I don’t know what is. Thanks to this particular illustration we get a good idea of what that might look like placed within the backdrop of the movie 300.

20 Not So Nice

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

It doesn’t matter what game you are playing, because within every game there are flaws and things that don’t really add up. It happens because game creators add in an element with the express purpose of leveling the playing field while not being able to prevent the player from circumnavigating such a measure. When Mario Kart was created, this came in many different forms, the blue turtle shell being among them, of course. If you’ve ever played Mario Kart then you know what this item entails and you also know that it can be rather frustrating at times.

As aggravating as it can be when you are in first place in a race, some gamers found out an interesting way of counteracting such an item. Rather than wait in first to be hit by the blue turtle shell, they would either hang around in first or drop back before it was able to hit them. This wasn’t easy to do given the shells speed, but it could be done. The idea that anyone within the race can deploy it really doesn’t make to much sense though, given that it punishes the person in first while allowing everyone around them to pass them. This has caused some to suggest a limit on who within the race can deploy such an item. As of right now, as long as you stay in second until the very end, you are safe.

19 How He Got His Degree

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

Since the introduction of Tetris to the world, there have been many copycats of the game within other platforms and constant attempts by other game designers to capture its magic and splendor. While most don’t seem to capture the aforementioned feeling that Tetris has created over the years there are a few games that do the original justice. With Dr. Mario, many were taken aback, not just by its major deviation from the franchise, but because of its likeness to Tetris.

The repetitive nature of the game and its lackluster graphics caused many to look at it in a negative sort of light.

While many may not have enjoyed the game when it came out for various reasons, it is hard to fault Nintendo for at least attempting to expand upon the well-known character in some way. It did take a lot of elements from Tetris, but that wasn’t what made it really confusing for many. First of all, to most people’s knowledge, Mario has never been a doctor and given what it takes to become one many have wondered what kind of back-story Nintendo would have given for him.

18 A Tiresome Job

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

No matter if you really enjoy something, chances are you have experienced burnout a few times in your life. It is a very real problem within many professions and it’s why having a job with a lot of variation goes a long way in preventing such a thing from happening. Companies the world over spend a lot of money coming up with ways to keep their employees interested and focused and often times they will provide areas where said employees can relax and unwind.

For Mario, there is a constant battle between him and Bowser and no real rest or relaxation in-between.

You can imagine that while Mario does have some variation in the types of creatures he faces and the areas that he traverses, that he too would eventually suffer from burnout. After all, you can’t keep working every moment of the day without having a moments rest and expect to feel in top shape for too long. I imagine that the artist who created this particular set of panels had the same thing in mind and they used a rather clever reference to The Shining to underscore the hidden madness that is awaiting Mario if he continues on the path he’s on.

17 It Was All A Dream

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

There have been many different games created over the years with all sorts of storylines and while many of them wrap the whole story up nicely there are others that leave you hanging until the next installment. They make you wonder what the real meaning to the story is and they allow you to begin to explore your own theories about the origins of the characters and their current predicament. While some games do leave you hanging, so to speak, and never provide an explanation that is clear, there are others that do a complete one-eighty on you and present the whole story as a dream.

In these instances, it might seem cut and dry until you really start to think about it and wonder if it was all truly a dream or if there were bits and pieces that were really mixed in with those that were imagined by the character. For Mario, everything about the game seems like it’s from a storybook and it seems like something that a person would dream up from the depths of their imagination. The possibility of it all being a dream exist and it would be one of the most shocking things to ever happen to such a storied franchise.

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16 A Toad By Any Other Name

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

With most Nintendo games there is a good explanation about each character within a particular world and their origin. If you encounter a certain group of people you usually get a rundown of their history and how they came about as well as how they fit into the story. Though this is the case, with Mario there are a few instances within the games where we don’t exactly get a clear-cut answer at all. This isn’t exactly surprising considering it was created from an off-shoot of Donkey Kong, but it does make things a bit confusing at times.

Toad has been a fixture of pretty much every Mario game ever created.

Each time he appeared it raised more questions as to why he was simply given the name of his particular group of people and not something wholly unique to him. Strangely enough, he isn’t the only character within a species that has acquired the name of a singular species as Yoshi also secures that same honor. While each has continued on in this manner through newer titles there have been some changes to note in this particular area. Within new installments, there have been names given to others within their same groups and this has helped to dispel some of the confusion surrounding the characters.

15 Not Really A Party

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

If you’ve never had the chance to play any of the Mario Party games you are truly missing out. From the moment I acquired Mario Party for the Nintendo 64, I knew that there would be hours of fun to be had. The game itself kept many of the key elements and controls from the game I knew and loved, but it also added many new concepts that I had yet to see in the immensely popular platformer. It was the best of both worlds as it brought in portions of old-time game boards and mixed them with extremely fun mini-games that provided a good bit of competition.

The adding in of various items also made the game that much more challenging and the CPUs were no pushovers either. Even at lower difficulties, they wouldn’t let you easily win and on harder difficulties, it felt next to impossible depending on the minigame being played. With all that being said, when you really think about it, the name Mario Party doesn’t really fit. I mean what kind of party is Mario throwing anyway where he has his friends battle it out and knock each other off cliffs and sometimes into water? Doesn’t exactly sound like a typical party to me.

14 All For Not

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

We can all pretty much agree that Mario by no means has an easy job. He started out as an ordinary plumber but got asked to do some pretty extraordinary things. He’s been to many different places within the Mushroom Kingdom and he’s even had to thwart new enemies that have threatened the balance of everything. He’s teamed up with enemies of the past to face new advisories like in Super Mario RPG and he is in a constant tug of war with Bowser for not just the fate of the Mushroom Kingdom itself, but also of Princess Peach.

He never knows what he’s going to encounter in his next adventure and it’s a wonder that he still has the strength to do all he does, given that he doesn’t seem to get a lot of time to relax and enjoy himself before having to take on a new challenge. Through it all he soldiers on in the hopes that he has done enough to finally secure Peach across the Mushroom Kingdom. In some cases, he completes the task at hand only to be told by Toad that he completed the mission as requested, but that Princess Peach is, in fact, in another castle altogether. As you can imagine, this event has spawned some pretty humorous comics like the one above.

13 A Different Origin Story

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

Something that always perplexed me about the Mario games was how Princess Peach could get captured in the first place. Sure, Bowser is no slouch when it comes to inventing plans and carrying them out, but in reality, it seems like it ought to be really hard for someone to capture a princess from her kingdom. After all, it’s fairly clear from the early installments of the game that she has many subjects and guards that look after her. Surely they would have been able to prevent such an event like this happening long before it ever came to pass.

The fact that her guards and subjects seem to hinder Mario more than Bowser is strange to be sure.

It makes you wonder just how exactly Bowser can not only capture Peach on a regular basis but how he can also do this without causing any considerable damage to the kingdom itself. Sure, it doesn’t always turn out that way, but for the most part, she simply disappears without a trace and no one within the kingdom seems to know how it happened other than that Bowser stole her. Despite all that, why is it Mario that is given the task of rescuing her? Is there no one in the Mushroom Kingdom who is trained for such a thing? It seems like a given after the first few times she is captured that they would have a rescue team in place.

12 A Brand New Powerup

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

Often times the discussion about the life of a franchise comes around. The moment that a game series has been around long enough people start to wonder just how much longer it is going to last before the player base grows tired of it and moves on. It’s not hard to keep any franchise going for long and seeing as game designers will bow out both from age and from burnout, it is a question that deserves to be asked. Even when new designers take their place, fans wonder if they will still keep the same level of commitment and dedication to the franchise as their predecessor.

Mario has been around for over thirty-five years after Shigeru Miyamoto first conceived it.

Not only is the length of time for the franchise impressive, but so are its sales. To date, it is one of the most successful, if not the most successful, franchises in Nintendo history. Additionally, it has been a launch title for virtually every Nintendo console ever made. It didn’t get there by chance though and it has had to undergo a lot of changes to remain in gamers minds. One such change happened in Super Mario 3D World where Mario could transform into a cat with the help of a bell powerup. Why Nintendo choose a cat form is anyone’s guess, but I’m pretty sure this comic nails the reason down pretty good.

11 How Things Change

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

There are many beings within the Super Mario universe and often times they don’t always make an appearance within every Mario title. It is for this reason that we might perhaps forget about them for a while only to have them reappear in a different capacity later on. One such character is one that, if you played any of the early installments, you aren’t likely to forget anytime soon. He was known for floating around on a cloud and dropping creatures called spinies around you when you least expected it. These sorts of bombardments usually resulted in you losing a powerup or even your life.

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After a while, you got used to him appearing and you would brace yourself with the possibility. Even so, every once in a while he would drop a spinie that you just couldn’t avoid. When asked about its creation, Shigeru Miyamoto stated that his original idea for the character was for him to fly around and drop objects from a plane and not a cloud. Given how difficult it was to defeat such a character it was a bit fitting that Lakitu would find itself the holder of the stop light in the Mario Kart games. A stark contrast from the difficult enemy that you encountered throughout the games.

10 Making Some Poor Choices

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

The whole concept of Bowser versus Mario is a strange one to be sure. Many have argued through the years that there is a stark mismatch between the two and that Bowser could easily defeat Mario if he was so inclined to do so. It’s hard to argue with them considering the fact that we get a good glimpse at the true stature difference between the two characters in Super Mario 64. In it, we can not only see a clear power mismatch between the two but also a large difference in stature between them as well. The confusion is further compounded by the fact that Mario can simply grab Bowser’s tail and swing him around, something you defiantly wouldn’t expect him to be able to do.

Given the amount of difficulty that defeating him entails, many have wondered why it is that he appears in games where you would think that he would be excluded, such as Mario Kart. In reality, the last thing that you would think that Mario would want to do is hold a go-kart race and invite one of his most evil adversaries to it. If anything he would want to distance himself as far away from such an individual as possible.

9 What Would Really Happen

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

With pretty much every game that you have ever played, there will be elements within the story that don’t really make sense at all when you think about it. In fairness, most of these instances occur because there are objects or items that serve as a plot device or as an element of the story that helps to explain how you are able to acquire such items. In most platforms, you have to have power-ups or extra lives and as such, there has to be a way within the game that you can acquire these items that seems as if it fits into the story in some way.

Breakable bricks have been a fixture of Mario games since the very beginning.

I imagine that there was a lot of discussion about how to provide extra lives within the game and also how the player could acquire points throughout the levels aside from defeating enemies. Additionally, Shigeru Miyamoto needed to give the player a reason to interact with the destructible environment that he had created for them. In adding not just destructible blocks, but items and coins within others he gave players a reason to explore. In truth though, it seems rather likely that Mario would have a hard time punching said blocks, let alone hitting them with his head.

8 Switching Sides

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

I’ve often wondered why it was that the enemies within the Mario universe would continue to side with Bowser and battle Mario at every turn. Granted, they could be controlled by Bowser in various ways and forced to fight, but you would think that the moment Mario had a victory over him and everything was restored within the Mushroom Kingdom that they would switch sides. There’s even a good chance that they might decide to join Mario’s side during his adventure given that they had tasted defeat by his hand before and would feel relatively certain that he would taste victory once more.

Given that this has happened in human history with pretty much every conflict it is a bit perplexing that Miyamoto never implemented such an occurrence within certain levels. This isn’t to say that things like this haven’t happened as we get a glimpse of what this might be like thanks to Super Mario RPG. In it, we see Bowser commanding his forces against the new enemies that have invaded the Mushroom Kingdom. Seeing as how Mario is well versed in who his enemies have been in the past though it seems likely that he might not be bothered to stop when such an opportunity is starting to arise.

7 An Honest Plea

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

There have been many new characters introduced to the Mario franchise over the years and while some have had their own standalone titles as of late, there have been other characters who have faded a bit over the years. For Princess Daisy, her time within the Mario franchise as the main character was rather short as she was introduced as the damsel in distress in Super Mario World 2 and nothing since then. Many wondered if she would become a key fixture within the next installments of the games, but it didn’t come to pass.

While her appearances within the games dropped off a bit after this particular game, Nintendo has slowly brought her back into the forefront of the Mario universe. As a result of her inclusion within other games, there has also been a rise in her popularity once again which has caused many to wonder if she will have her own game once again. It is my hope that the success of the Luigi games will allow Nintendo to place Luigi as player one and begin adventures with him saving Princess Daisy.

6 The Cost Of Being Number One

25 Hilarious Super Mario Logic Comics That Will Crack Up Any Gamer

For a long time, we have seen Luigi fight alongside Mario on his adventures, but it would take some time before we really saw Luigi stand on his own and make a name for himself within the Nintendo universe. It wasn’t that the company didn’t try, but in truth, Mario is Missing wasn’t exactly a fair shake for such a character. It was a game that provided an interesting take on the franchise, but it wasn’t exactly one that would garner a lot of fan fare to be sure. Still, with its introduction, the stage was set for Nintendo to once again introduce a standalone Luigi game down the road.

When the Gamecube was introduced, many were confused as they fully expected the company to create a console that would once and for all rival the PlayStation. In time though, both critics and consumers fell in love with the console and its hidden power which was showcased in the beautifully rendered Resident Evil 0. It was the introduction of Luigi’s Mansion, though, that took the world by storm and it wouldn’t be long before the company got the answer to the question it was asking all those years ago, the world was indeed ready for a Luigi standalone game.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/super-mario-logic-comics-hilarious-funny-gamer-will-laugh/

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