20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

The 90s saw the release of some amazing Disney films. In true Disney fashion, the company hid some awesome details through many of the blockbusters!

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20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

Those of us that grew up in the 90s probably spent hours watching some of Disney’s best movies. The 90s for Disney was a good time since it was the start of Disney’s first Renaissance. Movies like Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, and Aladdin, are what brought Disney out of its dark ages and into a new revival.

Beauty and the Beast is probably my favorite 90s Disney movie, with its gorgeous animation, amazing story, and wonderful characters. I still get chills when Beast is fighting Gaston on the castle and when Belle witness him being transformed back into a human. It’s truly an amazing movie that deserves all the awards it has received.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the average Disney movie has a lot going on in the background. Disney prides itself on having these gorgeous movies that are just brimming with all kinds of details. And a lot of Disney movies in the 90s had fun with this and slipped in all kinds of references.

Something that Disney loves to do with its movies is include little references to other movies. I think it’s partially because they can, and partially because it’s fun. It’s fun for animators and artists to slip in a cameo, and it’s fun for the audience to find these references. Some are fairly obvious and easy to see, while others take a truly dedicated fan to spot.

So here are 20 details in 90s Disney movies that you likely missed. Think we missed some truly great details? Make sure to let us know in the comments section below!

20 What Are You Guys Doing Down Here?

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

You’d think that with everything being underwater, you probably wouldn’t find anything too out of the usual in Atlantica. Certainly, you wouldn’t see other Disney characters just chilling at the bottom of the ocean. And yet a couple of familiar characters somehow made their way to this beautiful city.

If you look closely to the far-left corner of the picture, you’ll see Mickey and Goofy chilling with the other residents of Atlantica. Now, I don’t know how on earth they got there (they look like they’re merpeople too. Maybe Mickey and Goofy have cousins in Atlantica or something), but it does make for a pretty fun little reference. It’s also hard to catch since it flashes by pretty quickly. Just don’t blink, and you’ll probably see it.

19 One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

The world of Aladdin is definitely more on the exotic side, compared to some of Disney’s other movies. Agrabah is a colorful city full of life, heat, and a touch of mystery. So, it would be a little strange if people from other Disney movies showed up in this scenario, mostly because they’d look incredibly out of place.

You’ll find a rather beastly addition to the Sultan’s collection.

But we do see a rather interesting reference to Beauty and the Beast. In the scene where the Sultan is making his tower of little animal figurines, take a closer look at these animals. You’ll find a rather beastly addition to the Sultan’s collection. I wonder where the Sultan got these figurines? Maybe some were imported from France… or not. Anyway, it’s a great reference to another movie that’s quite different from this Arabian tale.

18 A Lot Is Going On In Paris

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

While it’s common for Disney movies to have one or two references to other movies in little cameos and Easter eggs, some movies have several. That’s the case of The Hunchback of Notre Dame where there are not one, not two, but three references to three different movies all in one scene.

This scene shows a street in Paris where its citizens are going about their day. But if you look closely, you can see Belle walking around in her blue dress, a man is holding what looks suspiciously like the Magic Carpet, and two people are carrying a pig on a stake that looks a lot like Pumbaa. I just find it hilarious that you can see all three of these references in pretty close proximity to each other. And yet, it’s still a cameo you can easily miss if you’re not paying attention.

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17 You’re Going The Wrong Way

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

You know, you can’t really blame Maurice for getting lost in the woods in Beauty in the Beast. When we see those signs he’s trying to read, it’s pretty easy to see how you could lose your way. You can barely read them. That’s probably why Maurice was a bit turned around (or maybe he has no sense of direction. I can relate).

Two of the signs say Anaheim and Valencia.

But did you know that a couple of those signs hold some pretty interesting references? If you look closely at them, you’ll see that two of them say Anaheim and Valencia. And in case you didn’t know, Anaheim is where Disneyland is located, and Valencia is where the California Institute of the Arts is located. Both of these locations have some pretty big ties to Disney, so it makes sense they would be the cities referenced.

16 They’ve Got Some Royal Guests

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

On the surface world of The Little Mermaid, there is a bit more to work with as far as slipping in little references here and there. And in this case, we see some faces that likely would be in this situation. On Prince Eric’s ship, we find a couple of familiar faces.

It looks like the kingdom in Cinderella and Prince Eric’s kingdom are on pretty good terms with each other, if the King and the Grand Duke are invited to Prince Eric’s events. Considering these two movies are likely within the same time period, it would make sense if the two kingdoms were at least interacting with each other. Ooh, now I just want to see Cinderella and Ariel bonding. Those two would probably have a blast together.

15 He Looks Like A Tiger Mouse Hybrid

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

It’s no secret that Disney likes to include as many references to Mickey Mouse in its movies as possible. This often comes in making the backgrounds have a Mickey shape, or arranging bubbles to look like his ears, etc. But there is a reference to Mickey in Aladdin that’s both very subtle and yet incredibly obvious.

During the scene where Rajah is transformed from his kitten state back into the huge tiger he is, there’s a moment where his face looks a little weird. In the middle of the transformation process, Rajah’s face looks like Mickey Mouse; you can even see the ears. It’s really fast and you probably wouldn’t see it unless you paused the movie at the right second. But once you see it, it’s pretty ridiculously obvious. Well played, Disney. Well played.

14 We’ve Seen That Pose Before

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

Disney doesn’t just reference its own movies and characters, but it will sometimes reference other popular culture. It doesn’t happen as often (copyright issues and all that), but when it does, it’s pretty cool to find them. And one of these references is in Hercules.

During one of the Muses’ numbers detailing Hercules’ many exploits, there’s that moment where he’s flying in the stars and the constellations are the Muses. The movement with one of the Muses and her skirt flowing up is a direct reference to Marilyn Monroe. This moment with Marilyn Monroe has become pretty famous, and quite a few movies were referencing it, so it’s not that surprising that Disney took a swing at it. But it’s still a fun little reference that you might’ve missed.

13 You See This Code Everywhere

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

If you’ve seen a lot of Pixar films, you may have noticed a certain arrangement of numbers and letters that seem to pop up randomly. What you may not know is that every Pixar movie (and some Disney movies too) have the code A113 show up randomly. It’s usually hidden in plain sight, generally where something would require numbers.

A113 was the room number in the California Institute of the Arts where many animators from Pixar and Disney learned their craft.

But what’s the significance behind A113? Well, it’s the room number where many of the greats of Disney and Pixar got started. A113 was the room number in the California Institute of the Arts where many animators from Pixar and Disney learned their craft. So, they often like to include a little tribute to that room in the movies. It’s a sweet nod to their origins since these movies wouldn’t be anything without the amazing animators.

12 This Pumbaa Is A Bit Scarier

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

We talked about how Pumbaa can be seen on the streets of Paris in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (though he seems to have met an untimely end). But did you that he shows up again in this movie? It’s pretty rare for a character to make a cameo twice in a movie, but Pumbaa has done it.

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The Notre Dame cathedral has quite a few gargoyles, and they come in all shapes and sizes. But there’s one gargoyle that looks pretty familiar. Yep, one of the gargoyles was made to look like Pumbaa. You can see it in a few different scenes. I didn’t think you could make Pumbaa look all that menacing (the guy’s just too nice and sweet), but this stone version of him does a pretty good job. I’d hate to get on the bad side of gargoyle Pumbaa.

11 Notice Any Similarities Between These Two?

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

Aladdin has a distinctive look that gives him a pretty roguish, good-natured scoundrel quality. I mean, the guy is a thief, but he does it because he’s pretty much homeless, broke, and has very few other options. Considering how desperate this guy’s situation is, he’s surprisingly upbeat about things. And he pulls it off with a grin and a wink.

The creators had based Aladdin’s appearance on Tom Cruise.

But did you know that Aladdin’s look was inspired by Tom Cruise? Yep, the creators had based Aladdin’s appearance on Tom Cruise. I’ll admit, I didn’t see it at first, but if you look at it, there are some similarities between the two. They both have a little smirk going on that tells you they’re probably one step ahead of you. Now all I can think of is how Aladdin would be if he were in the Mission Impossible movies. . .

10 The Professor Collects Some Interesting Things

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

It’s a fact that Jane’s father, Professor Archimedes Porter, is a bit of an eccentric guy. (Though during that time period, going off to study gorillas in Africa would be considered a bit weird to anyone.) But it’s his oddness that makes him a rather entertaining and charming character. He’s very knowledgeable, but he’s also clumsy and has a bit of a habit of collecting random things.

And that’s where this fun little reference comes in. When the professor is interacting with some gorillas and is tipped upside down, losing the items in his pockets, we find a rather familiar little plushie. In fact, it’s Little Brother from Mulan. What Professor Porter was doing with a little plush dog, I have no idea. But I thought this was a clever little reference that’s actually pretty hard to catch unless you’re looking for it.

9 Yeesh Scar, What Happened To You?

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

Scar is one of the more popular villains in Disney. (His song “Be Prepared” certainly helps him out. That song is just awesome.) His cunning and manipulative ways were always rather interesting to watch. This guy may not have been that strong, but he could talk circles around you.

Now, we know that Scar met his end via Hyenas and fire (which is a pretty awful way to go, seriously). But did you know that he showed up in Hercules? This is another reference that was pretty obvious, but it’s still fun to see. Though it is a bit dark since Hercules is basically wearing Scar’s hide as a type of headdress. I guess if Scar’s going to live on, this is one way to do it.

8 That’s No Ordinary Toolbox

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

Now at first glance, this little reference may seem a bit random. And you may not get this reference in Toy Story if you haven’t seen a certain sitcom that was popular in the 90s. And it’s all centered around a toolbox.

If you look carefully at the toolbox sitting on top of Woody’s “cage,” you’ll notice the logo on it is Binford Tools. This was the company that was prominent in the TV sitcom Home Improvement. Now, why would Toy Story be referencing a random sitcom? Well, they both have one person in common: Tim Allen. This actor was the lead in the sitcom and he also voiced Buzz in Toy Story. This is a great nod to the previous work that Tim Allen has done. But you wouldn’t catch it unless you’d seen the show.

7 Mickey Is Everywhere, Man

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

If you’re ever bored, just go watch a Disney movie and try to find as many Mickey Mouse shapes as you can. Trust, me Disney loves to sneak in as many Mickey Mouse references in their movies as possible. Some can be pretty easy to spot, and others can be a little trickier. This is the case in Pocahontas.

My personal favorite Mickey shapes are in the ripples in the river.

There are quite a few Mickey Mouse shapes in this movie, but the majority of them are a little hard to spot. Some are a bit easier, like the berries in Meeko’s hand, but the sunflowers were actually pretty difficult to see. My personal favorite Mickey shapes are in the ripples in the river. It’s a clever way to include an iconic shape without making it too obvious. And it makes those movies you’ve seen a hundred times even more interesting.

6 Sebastian Looks So Done with This

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

I noticed this little cameo when I saw this movie as a kid. But I was surprised by how many people actually missed this reference. Sebastian the crab from The Little Mermaid made a quick appearance in Aladdin, courtesy of the Genie.

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To be fair to those who missed it, the Genie does make a lot of fast-paced jokes, and if you’re not paying attention you could miss a lot of stuff. But there is a moment where the Genie pulls out a crab, which is, you guessed it, Sebastian. I have to wonder what Sebastian was thinking about this whole thing? Did the Genie just pick him out of the ocean with his magic? Sebastian was probably just done with all magic stuff by now. He’s probably ready to go retire or something.

5 This Tea Set Looks Familiar

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

Some references in Disney are a bit more obvious and others, and yet you can still miss them if you’re not paying attention. This is the case with Tarzan. If you look at the tea set that’s presumably Jane’s, you’ll notice it looks pretty familiar. Yes, that’s a reference to Mrs. Potts and Chip from Beauty and the Beast.

Yes, that’s a reference to Mrs. Potts and Chip from Beauty and the Beast.

This reference has actually lead to a popular theory that Belle was Jane’s great-great-grandmother (or something like that) and the tea set is a family heirloom. Considering the times would match up and that both Jane and Belle are actually quite similar in personality and are often shown in yellow dresses, this theory has some merit. Whether you caught this detail or not, it’s a great nod to Beauty and the Beast.

4 These Two Have More In Common Than You Think

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

This one is a bit of a stretch, but we’re counting it. In The Hunchback of Notre Dame, have you thought that the old man heretic that’s always in the stocks looked familiar? Well that’s because he’s a reference to Jafar when he’s in his old man disguise.

I call this reference a stretch since the old man heretic doesn’t look exactly like Jafar’s disguise (especially the teeth; Jafar’s disguise had some epically creepy teeth, while the heretic didn’t have much). But he does have the same body type and mannerisms, so it’s not too crazy. If anything, it’s a least a nod to a character from another Disney movie, so there you go. I wonder if those two characters would get along? They’d either be the best of friends or the worst of enemies.

3 What’s In A Name? A Great Pun, Apparently

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

Considering all of the names Mulan could’ve gone with when she was trying to figure out a guy’s name at the top of her head, Ping isn’t all that terrible. (Mushu wasn’t exactly helping either.) But if you speak Chinese, you’ll find a rather hilarious detail that most people may have missed in Mulan’s alter ego.

Fa Ping is actually a pun on the Chinese term for “eye candy.”

Fa Ping is actually a pun on the Chinese term for “eye candy.” This could explain why Li Shang paused after she/he told him the name. It’s even funnier when you know that Shang kind of has a thing for Ping/Mulan, which makes this whole reference to Ping being eye candy just hysterical. I don’t know who came up with this little detail, but it’s amazing and they should get an award.

2 They Are One And The Same

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

This reference was actually the source of a very popular conspiracy that eventually got confirmed by Disney. Many people noticed that the Peddler and the Genie in Aladdin were both voiced by Robin Williams. That led them to think that there must be some sort of connection between the two characters, which led to this conspiracy.

And then Disney confirmed it to be true, and that they had intended to do a scene at the end of the movie where the peddler was going to turn into the Genie. The idea was that the Genie was the one who had been telling the whole story. For some reason, it got cut, but it does show some interesting details, like how both characters only have four fingers, they both have similar mannerisms, etc. It’s a great little detail that a lot of people miss.

1 He’s Not Speaking Gibberish There

20 Hidden Details In 90s Disney Movies Even Real Fans Completely Missed

Rafiki is probably one of the more memorable characters in The Lion King, if only for his silly antics when Simba first meets him. This guy is that wise old monkey that starts out super goofy but has all this wisdom underneath the silliness. And part of that silliness is the chant he’s doing when Simba first comes across him.

This whole phrase is part of an old Swahili nursery rhyme.

But did you know that Rafiki isn’t singing gibberish? In fact, this whole phrase is part of an old Swahili nursery rhyme. So it’s still contributing to Rafiki’s slightly goofy nature because who starts singing nursery rhymes to someone they just met? (I mean, maybe you do. I’m not judging here.) I do like that Rafiki just doesn’t care if Simba thinks he’s crazy. This is a monkey who’s determined to help out our protagonist but in his own way.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hidden-details-90s-disney-movies-missed/

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