How To Invade People In Deathloop

How To Invade People In Deathloop

Fancy tackling other players in Deathloop and preventing them from breaking the loop? Here’s how to invade other people’s games.

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How To Invade People In Deathloop

One of the core elements that drives Deathloop’s narrative is the bitter rivalry between Colt and Julianna. The dichotomy in their ideals regarding the loop pits them against one another, forming the expected protagonist versus antagonist dynamic, but Arkane’s game takes it a step further by letting you wear the shoes of either. You can try to break the loop as Colt or protect it as Julianna.

But, you’re not hunting down an AI and killing an NPC when you go after Colt. You’re hunting other players. It’s akin to Dark Souls’ invasion system, throwing a spanner into the works that can result in a plethora of interesting and helpful rewards should they defeat you, but if you kill them, the boons are yours to take while they wake up back on that beach.

If that’s too much stress, you can always turn multiplayer off when playing Colt, but if you want to be the prat that stops somebody’s run in its tracks, then here’s how you can get started.

Beat “The Longest Day”

How To Invade People In Deathloop

Before you can begin, you need to get through the lengthy tutorial and prologue. Otherwise, when you boot up the game, one of the two options will be greyed out and locked, rendered inaccessible.

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It begins with you waking up on the beach, dazed, and amnesia-ridden. Text floats about, helping you, but you don’t understand who is sending the messages. You kill a guy taking a leak, jump out a window, die, wake up again, and find a postcard with a code.

Then, you use the code to open a new door before venturing into Updaam where you find Colt’s apartment. There’s not much to find here to your knowledge, so you go sleuthing elsewhere on Blackreef, but it turns out there was a safe you needed to unlock back there. With that, you return to that same apartment to find that Julianna beat you to the safe, leaving behind a note. Thus begins your first fight with her. Once you beat her and return in the morning, you’ll find the evidence you need in the safe, ending “The Longest Day”

Return To The Main Menu

How To Invade People In Deathloop

When you leave an area, you enter the hub, a series of menus that let you plan your next move while altering your loadout. In the bottom left, you’ll see the left-facing arrow. Click it.

This will return you to the main menu where you will have two options — break the loop or protect the loop.

The top option is Colt and the bottom option is Julianna. Julianna is who invades so select protect the loop and you’ll be brought to her menu where you can begin invading hapless Colts.

Invading Other Players

Once you’re in, you’ll see two options on the bottom. You can either invade a random player or you can invade your friends. Aside from this, you have gear you can equip, which is unlocked by completing challenges and killing players. If you click on Julianna, you can change her skin.

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In the top right, you’ll see a number. Pictured above, it’s three. That’s your Hunter Rank which goes up the more challenges you complete and the more Colts you slay. Each rank-up nets you rewards such as gear and skins.

That’s all there is to it. Once you get in on the action and start slaying Colts, the groove sinks in and it becomes second nature, so get out there and protect the loop.

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