Pokemon GO Revenue Reaches $160 Million

Pokemon GO Revenue Reaches $160 Million

A mobile application monitoring website reports that Pokemon GO has now made over 160 million dollars in revenue, and posts some interesting statistics about the app.

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Category : Pokemon

A mobile application monitoring website reports that Pokemon GO has now made over 160 million dollars in revenue, and posts some interesting statistics about the application.

Pokemon GO may be a free-to-play application, but developer Niantic has been making an impressive profit off of the worldwide phenomenon. The Pokemon catching application has been downloaded over 75 million times, and we now have a good idea about how many purchases some of those players have been making. Spoilers: it’s a lot.

The revenue report was compiled by app growth watchdog Sensor Tower, which has been monitoring the explosion of Poke-fandom since day one. As it turns out, Pokemon GO’s sales revenue had already reached a staggering 160 million dollars by the time August arrived. Pokemon GO in-app purchases from both iOS and Android look to be continually climbing up, and Niantic looks to be on schedule to celebrate the 200 million dollar milestone by mid-August—quite the payday, and we’re not talking about the Meowth attack.

The company behind the report also stated that all the negative review drama of late has had no noticeable impact on how much time players are spending with the game, so it’s clear that the majority of users who have continued to play in the post-footprint era haven’t been heavily affected by the update. In fact, Sensor Tower has reported that the average daily use of the Pokemon GO application has actually increased by a few minutes since the update, though this is perhaps due to the prevalence of many new organized Pokemon GO gatherings popping up around the world.

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Conversely, another well-known survey company has reported that overall usage of the app itself plateaued during the controversial update. With that in mind, it will be interesting to see how the Pokemon GO application fairs as August settles in.

In any event, it’s clear that most gamers are still playing Pokemon GO like mad. Sensor Tower has confirmed that players are still spending more time in the Pikachu-filled application than they are on the official Facebook application, which is an app we imagine the majority of iOS and Android users return to several times a day.

To retain fan interest, Niantic has several plans in store for future updates, but they will have to arrive sooner rather than later as the majority of hardcore players continue to grind the high levels away. Still, some users have been so desperate to play the game that they’ve wracked up massive data charges when overseas, while others have forgotten that they were supposed to be watching their child.

Have you made any purchases in Pokemon GO, Ranters?

Here are some helpful Pokemon GO guides:

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Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS devices.

Source: Sensor Tower

See more : PokemonWe

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