Pokémon GO’s New 100km Goal Is Asking Us To Cheat

Pokémon GO’s New 100km Goal Is Asking Us To Cheat

Pokémon GO’s Adventure Sync 100km goal has convinced one Redditor to “cheat” in order to reap the benefits and rewards.

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Pokémon GO’s New 100km Goal Is Asking Us To Cheat

Adventure Sync is not a new element of Pokémon GO. It is a feature that has been in place for months and allows players to hatch more eggs and gather more candies. There are also rewards each week for players who have traveled certain distances. If a trainer has walked 5, 25, or 50 kilometers in a week, they will earn themselves a bunch of rewards. The higher the milestone hit, the bigger and better the rewards.

There had been talk for a while that a mysterious fourth rewards tier was in place, and those rumors have now been confirmed. Players have discovered that if they manage to walk 100km or more in the space of seven days, they will unlock even better rewards. Those rewards include five ultra balls, a 10km egg, and a whopping 16,000 stardust (or 24,000 if you use a star piece).

Who Is Walking 100km A Week?

Suffice to say, to unlock that elusive fourth tier, players will need to do an awful lot of walking each week. Almost nine miles a day, to be exact. In all seriousness, other than people who are training to run marathons, is anyone walking that much in a week? Most of us have jobs to do – jobs that require us to pretty much stay in one place all day. Even jobs that have us traveling around don’t allow us to carry our phones all of the time. Plus, Adventure Sync can be spotty for many players, so even people who do manage to walk 100km in a week still might not hit the big time.

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One Redditor has taken his Pokémon GO dedication to the next level upon hearing that the 100km Adventure Sync tier is the real deal. Since bhutos’s Samsung Galaxy S9 wasn’t tracking their movement as much as they would have liked, the transferred their Pokémon GO credentials to an old iPhone S6. Bhutos then proceeded to strap the iPhone to their calf and wear it like a prison ankle monitor.

Is It Cheating?

Bhutos goes on to explain in their Reddit post that since having the phone strapped to their calf, they’ve been finding any excuse to walk a little further. Parking as far away from the mall as possible, pacing around when taking phone calls. Apparently, all of that adds up to them easily surpassing the 100km threshold each week and thus raking in all of those juicy rewards.

We’re still not convinced, but also have one big question relating to bhutos’s dedicated method: is this cheating? Although the whole point of Adventure Sync is so players can hatch eggs more easily and gather more candies, bhutos’s km-harvesting method seems to fly in the face of what Niantic is trying to achieve via Pokémon GO – to get people to play video games out in the real world and not sit at home in front of a screen. Yes, the Redditor admits to purposefully taking longer routes, thus getting more exercise, but they also reveal that most of their kms are racked up just walking around the house.

Whether it’s cheating or not, there’s no real way of stopping it besides Niantic getting rid of Adventure Sync altogether, and that would not go down well. If trainers are taking their grinding to the extreme and strapping phones to their legs, we say more power to them. It might be a little extreme for some, but it still means they are walking 100km or more in a week, and that’s impressive by anybody’s standards.

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See more : PokemonWe

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