Final Fantasy VII Remake Every Johnny Related Incident (& How To Trigger Them)

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Every Johnny Related Incident (& How To Trigger Them)

This red-haired vagabond pops up in numerous places throughout Midgar. Here’s everywhere you can find Johnny in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake Every Johnny Related Incident (& How To Trigger Them)

There are quite a few characters in Final Fantasy VII Remake who play a much bigger role than they did in the original game. The most obvious ones are Jessie, Biggs and Wedge; although there’s a strong argument to be made that Johnny is in fact the biggest benefactor of these changes. Like the aforementioned Avalanche members, he’s treated to one hell of a glow up and is now a much more prominent character than he was in the 1997 classic.

There are four Johnny-related events to discover throughout the remake and finding them all will unlock the trophy “The Johnny Experience”. While it’s both possible and easy to miss one or two of these incidents on your first playthrough, the game’s chapter select system means that hopping back into an already played section to find the red-haired vagabond is never too much trouble. That said, it’s definitely a lot faster to just trigger them the first time around instead.

Chapter 3: A Job Well Done

Final Fantasy VII Remake Every Johnny Related Incident (& How To Trigger Them)

The first encounter with Johnny is part of the main story and can’t be missed, although you’ll need to complete at least one odd job before you can trigger it. After you’ve done so, return to Seventh Heaven and Cloud and Tifa will see Johnny being roughed up by some Shinra forces. Tifa will insist that the pair help out, so follow them to the secluded area nearby and then take out the officers and the guard dog to complete the section.

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Chapter 9: Vagabond Johnny

Final Fantasy VII Remake Every Johnny Related Incident (& How To Trigger Them)

Not long after entering Wall Market for the first time in Chapter 9, you’ll see Johnny run past you and head towards the Honeybee Inn. Follow him and then answer “Yeah” when Johnny asks if you understand his insane babbling. Although the discovery will be marked as complete regardless of which answer you choose, agreeing with him is one of several steps that can dictate whether or not the next Johnny-related event takes place.

Chapter 9: The Party Never Stops

Final Fantasy VII Remake Every Johnny Related Incident (& How To Trigger Them)

During Chapter 9 there are two different sets of side quests and which ones you’re given access to will depend on some of the choices that you make. As well as agreeing with Johnny, you’ll also want to do as many of the following things as possible…

  • Tell Chocobo Sam that Tifa is “in great shape”.
  • Choose either heads or tails for the coin toss.
  • Answer “no thanks” to the hotel employee.
  • Choose the poor man’s massage course.
  • Tell Madame M that Aerith’s outfit is “alright”.
  • Drink the mystery drink before your first Corneo Colosseum fight.

Upon doing so, you’ll gain access to the Chocobo Sam questline and the side quest “The Party Never Stops”. It’s one of the more elaborate side quests in the game and requires quite a bit of back and forth in order to turn in. Eventually, however, you’ll part ways with Johnny and can then move on to the final Johnny-related event.

Chapter 14: Tomboy Bandit

Upon returning to Sector 5 in Chapter 14, make your way over to the undercity station and you’ll find a distraught looking Johnny bawling over his lost wallet. After hearing him out, head over to the old church and you’ll encounter the young thief, Kyrie. She’ll ask you to take part in a special battle at the Corneo Colosseum so that’ll be our next port of call. After emerging victorious from the fight, return to Kyrie and she’ll hand over the wallet as well as the Corneo vault key that’s needed for one of the other side quests in Chapter 14. Give the wallet back to Johnny and you’ll finally unlock the trophy.

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