SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

Spider-Man: 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

The Spider-Verse has many versions of the Sinister Six in Marvel Comics and some versions feature villains that deserve more praise.

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SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

Everyone loves a team of superheroes but fans also love seeing their favorite villains join forces to take on a hero or multiple heroes. One of the most famous cases in the Marvel Universe is the Sinister Six, a villainous group of Spider-Man’s deadliest foes coming together to take on the web-slinger.

The roster of the Sinister Six has gone through many incarnations throughout the decades since they first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 in 1964. Some of the most famous members include Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Rhino, and Electro. However, there are other incarnations of the team that features forgotten villains that don’t get nearly enough praise or respect as their more famous peers.

10 Hydro-Man

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

After Norman Osborn was unmasked as the Green Goblin, he went on to create and lead his own version of the Sinister Six known as the Sinister Twelve. In this variant, Hydro-Man was recruited and in general, he is a more overlooked Spider-Man villain due to his silly and simple codename and his usual depiction in comics as a buffoon.

Yet the villain actually possesses one of the most intimidating and deadly powers in Spider-Man’s rogues gallery. Hydro-Man is capable of creating tsunamis or even powerful jets of water that can tear through flesh. On top of that, with the ability to control any form of water: he can actually remove the water from the human body, turning someone into a shriveled-up husk if he desired.

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9 Shocker

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

Silly costume aside, the Shocker can deal out a lot of damage thanks to his shockwave generating gauntlets. In some comics and video gamesa, Shocker is capable of bringing down skyscrapers with his arm-bound weapons.

This capacity for destructive power earned him spots on Norman Osborn’s variant team known as the Sinister Twelve and other versions of the Sinister Six. Sadly, most fans view him as more of a glorified thug rather than a genuine threat.

8 Electro (Francine Frye)

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

Most know of the Max Dillion incarnation of Electro but Francine Frye, his female accomplice, is arguably more dangerous. She was always fascinated by supervillains which led to her dying and being resurrected as a new Electro that absorbed Max Dillon’s powers, killing him.

Since Max was dead, Francine became a new member of Aaron Davis’ Sinister Six. This team fought the next-generation Spider-Man known as Miles Morales. Francine Frye also returned to the Sinister Six when it was led by Beetle.

7 Kraven The Hunter

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

Typically, Kraven is known for operating solo and rarely works with anyone to get his prey but many forget that Kraven actually was part of the original Sinister Six. This is because Kraven is an elite hunter who views Spider-Man as the ultimate prey but his loss led to him siding with the likes of Doc Ock.

Since then, Kraven has been a part of many versions of the Sinister Six alongside family members such as Chameleon and even his own daughter. Kraven the Hunter has gone through many changes, however, sometimes being depicted as an anti-hero rather than a cold-hearted killer.

6 The Lizard

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

The Lizard is one of Spider-Man’s earliest and most iconic foes who was not one of the founding members of the Sinister Six. This is likely due to Dr. Curtis Connors being a good man whereas his other reptilian personality is more of a villain.

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Over the years, the Lizard has joined with different versions of the Sinister Six during events such as Civil War and Sinister War. In the case of the latter event, Curtis Connors and the Lizard had been separated, leaving the Lizard as an independent entity thus making him even more dangerous since he does not have the same morals as Connors.

5 Venom (Mac Gargan)

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

Mac Gargan is mainly known for being Scorpion but he is also one of many hosts of the Venom symbiote. It is actually shown that Mac Gargan is a more dangerous host than the more famous Eddie Brock and this is due to Gargan embracing the symbiote’s violent and brain-eating impulses, resulting in a volatile and more monstrous Venom.

This version of Venom, which varies between a more traditional Venom design and a twisted Scorpion design, became a loyal minion of Norman Osborn. Gargan served as a member of his Sinister Six but also would go on to be a member of Osborn’s Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers.

4 Sandman

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

For years, Sandman was in a similar vein as Rhino or Shocker, a basic thug with powerful abilities. However, Marvel has realized how much of a powerhouse Flint Marko is due to his control over sand and his body made of sand. From giant sandstorms to turning into a kaiju of sand, the Sandman is a powerful villain or in some cases like in the Sam Raimi movies, he is more of an anti-hero.

Sandman is another of the founding members of the Sinister Six but other members such as Doc Ock tend to get more recognition than this powerhouse. Sandman is capable of many feats that technically outrank other Sinister Six members, much like the aforementioned Hydro-Man.

3 Swarm

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

One of the lesser-known leaders of the Sinister Six, Swarm created a more bizarre version of the Sinister Six featuring lesser-known villains such as 8-Ball, Squid, Delilah, and more. Even on his own, Swarm is a strange but deadly foe being composed entirely out of bees.

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His version of the Sinister Six was, of course, foiled by Spider-Man but the wall-crawler wasn’t alone; he was leading a team of young X-Men students in Spider-Man and the X-Men comics. It is a short-lived version of the team that was unique in comparison to many others that reused many familiar faces.

2 Spot

SpiderMan 10 Underrated Sinister Six Members

Spot is one of the strangest yet surprisingly powerful Sinister Six members, despite having a name more fitting for a puppy than a supervillain. Spot is a man who can create black holes that allow him to teleport almost anywhere, similar to that seen in Looney Tunes cartoons.

Even the spots on his body can send incoming attacks back at his foes, including Spider-Man. As a result, he is a very effective member of the Sinister Six. He joined alongside Aaron Davis and Francine Frye in the Ultimate Comics version of the team.

1 Iron Spider (Aaron Davis)

When the Multiverse was reformed, Aaron Davis (who most might know as the Prowler) was brought back to life but rather than using a second chance to fix his life, he returned to a life of crime. He even bought an Iron Spider suit and repainted it before forming a new Sinister Six. Like Spot and Swarm, Iron Spider isn’t typically associated with the Sinister Six.

Yet his power set, which combines super strength and agility, makes him not only a worthy member of the team but one of the stronger villains in the Sinister Six. He’s the only one that can match Spider-Man’s unique abilities and has a personal connection to the hero the others lack.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spider-man-sinister-six-underrated-members-ranked/

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