Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

Stranger Things: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

Stranger Things is a phenomenal show, but certain actions taken by the Hawkins National Laboratory in the story make little to no sense.

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Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

Not much is known about the secretive Hawkins National Laboratory from the hit Netflix series Stranger Things. And what is known often does not make a lot of sense. Home to an MKUltra program, the facility eventually struck figurative gold when they stole young Eleven from her mother.

The nefarious lab proceeded to perform heinous actions without any apparent government supervision. Seriously, it feels like the Demogorgon and the Mind Flayer make more logical narrative sense than a human laboratory. Read on if you want to know all the inane actions and strange decisions that stemmed from Hawkins National Laboratory.

10 It Persisted After The MKUltra Program Was Outed

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

Aside from the craziness that is the Upside Down, Stranger Things takes place in a real-world setting. Events that happened in reality are included in the show, from pop culture references to actual political upheavals. If the show based the experiments that created Eleven on the actual MKUltra program, then why didn’t Hawkins National Laboratory get shut down alongside other real-life facilities that performed similar actions?

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9 Did Not Include More Highly-Trained Security

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

Given the kind of dangerous experiments Hawkins Lab was running, they should have had incredibly astute security. Some of the stuff that was going on in there was super classified, hidden even from the federal government. With all this secrecy and importance bubbling within the walls of the laboratory, you would think they’d hire guards that could protect and secure the area properly. Instead, a local police chief like Hopper is able to sneak onto the grounds with little fuss the first time he tries.

8 Lack Of Questions Raised After Deaths Of Scientists And Personnel

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

After Eleven opens the gate to the Upside Down within the laboratory, we’re pretty sure the mortality rate for employees there skyrocketed. Rampant Demogorgons, Demodogs, and a massive Mind Flayer were making sure no one living stayed that way for long.

Sure, Hawkins Lab could have covered up one death or two, but are they trying to tell us that the dozens of people who died in there did not have families that questioned why their loved ones suddenly perished?

7 Kindness Not Shown Toward Eleven

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

Martin Brenner is the scum of the Earth as far as we’re concerned. He psychologically tortured Eleven while she was a resident of Hawkins National Laboratory. If he believed that Eleven was a valuable asset to the lab, why did he not try treating her more kindly? There’s a saying that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If Brenner and his stooges at the lab had made the environment a positive one for Eleven, she would not have wanted to run away from them. They could have conducted tests on her abilities together hand-in-hand.

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6 Why Construct Such a Vast Underground Complex?

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

Granted, if you’re conducting illegal experiments that you want to hide, it makes sense to have an underground facility. You can hide things from any inspections that occur on the ground level. However, do you recall how vast that underground complex was? It’s incredibly huge. What were the people behind Hawkins National Laboratory thinking when they constructed the facility? There’s no way in heck they knew that Eleven was going to open a giant interdimensional portal when the lab was first constructed. So why create a veritable auditorium down there in the first place?

5 Insisted On Performing First Contact With A Child

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

First contact with a new sentient species is an important event. This initial meeting could determine how relations between two civilizations exist. Thus, first contact is not something you should send a child to do. Hawkins National Laboratory made the absolutely bonkers decision to try first contact using a child as an intermediary. While Eleven was the only person capable of initiating contact with the Demogorgon, that does not mean it was the right decision to send her alone to meet with it.

4 Did Not Report Findings On Upside Down To Actual Government

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

Stranger Things leads us to assume that the larger federal government is unaware of what is going down in Hawkins National Laboratory. The lab has its autonomy to run whatever experiments they will. However, once they opened a portal into a new and dangerous dimension, you would think they would want to involve the big guns.

The federal government would have more resources to deal with this issue than a measly lab. A Mind Flayer is not a creature you want to go up against without some serious back-up on your side.

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3 Killed The Diner Owner

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

When Eleven ran away from the lab, those science goons were still trying to keep the whole thing under wraps. Their objective was to retrieve Eleven without drawing too much attention to themselves. If that was the case, why in the world would they kill Benny, the caring diner owner who took in Eleven when she tried stealing food from him? He was completely unaware of her connection to Hawkins National Laboratory. A simple lie would have been enough to throw him off. Instead, the lab higher-ups decided to off him, which is eventually what turned Hopper onto their operation.

2 Did Not Kill Hopper After He Broke Into The Lab (The First Time)

Stranger Things 10 Things That Make No Sense About Hawkins National Laboratory

So if the lab decided killing people was a viable option for keeping their secrets hidden, why didn’t they kill Hopper after he broke into the laboratory the first time? Hopper was way more of a risk than Benny the diner owner; he actually saw the gate Eleven opened. The lab had no compunctions about killing Benny, but they chose to let Hopper live. Instead of just knocking him out and dumping him at his own trailer, they could have tied up a loose end. It makes no logical sense on their part.

1 It Was Abandoned

Season 3 of Stranger Things showed us that Hawkins National Laboratory was closed and largely abandoned. The scandal involving the Barb cover-up shamed the lab into shutting things down. However, given the kind of research that was done there, it’s nonsensical to think any intelligence agency worth their salt would just abandon the place. The site itself is the home of the first portal to another world. Leaving it abandoned and empty is reckless and illogical.

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