Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Pixar’s Up: 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

From talking dogs to Carl stepping up as Russell’s father figure, these are the best (sad and happy) moments from Up.

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Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

When audiences think of some the funniest and some of the saddest moments in Pixar movie history, Up is a film that comes to mind pretty quickly, as it has plenty of comedy and drama throughout its one hundred minute runtime.

The story of adventure buddies falling in love and the aftermath of losing that great love to the normal circle of life is one viewers find relatable and healing all at the same time. The story of Carl and the characters that come in and out of his life is a fan favorite and the iconic image of the house being lifted off the ground by a million balloons is one that sticks with us all. In honor of one of Pixar’s most heartfelt offerings, here are the five funniest and five saddest moments in Up.

10 FUNNIEST: Ellie & Carl Meet

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

As a child, Carl didn’t have many friends, but he had a big imagination, and then one day, Carl meets his match, a girl named Ellie with the same pilot’s goggles and thrill-seeking imagination. Carl and Ellie are adorable together at their first meeting.

Carl doesn’t say much, which Ellie notices, but she doesn’t seem to mind. She tells Carl they’re in a club together now and that’s enough for Carl to be completely smitten with her. These two quirky kids were made for each other, and you can’t help but giggle at them.

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9 SADDEST: Ellie Can’t Have Children

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

The first five minutes of Up show us Carl and Ellie’s love story. They meet, they grow up, fall in love, get married, and then it’s time to start a family. Ellie and Carl seem excited by the idea and get to work building and painting a baby room in their dream house.

Things quickly go from joyous to heartbreaking when we learn that Ellie can’t have children. We see her and Carl in the doctor’s office, being given the sad news, and then we see Ellie trying her best to cope with this very sad truth.

8 FUNNIEST: Ellie’s Adventure Book

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

After Carl takes quite the fall and breaks his arm, Ellie sneaks into his room to cheer him up. With her, Ellie brings her adventure book, full of plans for her future and all she wants to see. She shows Carl a map of South America, telling him she is going to go there some day, “It’s like America, but South”, she explains to Carl’s wide-eyed stare.

She then flips the page to reveal where she plans to live, “Paradise Falls, a land lost in time”, a picture is glued into her book of this location. “I ripped this right out of a library book”, she tells Carl, who is shocked by the information.

7 SADDEST: Ellie Dies

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

In what will most likely go down in history at the saddest moment in all of Pixar movie history, Ellie dies. After Carl and Ellie learn they can’t have children, they still find a way to live out the rest of their days together, happy and in love.

As they get older, Carl realizes they haven’t had nearly as many adventures as they’ve wanted to have and they’ve never been to South America, so Carl decides to buy them a trip and surprise Ellie with it, but before he can do so, Ellie gets sick, and soon after, she passes away.

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6 FUNNIEST: Carl The Grump

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

After Ellie’s death, Carl becomes the quintessential grumpy old man, behind on the times and the bustling world around him. He doesn’t welcome change and doesn’t want anyone meddling in his business.

While on his porch and watching all the changes happening in his neighborhood, grumpy Carl spots a crew across the street on a construction site. A group of men in suits and hard-hats wander the property and when Carl spots them, he grabs his megaphone, yelling, “You in the suit? Take a bath, hippie!”

5 SADDEST: Carl’s Fight With Construction

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

The house Carl lives in after Ellie dies is the same house they lived in together when she was still alive. There are a lot of memories in that house, one of the most important being the mailbox that sits out front with Carl and Ellie’s names and handprints painted on the side.

When one of the construction works accidentally hits the mailbox with his truck, Carl becomes enraged. The construction worker is genuinely trying to help, but Carl is too mad to see that and hits him on the head with his cane. Carl feels awful, but it’s too late to take anything back.

4 FUNNIEST: Carl Finds Russell

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Once Carl figures out a way to keep his house and get out of the place where his house was, by floating into the air with a ton of balloons, all of Carl’s problems have seemed to vanish. That is, until he discovers Russell, the wilderness explorer/solicitor on his porch as they fly thousands of feet into the air.

Russell in understandably scared being on a porch, attached to a house that is airborne, and Carl doesn’t really seem to care, which provides for some much needed comedic relief.

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3 SADDEST: The House Lands

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

After a rough time getting caught in a storm, Carl and Russell manage to land the house. At first, neither of them know where they are and both are struggling to hold onto the string, attached to the house, knowing that if they let go, they will never see that house again.

Once the clouds clear, Carl squints his eyes and sees in the distance that they are very close to Paradise Falls. “Ellie”, Carl whispers. He takes the picture from Ellie’s adventure book out of his pocket and then says, “we made it.”

2 FUNNIEST: Dug & The Other Talking Dogs

Pixars Up 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Carl and Russell, with the house strapped to their backs, are on a mission to get the house to Paradise Falls before the balloons deflate. On their mission, they meet Dug, an adorable dog wearing a collar that translates his thoughts into words so that humans can understand him.

All the dogs on this island wear these collars, which provides the audience with lots of laughs for the remainder of the film. One of the best recurring moments is when any of the dogs spot a squirrel, their thought immediately shifts to, “Squirrel!”

1 SADDEST: Carl Shows Up For Russell

This may not be a “sad” moment necessarily as it’s more bittersweet than anything, but it still invokes tears from its viewers. At the end of Up, Russell is graduating to “Senior Wilderness Explorer” and gets a medal of excellence for helping the elderly.

All of the other boys graduating have a parent or companion with them, but Russell is all alone. That is until Carl enters and presents him with the “Ellie Badge,” telling Russell he went above and beyond in assisting the elderly. Carl and Russell embrace and it’s clear they will be friends forever after sharing such a special adventure.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pixar-up-carl-russell-funniest-saddest-scenes/

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