Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Star Wars: The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Star Wars: Clone Wars was a great addition to the Star Wars universe. It had many original characters in the show which fans grew to adore.

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Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Of all the many branching Star Wars properties, Clone Wars is, by far one of the most beloved and well-received. While the stories fleshed out favorite characters, it also added new ones that changed the way people saw the galaxy. The galactic conflict itself became so much more complicated than a fight between good and evil.

So, while everyone loves Yoda and Obi-Wan, it’s time to praise the original heroes and villains that made Clone Wars so much more special. Without them, the show wouldn’t have been nearly as successful as it was.

10 Fives

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

While there probably could be just a whole list about the top ten clones in Clone Wars, there were only so many that could be picked. And, without a doubt, it would be an absolute crime if Fives didn’t get here.

Fans met Fives when he was just a lowly grunt, but followed him all the way through becoming an elite trooper. His personality blossomed over the seasons and he turned into a well-rounded, lovable soldier. When he discovered the truth behind the clone troopers’ existence, it broke everyone’s hearts.

Even moreso because he never managed to convince anyone of the danger.

RIP Fives.

9 Mother Talzin

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Star Wars fans tend to have a clear idea what a force-user looks like. It’s either got bright sabers and brown robes, or lightning, red blades, and a lot of black. Sure, that might be an oversimplification ,but you get the point.

Mother Talzin didn’t fit the blueprint at all. A Dathomirian Clan Mother, she raised countless NightSisters strong in the force and in combat. Their dark side powers are unique, and they use them more as a tool than an ideology. She was going to train Sidious in her ways, but he instead stole her son, starting a decades long campaign of the NightSisters opposing Palpatine and Dooku.

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Ultimately, the only people she cares about are herself and her clan. A manipulative liar, sadist, and devoted mother, she was always a joy to watch on screen.

8 Hondo Ohnaka

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Considering Han Solo is a fan favorite, it’s no surprise that Clone Wars fans adored Hondo Ohnaka either. Despite being a pirate, he had some heroic moments when it came to people he cared about. Sure, most of them were also pirates, but he did have a soft spot for the young padawan, Katooni. He eventually even named a ship after her. The guy was selfish, but he was funny and, ultimately, still didn’t want the destruction of the galactic order.

This is so true that once the Empire took over, Hondo was a vital part of getting intel to the growing resistance. He even helped the resistance against the First Order on Batuu. Dude was like Han Solo before Han Solo was cool (or even alive).

7 Satine Kryze

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Ignoring her exciting almost romance with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine was an impressive diplomat with a clear vision for her people. Despite dissent among her people, she wanted to give the planet time to build and focus inward, instead of jumping into every conflict. For once, she wanted Mandalore (and the other planets under her care) to choose themselves over fighting everyone else’s battles all over the galaxy.

She was a composed woman with a plan, and among all the brash warriors of the series, was a stark contrast. Moreover, she was a welcome one. If the Republic hadn’t fallen to Palpatine, she could’ve made a pretty great, unifying galactic leader in her own right.

Unfortunately, that’s not what happened.

6 Captain Rex

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Now, the pinnacle of a perfect clone commander has to go to the one, the only, Captain Rex. While many people adore Commander Cody, ultimately he still went through with Order 66. That’s what gives Rex an edge here. With his chip taken out, Rex didn’t do that and instead had to live on, knowing his ultimate purpose wasn’t to help the Jedi. It was to end them.

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Only makes the inevitable tragedy of season 7 worse, doesn’t it?

His look technically existed in the films, but he didn’t get any sort of real character until the series.

An honorable man devoted to doing the right thing, Rex never stops fighting for the greater good. He deserves all the credit for being the best kind of soldier and eventually helping build the rebellion.

5 Pong Krell

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Many Jedi are poised, wise, and very deliberate in their fighting techniques. They treat battle more like a highly athletic dance.

Well, except for Pong Krell. Bold and brash, Krell fights with an aggression that few Jedi do. During the Clone Wars, he became a famously effective, four-armed general, mowing down as many enemies as his troops.

Unfortunately, Krell’s success in battle made the Jedi overlook his aggressive, self-serving tendencies, which led them to ignore his turn to the Dark Side and eventual loyalty to Dooku.

In the end, it was his own devoted, beloved troops that executed him for treason. Betrayal is a strong, powerful emotion. But dang was he a great character to watch.

4 Cad Bane

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

Star Wars has had many awesome villains, and many of the most interesting ones happen to be bounty hunters. It’s no different here with Cad Bane, an impressive shot of a hunter who was tasked with many shady deals, including kidnapping younglings, of course.

After Jango Fett lost his life in the early Clone Wars, Bane became the lead bounty hunter in the galaxy. Cold and cruel, Cad Bane seems like a pretty evil guy. However, he was always fairly indifferent to the evil or good machinations of the world. In theory, if the Jedi paid him more than the Separatists, he probably would’ve worked for them. That’s kinda cool, in a twisted way.

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3 Pre Vizsla

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

For fans of The Mandalorian, Pre Vizsla is extra exciting because he is the family member of of the heavy machine gun warrior from Mando’s clan. Bonus, he was also a weilder of the infamous darksaber.

In Clone Wars, though, Pre Vizsla is a Mandalorian terrorist who wanted to revert Mandalore back to its warrior ways. During the galactic conflict, he wasn’t a huge fan of Duchess Satine’s pacifist government.

Fans adored this guy, because he was an intelligent character with honest gripes about the direction of his culture and people. It was his methods that turned him into a powerful, threatening villain.

2 Asajj Ventress

Star Wars The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars

A Dathomirian Nightsister, Ventress betrayed her clan to become the Sith apprentice of Count Dooku. Considering the Sith stole a Dathomir son for their own purposes, this was a huge offense. But Ventress was too seduced by the allure of power.

Over the seasons, Asajj was a powerful and intimidating enemy for Ahsoka, Anakin, and the Jedi to face off against. However, with time she became more complex than a classic villain, even ending up more of an anti-hero than a straight villain.

Ventress also met up with Gray Jedi Quinlan Vos and fell in love with him, even sacrificing herself for him. Clone Wars excelled at making a complex, fascinating new menace.

1 Ahsoka Tano

Almost every Clone Wars fan agrees that the best thing to happen to the show was the plucky, determined, and endlessly lovable hero, Ahsoka Tano. Raised by the Jedi, she became Anakin Skywalker’s padawan at a young age and brought out the best in him.

Whether she was saving lives or getting betrayed by her own order, her strength and resolve made fans love her.

It’s just more tragic that, despite all the bonds she had with other Jedi, she couldn’t rely on any of them in the end and had to set out on her own. All fans can do is hope for the best for “Snips” in her continuing journeys.

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