Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

Star Wars: The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

The Galactic Empire is Star Wars’ government ruled by Darth Sidious. Unsurprisingly, the Empire has done some terrible things over the years.

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Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

The Galactic Empire is the original evil in Star Wars. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader operated through this tyrannical institution that oppressed the galaxy, whose evil called heroes Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo to action in the first place.

Fans saw the Empire do terrible things in the original film trilogy. The Empire’s injustices have only grown over the years, though. Rogue One, Solo, Star Wars Rebels, and a combination of canon novels, comics, and video games showcase more of the wicked deeds done by Imperial forces. The focus here will be on the horrors committed by the Empire as a whole.

Watch out for Rebels as we look at Star Wars: The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done.

10 Military Occupation

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

The Imperial military occupied countless planets, through which many civilians suffered. Most of the time these planets weren’t even rebelling against the Empire. Sometimes they had resources the Empire wanted for themselves, but oftentimes it was just about putting the planet under their tyrannical control.

Many civilians lost their freedom, their way of life, and many even lost their lives. Jedha in Rogue One, Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back, Lothal in Star Wars Rebels, and Mimban in Solo are among the many planets that suffered from Imperial occupation.

9 Massacring Rebels

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

The Empire was never gentle in how they dealt with the Rebellion. Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Grand Admiral Thrawn made an example of the Empire’s might by crushing the Rebellion whenever they could. Rogue One, the novel Lords of the Sith, and the Vader Down comics all highlight how Vader massacred rebels when given the chance.

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Tarkin and Thrawn swiftly rose through the Imperial ranks because of their efficient brutality when dealing with insurgents, all of which Palpatine condoned. Palpatine often left the dirty work to others, but he did his fair share as well, such as working with Vader to squash the Free Ryloth Movement in Lords of the Sith.

8 Killing Their Own Soldiers & Officers

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

It’s hard enough knowing you might be killed by Rebels, but even harder knowing you might be killed by your superiors. Many Imperial officers and soldiers faced this grim reality. Grand Moff Tarkin ordered the Death Star to fire on Scarif in Rogue One, even though he knew Director Krennic and a number of Imperial forces were still on the planet. When Imperial officers Aresko and Grint failed to deal with the Ghost crew in Star Wars Rebels, Tarkin had the Grand Inquisitor execute them.

Both Admiral Ozzel and Captain Needa were lethally Force-choked by Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back. In the Darth Vader comics, he also massacred clone troopers serving the Empire. Even Vader wasn’t exempt from this dynamic as Emperor Palpatine pitted him against potential apprentices and Vader would have to best them in order to survive and keep his position.

7 Razing Planets For Their Resources

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

Many planets were stripped of their natural resources in order to benefit the Empire. This most frequently happened to planets with kyber crystals, as they were used to power the Death Star’s superlaser. The planet of Ilum – once a sacred a place where Jedi younglings went to get the kyber crystals for their lightsabers – was strip-mined by the Empire.

In the novel Catalyst, Lyra Erso saw how verdant planets like Samovar and Wadi Raffa were razed of their resources, which the Empire had taken to build the first Death Star. Samovar and Wadi Raffa had been Legacy planets – meaning they were environmentally-protected and legally shielded to safeguard their resources – but the Empire found a way to remove these planets’ Legacy status and destroy their environments anyway.

6 Operation: Cinder

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

Operation: Cinder was Emperor Palpatine’s way of ensuring that the Empire would not outlive him in the event of his death. Imperial planets – such as Palpatine’s homeworld of Naboo – were targeted by satellites that caused electrical storms and other severe weather events that ravaged the planets. Loyal Imperial soldiers were forced to condemn their own planets, just as Iden Versio was ordered to help carry out Operation: Cinder against her homeworld of Vardos in 2017’s Star Wars Battlefront II.

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Even though these were worlds that had been loyal to the Empire, many civilians were killed and their cities destroyed, as the remaining leaders of the Empire honored Palpatine’s wish. Killing your own for such a vain reason is ruthless even by the Empire’s standard.

5 Kidnapping And Eliminating Force-Sensitive Children

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

Hunting down and killing Jedi was only part of an Inquisitor’s job description. They were also tasked with abducting Force-sensitive children, even those who were infants. If the children wouldn’t dedicate themselves to the dark side and the Empire, the children were killed. The only “crime” these children committed was being born Force-sensitive.

Fortunately, Ahsoka Tano and the Ghost crew were able to rescue some kidnapped infants from the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister in the second season of Star Wars Rebels. Not all children were so lucky, though, with many families having their kin ripped away from them to meet a ghastly fate.

4 Sterilizing Geonosis

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

The Empire forced the Geonosians to help construct the first Death Star. Once the Geonosians were of no further use to them, the Empire sterilized the planet and their people, intent on wiping out their entire species in order to keep the Death Star a secret from the rest of the galaxy.

Exterminating an entire species is monstrous and unforgivable. Star Wars Rebels revealed the Empire wasn’t completely successful as the Ghost crew encountered a survivor they named Klik-Klak. He held onto a Geonosian queen egg which later hatched, though the Darth Vader comics showed the Geonosian queen named Karina was tragically born sterile.

3 Slavery

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

The Empire enforced slavery upon many planets and upon many alien species throughout the galaxy. Wookies were one of the species that were particularly subjugated to the barbaric conditions of slavery, in addition to species like Bodach’i and Twi’leks.

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These slaves were forced to do things like help build the Imperial war machine and mine resources, contributing to the prosperity and military might of the Empire that enslaved them in the first place. This included the slaves used to keep the Empire’s largest weapons factory running on Cymoon 1, or toiling in the spice mines of Kessel.

2 The Destruction Of Jedha & Scarif

Star Wars The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

Both Jedha and Scarif had a significant portion of their surfaces obliterated by the Empire in Rogue One. After all the kyber crystals had been extracted from Jedha City, the Empire evacuated their forces but left all the civilians behind. Using single reactor ignition, the Death Star then annihilated Jedha City and its surrounding areas, purely as a demonstrative test of the battle station’s destructive power.

In order to resolve the situation on Scarif, the Empire resorted to the single reactor ignition approach again. This time, the superlaser’s blast killed both Rebel and Imperial forces on the planet’s surface. When Luke Skywalker and his allies went to Jedha in The Ashes of Jedha comic, which takes place after the events of A New Hope, Jedha was still suffering greatly from the destruction and ruin, and would likely never recover, which is probably true of Scarif as well.

1 Blowing Up Alderaan

It doesn’t get much more evil than blowing up an entire planet. On Grand Moff Tarkin’s orders, the Death Star obliterated Alderaan in A New Hope, demonstrating the battle station’s full potential and that the Empire would not hold back in using the Death Star to get what they wanted. Despite her best efforts to save her homeworld, Leia Organa was forced to watch the eradication of her parents, her planet, and her people.

The Organa family was heavily involved in the Rebellion against the Empire, but Alderaan was mostly made up of peaceful civilians just going about their lives; at least, until the Death Star annihilated them. This was the height of the Empire’s evil and further united the Rebellion against their enemy.

What do you think is the worst thing the Empire has ever done? Let us know in the comments!

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