Agents of SHIELDs Avengers Reference Decides Coulsons Best Death

Agents of SHIELD’s Avengers Reference Decides Coulson’s Best Death

Poor Phil Coulson has died a variety of deaths in the MCU, but Agents of SHIELD’s latest Avengers reference picks the show’s favorite of them all.

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Agents of SHIELDs Avengers Reference Decides Coulsons Best Death

Agents of SHIELD has boldly picked out Phillip J. Coulson’s best MCU death. As a background figure in the early years of the MCU, Clark Gregg’s Agent Coulson swiftly became a fan favorite, and enjoyed his most significant role yet in 2012’s The Avengers, where his death at the hands of Loki proved to be the catalyst for the Avengers to finally come together and form their superhero supergroup. Coulson was resurrected to star in the Agents of SHIELD spin-off series, but the wise-cracking spy has endured several different forms of death over the past seven seasons. After the Loki incident, there was a staged killing in Agents of SHIELD season 2 designed to foil HYDRA, his actual death off-screen occurred between seasons 5 and 6 in Tahiti with Melinda May, Sarge’s death came in the final episode of season 6, then LMD Coulson died during season 7 in a heroic attempt to destroy the Chronicoms.

After spending a few years literally on the small screen, LMD Coulson has now been rebuilt ahead of Agents of SHIELD’s final run of episodes, although the real deal is still long gone. Following last week’s time loop episode, the SHIELD team believe the immediate threat of the Chronicoms has been dealt with, but suspect that the race’s leader, Sibyl, somehow lives on. In more bittersweet news, SHIELD’s Zephyr escaped devastation in a time storm, but only thanks to Enoch sacrificing his existence in a scene that fans are likely still emotionally devastated by. In “Stolen,” SHIELD once again find themselves trying to preserve the timeline (although surely that ship has long sailed by now) as Nathaniel Malick and his new apprentice make their move.

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The episode features the return of John Garrett, a villain from Agents of SHIELD’s earlier seasons, and in a touching tribute to original actor Bill Paxton, Garrett is here played by Bill’s son, James. “Stolen” sees a young Garrett and LMD Coulson share a reunion of sorts, and in this heavily changed alternate timeline, the HYDRA sleeper agent is able to get a glimpse of the future, witnessing the various deaths of Phil Coulson in the process. Never lost for a witty retort, Coulson asks which of his deaths was Garrett’s favorite, and the villain duly picks the part where Coulson is poked with a stick by some guy with long hair, referencing being killed by Loki during The Avengers.

While John Garrett’s choice of Phil Coulson deaths may be fairly inconsequential to the story, the scene felt like a meta way for Agents of SHIELD to address Coulson’s regular brushes with mortality, while also putting forward their own personal favorite. This is a decision that many MCU fans would likely agree with. Although Phil was revived for his own TV series, his death in The Avengers was the most affecting and meaningful out of all Coulson’s demises. Not only did the tragedy help forge the Avengers, but it also played heavily on Coulson’s idealism and courage, despite him being just an ordinary man at that point. Although Coulson would live to save the world a few more times, Loki was still responsible for his eventual death in a roundabout way. Following The Avengers, Coulson was revived via alien technology, but as part of his deal with Ghost Rider, the SHIELD agent agreed to have the mystic voodoo inside of him removed. So while the real Coulson dies on a beach with the woman he loves, it’s still technically the Loki wound claiming his life.

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Realistically, there was no other choice when it came to picking Coulson’s best death, and for all his poor career choices, Garrett could at least read the mood of the fandom well enough. Even though Agents of SHIELD has developed a habit of killing off (or pretending to kill off) Phil Coulson, the series has attempted to preserve the sanctity of his original death in The Avengers. Most of the Coulson death scenes in Agents of SHIELD happen to alternates of one kind or another, and when the character does finally, truly bite the dust, the moment happens off-screen in a respectful way.

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