Alolan Ninetales Is Getting Buffed In Pokemon Unite

Alolan Ninetales Is Getting Buffed In Pokemon Unite

A bug in Alolan Nintetales’ stats is getting addressed tomorrow.

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Category : Pokemon

Alolan Ninteales is the latest ‘mon set to be buffed in Pokemon Unite. The ranged attacker is having its special attack value ammended in a hotfix tomorrow, which is scheduled for 11 am PT.

The change isn’t a simple stat change, as is the case with other nerfs and buffs in the game. Instead, it is correcting a mistake with Ninetales’ special damage scaling, which hasn’t been working as intended since the last patch.

As ever, the patch notes are really, really vague and not very helpful. All we officially have to go on is a tweet, reading: “Attention Trainers! We are aware of the following bug: Alolan Ninetales special attack value is incorrect. We are expecting to solve this issue in a hotfix”.

However, as fans are highlighting, the “bug” in question was apparently an oversight with a recent change to Nintetales, which gave it the exact same special damage stats as Gardevoir. This made them lower than they were pre-patch, when the changes were actually meant to be a buff.

In that case, the vague language should actually be good news for Ninetales mains. Some, however, are irritated that it was left in for so long when other patches, such as Sylveon’s nerf, have been rolled out much quicker.

This is far from the only hotfix developer Timi has rolled out recently too. Greedent turned out to be an unstoppable belching – and killing – machine when it was added to the game. Thankfully, it was quickly nerfed, reducing its ability to spam attacks, and lowering its healing.

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Any sort of stability in the meta may be short-lived though, as Pokemon Unite is getting another new character next Friday. Decidueye joins the roster November 19, and if the promo trailer is anything to go by, could be yet another incredibly overpowered addition to the team. But let’s be honest, fans are probably used to that by now.

Pokemon Unite is available on both Nintendo Switch and mobile.

See more : PokemonWe

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