Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Arrowverse: 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Oliver and Felicity are endgame but we’ve dared to imagine who Oliver would have been with if Felicity was out of the picture.

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Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Arrow recently ended earlier this year, with a shortened eighth season, but millions tuned in to watch the series finale. One of the characters who returned for the show’s final ever episode was Felicity Smoak. Felicity was a fan favorite character throughout, and her relationship with Oliver Queen was adorable.

Sure, their relationship got off to a rocky start, with fans and critics claiming it detracted from other more important elements of the show but the writers eventually found a balance. However, even though Oliver and Felicity were perfect together, we’ve dared to imagine who Oliver would have been with if Felicity was out of the picture.

10 Nyssa Al Ghul

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Nyssa and Oliver have had a complicated relationship for multiple seasons of Arrow. Nyssa first appeared in Season 2, as the love interest of Sara Lance, Oliver’s old girlfriend who had recently ‘returned from the dead’. Oliver and Nyssa were initially enemies, fighting over who got to keep Sara.

However, Sara’s death changed things, with Oliver and Nyssa becoming allies. They even got married, albeit reluctantly. However, it wasn’t long before they were at each other’s throats again; neither of them were afraid to voice their opinions. It would have been a unique approach to an Arrowverse relationship.

9 Helena Bertinelli (aka The Huntress)

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Helena Bertinelli was actually one of Oliver’s earliest love interests within the show and, at first, the two made quite a suitable couple. However, their relationship was marred by Helena’s slow descent into a murderous quest for vengeance.

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Helena was part of the Bertinelli crime family, daughter of Frank Bertinelli, a particularly nasty piece of work. Bertinelli had his daughter’s fiancé killed, and as a result, Helena swore to kill her father. Oliver attempted to make her see reason, but it was no use. It would have been nice to see Helena finally give up her crusade and settle down with the man who made her see sense.

8 Dinah Drake (aka Black Canary)

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

We know that Oliver and Dinah were just friends on the show (and occasionally enemies) but they would have made a decent couple had Felicity not been around. They say opposites attract, but Dinah and Oliver are really quite similar people, and this would have helped, not hindered, their relationship.

They are both natural born leaders, with Oliver heading up Team Arrow, and Dinah becoming Police Captain towards the end of the series. Dinah is a bit more moral than Oliver so she’d be able to help him see sense and Oliver would encourage Dinah to take more risks in her life.

7 Sara Lance (aka White Canary)

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Sara Lance and Oliver ‘dated’ before the first episode of Arrow even aired, but the nature of their relationship back then wasn’t at all positive. At the time, Oliver was going out with Sara’s sister, Laurel, but sleeping with Sara behind Laurel’s back. He was also responsible for Sara’s first ‘death’.

After the five years Oliver spent on Lian Yu, he and Sara resumed their relationship for a while. Surprisingly, they actually made quite a good couple, as both of them had changed somewhat for the better during their traumatic ideal. They would have been able to help each other, had they stayed together.

6 Amaya Jiwe (aka Vixen)

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Although Oliver and Amaya never technically met (at least, not properly), we think they’d make quite a solid couple. Amaya was a wonderfully complex character on Legends Of Tomorrow, as she came from the past and so her future was already known by the rest of the crew, forcing Amaya to fight her own destiny.

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While she struck up a relationship with Nate during that time, if she and Oliver had gotten together, their relationship could have been amazing. Both Oliver and Amaya know something about what it’s like to feel as though you have no control over your fate, and as such, they could have supported each other.

5 Cat Grant

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Cat Grant is, and was, one of Supergirl’s best characters. While the first few seasons of the show were quite lighthearted and optimistic, bordering on naivety, Cat was a welcome break from all that. She was cynical, powerful and was never afraid to speak her mind, often insulting multiple people at once.

Cat did not suffer fools gladly, including Kara, which was what made her such a great character. However, Cat was also empathetic, kind and wise, helping Supergirl through various challenges. Cat would have been the perfect partner for Oliver, telling him when he’s being ridiculous, but also helping him when he’s down.

4 Leslie Willis (aka Livewire)

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Just like Cat Grant, Leslie Willis was one of Supergirl’s better characters. Unlike Cat, though, Leslie spent most of her time on the show as a villain, known as Livewire. Livewire was once a controversial journalist who worked for Cat before being demoted, leading her to develop a grudge against her boss.

After fighting Supergirl for two years, Livewire finally redeemed herself by allying herself with Kara Danvers during Season 3. Livewire and Green Arrow might not have been the best influence on each other, but there’s no denying that they would have quite a lot of fun while dating.

3 Zari Tomaz

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Zari is one of the newer members of the Legends, even more so now that she’s been rebooted as a result of the events that occurred in the Season 4 finale. However, before that, Zari was a great character. She hailed from a dystopian future and as a result, her backstory was devastatingly tragic.

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To overcome her horrific past and still maintain the ability to form new attachments and joke with her friends shows that Zari is incredibly strong. Oliver Queen was made of similar stuff, as he went through Hell for five years and emerged on the other side stronger than ever. These two were made for each other.

2 Laurel Lance (aka Black Canary)

Arrowverse 10 People Oliver Queen Should Have Been With (Other Than Felicity)

Laurel and Oliver should be perfect together, and they were. They just had really unfortunate timing. When they did get together, it was before the Queen’s Gambit went down, taking Oliver, his father, and Sara with it (supposedly). After Oliver returned, it was too late, as Laurel remained bitter towards him for a while.

While this definitely wasn’t undeserved, it does make one wonder what Oliver and Laurel would have been like as a couple after the accident. Not only was Oliver a more mature and selfless man, but Laurel would no longer resent Oliver for causing her sister’s death, as Sara eventually returned as well.

1 Shado

Back in the flashbacks that Arrow is now famous for, Oliver and Shado were the one bright light in an otherwise decidedly dark situation. Their relationship, seen in Season 2, was cute and adorable and the two clearly cared for each other. However, it ended tragically, when Shado was shot and killed by Ivo.

It’s fascinating to imagine what could have been had Shado survived, and made it off the island and back to civilisation with Oliver. Even before her untimely death, Shado and Oliver went through a lot together, and it would have been good for Oliver to have someone around who he could fully open up to.

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