Black Adam Producer Hypes Up DC Movies Hawkman Fight

Black Adam Producer Hypes Up DC Movie’s Hawkman Fight

Black Adam producer Hiram Garcia says Aldis Hodge is “amazing as Hawkman” and teases a showdown between the JSA leader and Dwayne Johnson’s anti-hero.

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Black Adam Producer Hypes Up DC Movies Hawkman Fight

Black Adam producer Hiram Garcia has spoken about the upcoming DC film, hyping an epic fight scene between Dwayne Johnson’s anti-hero and Aldis Hodge’s Hawkman. A long time in the making, Johnson was originally approached to tackle the role of DC’s Captain Marvel (Shazam) as far back as 2006, but the project was later put on hold. Those plans were reinvigorated once more in 2014, as Warner Bros. began planning films for their new DC Extended Universe with Johnson still attached, though at the time the former wrestler had not yet decided whether he would play Shazam or original antagonist, Black Adam.

After finally settling on the role of Black Adam, Warner Bros. would later split the project into two separate films and allow Johnson to headline his own movie as an anti-hero, with the ultimate plan to unite the two characters at some later point in the future. At last year’s DC FanDome, Johnson revealed that his film would also introduce the Justice Society of America, including the characters of Hawkman, Pierce Brosnan’s Doctor Fate, Cyclone, and Atom Smasher. One month later, Hodge was cast as Hawkman, leader of the JSA and the reincarnation of an Egyptian prince.

Most recently, Johnson’s long-time producing partner, Hiram Garcia, spoke to CBR about the highly-anticipated DC film and heaped praise upon the talented cast. Saying that they were lucky enough to “find a really good group of actors” who “absolutely crushed it,” Garcia also expressed his excitement for Hodge’s performance as Hawkman and teased an epic showdown between the two characters. Check out his comments below:

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“Aldis [Hodge] is so amazing as Hawkman and just brings a weight and an energy to this character that, if you’re a fan of Hawkman, you know his history, that [he] has lived many lifetimes, to [bring] a real nuance to the way Aldis plays him that, ultimately is really intriguing, but also, he’s a tough dude.

The way him and Black Adam go at each other is going to be a lot of fun for fans to see. So all of them knocked it out of the park. Hands down, once we saw them read, we knew right away these are the guys with the roles, and we’re really happy with it.”

At the moment, little is known about the film’s potential story, but this latest tidbit from Garcia would suggest that when Johnson’s Black Adam first makes his appearance it will most certainly not be in a peaceful fashion. With Johnson constantly suggesting his film “change the hierarchy of power in the DC universe,” it is certain that Hawkman and the JSA will have their hands full when his character is released from his 5,000 year-long imprisonment. If the teaser footage shown at this year’s FanDome is any indication, Johnson’s character seems to be far more experienced in the use of his powers than that of the present-day Council of Wizards’ champion, Billy Batson.

Whether or not Black Adam and the JSA will eventually come around to ceasing hostilities and joining forces remains to be seen, but with the criminal organization Intergang also expected to make an appearance, it may seem that their goals will at least align temporarily at some point. Of course, Black Adam’s methods for dealing with those who draw his ire will probably not be as welcomed as the more restrained and civilized touch of the JSA. Either way, fans will be keen to see what Johnson and Hodge’s first onscreen meeting looks like when Black Adam hits theatres in 2022.

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