Blizzard Is Revamping BattleNet

Blizzard Is Revamping Battle.Net

Now, you can boot up your favorite 2004 MMO with a modern launcher – talk about revolutionary.

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Blizzard Is Revamping BattleNet

It’s been a long time – wait, no, wrong platform – Blizzard is finally giving a makeover with some long-wanted features such as being able to favorite games, an expanded news section, various accessibility updates, and a “consolidated notifications hub.” Given that the platform hasn’t changed much in recent years, this is a sight for sore eyes.

The update is rolling out in North America first, with the reason that it’s launching specifically in the USA being so that Blizzard can test out the update before launching it worldwide in case of any stability bugs with 2.0. will be receiving five key changes – those are to navigation and layout which lets you favorite your games and arrange them in whatever order you see fit, a change to layout for news, a new social panel so you can see what your friends are doing, overhauls to accessibility such as keyboard-only access, screen reader support, and “improved color contrast,” as well as the aforementioned changes to notifications.

It seems as though Blizzard is taking notes from the likes of Steam in streamlining its service, so hopefully, an in-game overlay and further profile features follow suit. It’s certainly not out of the question as Blizzard stated, “We’ll keep iterating, improving, and adding to the app over time.

“[The launcher is designed] to welcome players of all ability level and make sure they have a smooth time navigating the app.” Perhaps further accessibility options will follow suit to keep that message going.

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Until now, Blizzard has been testing out’s features on the beta server, but it’s coming out for everybody in North America, so be sure to give it a whirl and see how it works if you’re an avid Blizzard player. It’s certainly interesting to see how far has come since 1996, even if it flip-flopped with its namesake in recent years.

Source: Blizzard

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