Coronavirus Quarantine Could Provide A Boost To Content Creators

Coronavirus Quarantine Could Provide A Boost To Content Creators

As more people are kept home in quarantine or self-isolation, online content creators may see an uptick in viewership.

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Coronavirus Quarantine Could Provide A Boost To Content Creators

As the world begins to enter a period of lockdown things can seem scary. The vast majority of us have never experienced quarantine before and social isolation can be a scary prospect.

As we are confined to our homes it is inevitable that we’ll begin to look for entertainment and also conversation. This is where content creators, especially those on streaming platforms, could see a boost to their channels as they seek to provide a safe haven for people to enjoy entertainment and community.

Content Creators Are A Few Steps Ahead

Especially for those who stream or create as their full-time job, a vast number already work from home. Often creators have a home studio environment and have already established a routine to allow them to be productive.

Making a switch to working from home after being in an office can take time. It’s not as simple as just bringing home a laptop, there are many obstacles to overcome. Distractions are rife, a routine is key and having everything you need to do your work properly is essential. A full-time content creator will already have all of these things in hand, putting them at an advantage.

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Coronavirus Quarantine Could Provide A Boost To Content Creators

Also, due to the fact that many are likely to stay indoors for extended periods of time, they may be less likely to catch the virus easily. This is due to more limited contact with large groups of people, especially when compared to those in large offices.

This means many creators could find themselves stocking up on supplies but then simply carrying on mostly as usual, entertaining, streaming and recording.

No Commuting Gives Everyone Extra Time

Even part-time content creators may find that they can use this time to expand. While they may be working from home during office hours, if they usually have a long commute they could easily find themselves with an extra couple of hours in the day in which to further their creativity.

Content creation is a passion and what better way to combat boredom than to indulge yourself? If you stream, then going live could also help you connect with others and stave off the effects of social isolation.

Coronavirus Quarantine Could Provide A Boost To Content Creators

While being very ill will mean you cannot work, not everyone in lockdown will be severely sick and the length of quarantine could easily exceed any time you are ill. Overall it’s likely that a large number of people will find themselves with more time at home, especially if their workplace closed before anyone was infected.

A Wider Audience Than Ever Before

It’s not just content creators who will be at home either, there are also going to be large numbers of people seeking entertainment. Think about the people who may watch your channel but are usually at work when you go live or those who are often out and watch sporadically. Being quarantined will mean more time at home and likely more time in front of a screen.

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On top of this, there are newcomers. As people begin to feel the effects of being isolated, seeking out communities online will become more important than ever. While some may do this through forums, chat programs, and video calls, many more are likely to turn to streaming platforms.

Streaming combines social contact with entertainment and is an obvious place for people seeking this to go. While there may be more creators live than usual, this is likely to be matched by larger audiences. Even those working may find themselves lurking on streams as they do so, something they couldn’t do at the office.

Providing A Safe Haven

In this world of instant entertainment, content is comfort for many. Binge-watching a favorite creator’s YouTube series or VODs is likely to be a pass time indulged in by many who find themselves at home, especially if they are sick. Creators may well see a boost to the viewing figures of older videos as viewers seek out content they’ve never found time to go back and watch.

If you’re a content creator then hopefully this time will be a boost and an opportunity for growth but that doesn’t mean you should push yourself too hard. Make sure you take breaks, rest up and try and take the precautions advised in your area. Also, don’t be afraid to take time off for sickness. These extra viewers are likely to be around for a while and making sure you rest while you’re ill will help you get back to your peak much faster.

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This time may turn into a boom for content creators but don’t be scared of the competition. Network with them, reach out to others, support them and host your creator friends as often as you can. No one is online 24:7 and supportive networks can be a boost to everyone in them. See this as an opportunity not just for growth but also for making new friends and collaborators. Remember we’re all in this together.

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