Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Cowboy Bebop: Which Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Netflix’s live-action Cowboy Bebop speeds through storylines, but not without giving the audience characters they can identify with their zodiac sign.

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Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Content Warning: the following contains spoilers for Netflix’s live-action series Cowboy Bebop.

Though Cowboy Bebop has a futuristic setting in which human beings have colonized other planets and moons, traveling between them with ease, humanity hasn’t completely let go of old traditions. In addition to jazz clubs and vintage cars, some people still believe in astrology.

Though Faye Valentine doesn’t know her actual birthday, when Jet Black and Spike Spiegel opt to give her a new one, she realizes it would make her a Virgo – a sign she’s not sure she’s happy with. All of the zodiac signs are represented pretty well among the main and recurring characters in Netflix’s live-action adaptation.

Aries: Vicious

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Because Vicious has a whole lot of ambition, he might seem like a Capricorn. Yet his passions tend to overrule a level head with him, which is very much in line with the fiery nature of an Aries.

Aries are often known for being impulsive, and Vicious doesn’t bother curbing any of his impulses. He gives in to his every whim, no matter how dangerous. Ultimately, that impulsivity is his downfall as all of his bad deeds catch up with him.

Taurus: Spike

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Considering Spike Spiegel gives up his old life to start over, he might not initially seem like a Taurus. The Taurus is, after all, associated with a resistance to change and being extremely stubborn. Spike does have a stubborn streak though as he doesn’t initially want Faye to join the team. His defining Taurus trait, however, is loyalty.

Despite Spike’s dark job for the Syndicate, he stands by his “brother” Vicious, no matter how off the rails he gets. In addition to being one of Cowboy Bebop’s smartest characters, Spike has a protective streak as well, shielding Vicious from the other Syndicate members and getting rid of the cartel that’s after him. He also goes out of his way to protect Faye, despite asserting repeatedly how much he disliked her.

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Gemini: Faye

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Faye doesn’t think she’s a Virgo when she’s given a new birthday, and she’s not wrong. Faye might be meticulous when it comes to researching her past, but she’s not exactly a planner. Instead, she’s someone who readily adapts to new situations, like when she joins up with Jet and Spike, or when she helps her “mother” con others. That’s a great trait for a bounty hunter or assassin like Faye to have.

That adaptable nature and her ability to charm just about anyone is the hallmark of a Gemini. While Geminis can get incredibly anxious, they tend to hide it in their sociable nature, just as Faye does with Spike and Jet when she teams up with them.

Cancer: Gren

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Gren is largely a background player in Cowboy Bebop, but that doesn’t mean the audience doesn’t get to see the compassionate person they are. Gren is Ana’s right-hand person and is extremely loyal. There’s a bit of sarcasm layered over their empathy, but make no mistake, it’s there.

Gren makes a good match for Cancer, the zodiac sign most often able to make friends and be in tune with the emotional needs of others. They always know what’s going on with everyone in the club, but their sensitivity to others’ plights also means they are well aware of Vicious’ true nature and has no problem holding a grudge.

Leo: Chalmers

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Chalmers doesn’t actually have a huge presence in the series, but for the audience, it might feel like he does. Though Jet often hates the man who married his ex-wife, Chalmers takes it in stride. He might needle Jet about his lifestyle once in a while, but he recognizes that Jet is trying to be there for his daughter, and he stands up for him to Alisa.

Typically, Leos are seen as the life of the party, stealing the spotlight from everyone around them. While Chalmers has that Leo attitude at work, cracking jokes and drawing attention in flashbacks to his and Jet’s time working together, he does have a quieter and steadier presence in the present day. Leos, despite their attention-seeking behavior dramatized in fiction, are also incredibly reliable loved ones, and Chalmers is certainly that as well.

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Virgo: Whitney

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Whitney likely isn’t this woman’s real name. That’s okay though because she’s prepared with a dozen different identities to use instead if she wants to. The woman who masquerades as Faye’s mom to con her when she’s first awakened from cryo-sleep is prepared for pretty much anything.

That’s because she’s a Virgo. Being a meticulous planner and having options for every eventuality is necessary in her line of work. She doesn’t seem to have the nurturing instincts of a Virgo, but she still looks like a proud mom when Faye steals her one-person ship right out from under her.

Libra: Jet

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Jet is the de facto leader on the Bebop. Though everyone is equally skilled and has a part in making decisions, it’s clear that he’s got the natural leadership skills that draw Faye and Spike into his plans. That’s often a trait associated with Libras.

Another trait associated with Libras is their strong commitment to justice – or whatever they believe justice to be. That’s certainly seen in Jet’s fixation on everyone being truthful despite their often law-breaking line of work.

Scorpio: Ed

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ed doesn’t get much screen time, so some fans might want to reserve naming a zodiac sign for her. Her excitable nature, most likely due to her being one of Cowboy Bebop’s youngest characters, might initially scream Aries, but the few lines she has while coming face-to-face with Spike in the alley during the finale make her lean more toward a Scorpio.

Scorpios are known for being tenacious and aggressively pursuing what they want. Ed wants to hire Spike for a job – and somehow managed to track him down in his nearly dead state to do it. That’s certainly tenacious. It remains to be seen if this version of Ed also has a Scorpio’s love for deciphering puzzles.

Sagittarius: Katerina

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Katerina is not a character with a long life in Cowboy Bebop, but she definitely makes an impression in the first episode. From a wealthy family, Katerina goes on the run with essentially nothing because she longs for freedom from her controlling family.

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That need for freedom, and her desire to quite literally see the universe, is the embodiment of the wanderlust of the Sagittarius. Sagittarius hate to be tied down, and they tend to be very well-traveled or dream of far-off places to explore.

Capricorn: Mao

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

There are a lot of characters with ambition in the Netflix series, and a few might even qualify as Capricorns, but Mao certainly stands out. As one of the capos, she’s got a front-row seat to how the Syndicate works and knows the dangers of helping stage a coup. That doesn’t stop her from doing it.

Mao’s own desire to be on top outweighs her reservations about betraying anyone. Of course, she’s also assured that she’d be helping Julia, someone whose talent she does admire.

Aquarius: Ana

Cowboy Bebop Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ana is a respected business owner who seems to have her ears to the ground for anything. She tries to stay out of the Syndicate’s business, but that doesn’t always work out for her. Ana wants to be able to follow her own path, no matter what the world around her is doing.

As an Aquarius, that independent nature is true to form. So is Ana hiding the fact that she actually cares about the people she claims she won’t bend her own rules for. Ana turns out to be a powerful ally for Spike even after she denies it.

Pisces: Julia

The ending of the first season does reveal that Julia has an ambitious streak that most wouldn’t have seen coming, but as she points out, that’s a result of her relationship with Vicious. At her core, Julia is a dreamer; her dreams just happened to change.

Pisces are the dreamers of the zodiac and are often considered the most creative. Julia definitely gets more creative (and not just with her music) with her attempts to get out from under Vicious’ thumb as the series goes on. It turns out she might just be the smartest character in Cowboy Bebop with her outside-of-the-box thinking.

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