Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Dandy Ace: 10 Best Cards

Here are the dandy cards that’ll make you an ace in Dandy Ace.

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Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Dandy Ace is a fun and frantic card-based roguelike made by the indie developer Mad Mimic. It combines the best parts of Hades and Persona 5 while adding its own flair and innovations. One of these innovations is its vast array of usable cards that give the player incredible magic powers.

From flying fists to an exploding deck of cards, Dandy Ace’s impressive deckbuilding gameplay makes it one of the best roguelike card games available. However, as the player is limited to only a handful of cards per run, prioritising specific ones over others is key to ensuring you make it out alive. But which ones are the best to keep in your deck?

10 Titan Punch

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Every card comes with a unique animation that is almost always impressive. In Titan Punch’s case, when the ability is used giant fists fling from Dandy Ace and smash into your enemies. This attack does an incredible amount of damage, especially with the higher tier versions, and it also stuns the enemy.

This card is best used as one of your actual attacks, although its upgraded ability is nothing to scoff at. Considering you can acquire this card relatively early on, Titan Punch is easily one of the most reliable cards to use.

9 Five Of A Kind

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Five of a Kind is one of the default cards you get given at the start of each run. As such, many may assume it’s not worth hanging on to. However, this is absolutely not the case. Not only is Five of a Kind one of the flashiest cards in Dandy Ace, it’s also one of the most useful.

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This card shoots five cards out at one time, each of which deals a substantial amount of damage. However, where this card shines is in its ability to be spammed. By spamming this attack, you can unleash a flurry of cards at your opponent and quickly wipe out a group of enemies.

8 Time Warp

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Like Five of a Kind, Time Warp is one of the default cards you get given at the start of a run. It allows you to dash from one point to another, damaging anything caught in between. As a result, it is really your best defence against a large group of enemies and your best way to flee an encounter.

While Dandy Ace can be difficult, having this card equipped ensures it is an easily accessible roguelike for newcomers to the genre. Getting rid of this would be like removing the ability to sprint. While there are other cards like it, this is by far the best of its kind.

7 Toxic Spray

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Toxic Spray does exactly what it says on the tin. Ace will emit a toxified spray that will poison anything it hits. While the poison effect doesn’t do all that much damage over time, it is still perfect for ensuring that damage is continuously being applied when you have to break away to heal.

This card becomes even more invaluable when coupled with an upgrade card that adds additional status effects to it. Adding cards such as Titan Punch or Crescendo Fireworks to it as an upgrade means you can dish out a lot of damage all at one time and continue dealing damage long after you’ve dodged away.

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6 Starburst

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Starburst is a card obtainable quite early on and will be invaluable for some of the early runs. It’s not the flashiest of cards, nor the strongest, but it gives you the ability to push enemies back quite a bit. As it can be easy to become quickly overwhelmed in Dandy Ace, Starburst can be incredibly helpful for getting some breathing room.

In later levels, Starburst may not seem as useful, especially when players have gotten the hang of the fast-paced combat. But in those earlier levels, utilising Starburst at the right moment can save your life and prevent you from losing countless hours in a run.

5 Packet Trick

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Packet Trick is one of Dandy Ace’s best area-of-effect attacks and can be used to get rid of a large group of enemies. This ability allows you to throw down a group of explosive cards that when hit will damage the enemy.

Packet Trick can be used to lay traps for you to then lure in an enemy, or be used as a quick distraction while you make your escape. Either way, it is an incredibly powerful card that can deal some serious damage at higher tiers.

4 Blossom Blast

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Like Packet Trick, Blossom Blast is a powerful AOE attack that can deal a lot of damage to a large group of enemies. However, unlike that card, Blossom Blast is more like a ticking time bomb. Where Packet Trick is detonated upon impact, Blossom Blast explodes after a slight delay.

This is best used as a trap where you lure in a large group of pursuing enemies. Once caught in it, they’ll lose a lot of health which will allow you to swoop in and deal the finishing blow.

3 Dio, The Bat

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Dio, The Bat is one of the more unique cards in Dandy Ace. While the majority of the others play into the themes and motifs of the game rather well while offering impressive damage output, Dio feels a little more gimmicky but powerful nevertheless.

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That’s not to say it’s not a good card. Far from it. Dio, the Bat allows you to summon a blood-sucking bat, which will deal a large amount of damage. It is just one example of how Dandy Ace differentiates itself from other roguelikes and cements itself as one of the best roguelikes on the Nintendo Switch.

2 Spark Tornado

Dandy Ace 10 Best Cards

Dandy Ace is known for its flair and flourish. So, a card like Spark Tornado, which sees Ace spin around in a rather fashionable way while creating a devastating and sparkling tornado, feels right at home.

Aside from being a genuinely fun ability, Spark Tornado is also helpful in a pinch as it accumulates damage for every enemy hit. The more you suck into your deadly tornado, the more damage you’re going to inflict. It is very useful for taking out large groups of enemies and is indispensable as a result.

1 Crescendo Fireworks

There are a number of abilities in Dandy Ace that require you to hold down a button to make it more powerful. This adds a fun sense of risk and reward, as holding it down for too long can see you get quickly overwhelmed. Crescendo Fireworks is no exception to this rule, as by holding it down for longer you can create a more devastating attack.

Fortunately, Crescendo Fireworks is an ability well worth getting swamped by enemies for. Its damage output is high which makes it adept at clearing out a large number of enemies. Additionally, its upgrade ability adds the status effect of burn to whichever card it’s added to, which can be helpful in a pinch.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/dandy-ace-best-cards/

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