Dauntless 10 Review Come Slayer There Are Behemoths To Hunt

Dauntless 1.0 Review: Come Slayer, There Are Behemoths To Hunt

The free-to-play game feels fantastic when compared to its early beginnings.

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Dauntless 10 Review Come Slayer There Are Behemoths To Hunt

Developer Phoenix Labs has finally released version 1.0 of Dauntless, which marks the formal launch of the game on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Players have been able to experience the game throughout several phases of early access and betas since 2017, and the developers have steadily improved on their on the game through community feedback. Clearly, it’s been well worth the wait. The free-to-play game feels fantastic when compared to its early beginnings.


At its core, players take on the role of Slayers and hunt Behemoths, which are monstrous creatures that have arrived in the world following a cataclysmic event. Most of these Behemoths have an associated element and thus a corresponding resistance or weakness to another element, similar to Pokémon games. There is a broad range of creatures to fight. At higher levels, players will face off against more dangerous versions of earlier opponents and are punished severely for not having adequate knowledge of an encounter.

Dauntless 10 Review Come Slayer There Are Behemoths To Hunt

Combat gives players control of a Slayer from a third-person perspective. One of the strongest elements of Dauntless is its combat system and the variety of styles offered to players through a selection of weapon types. Players can select from an Axe, War Pike, Chain Blades, Sword, Hammer, Repeaters, and with the launch of 1.0, Aether Strikers.

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Each weapon offers unique benefits to the user, largely distinguished either by contributing to breaking off rare components from a Behemoth for crafting new weapons and armor, or to stagger a Behemoth, allowing for a free-for-all of damage while it recovers.

Aether Strikers – Become A Boxing Fiend

The addition of the new Aether Strikers has not disappointed. Compared to other weapons, these are slightly more complex in what they demand of players. First, players will notice that three Mantras can be accessed through combat and charging attacks, the third of which requires the first two to be in play in order to activate.

Dauntless 10 Review Come Slayer There Are Behemoths To Hunt

Since this means that players need to be constantly on the Behemoth and are punished for downtime, the Aether Strikers are not a great choice for newer players or when up against Behemoths that can be highly mobile, like the Kharabak. Luckily, the Aether Strikers do a solid amount of stagger damage, and with other players, this can amount to temporarily downing the Behemoth often in a fight to keep up the pressure.

While the Aether Strikers are overall a fun weapon for those who enjoy speed and constant offense, the great thing about Dauntless is that there is no wrong choice when it comes to selecting a weapon. Every weapon brings some form of utility to the hunt and is viable if used correctly.

Dauntless 10 Review Come Slayer There Are Behemoths To Hunt

Cross-Play Feels Fantastic

Cross-play is a feature that is slowly creeping into more games, but is still lacking overall. Dauntless has led the way showcasing how great it can be to allow for all platforms to play together, and soon the Nintendo Switch will be added to the list of platforms that players can use, expected to launch by the end of 2019.

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Since the feature was added, players can clearly see what platform other players are using, and the experience is illuminating. When on a hunt, it is hardly noticeable who is on PC and who is on a console. Not only is it great to see a team of Slayers using distinct ways to play, but this also guarantees that the player base will not suffer from the long-term effects of fragmentation. While in other games an online community may be far larger on one platform instead of another, this will never be the case for Dauntless.

Quick Hunting For The Well-Prepared

Quick matches are another great feature of the game design. Although there is a time limit and a type of enrage timer that will eventually limit player aid once downed, most matches are designed to be over quickly. A single-player or a team who is familiar with the Behemoth’s mechanics and are adequately geared will finish a hunt in a matter of minutes. If a hunt approaches anywhere near the time limit of twenty minutes, it signifies that the members were ill-prepared, especially since the health and damage of the Behemoth scale up based on the number of players.

Dauntless 10 Review Come Slayer There Are Behemoths To Hunt

A Season Pass And Reworked Quest System

The inclusion of a paid Season Pass, known as a Hunt Pass, is a great way to support the developer in this free-to-play game, and is always filled with new cosmetic items that look fantastic. Each lasts between two and three months, and if players do not wish to purchase each one, they still have a free track to progress through.

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As part of working towards progressing these levels in the Hunt Pass, players can do quests that require the use of certain weapons or targeting specific Behemoths. This too has received a significant rework that puts more choice in the hands of the player.

What It Can Improve

Recently, the game saw the introduction of the Island of Trials, which has been a bit of a hit and miss with some players. On the one hand, here is a place to find the most difficult content in the game with Behemoths that have a blend of dangerous abilities. There is a competitive side to this as well with leaderboards. On the other hand, players reported issues relating to glitching Behemoths, over punishing RNG with some combinations, and that their materials were being consumed too quickly since there were none to farm, like on a hunt. The Trials are improving, and this is a minor issue for the most part.

Players should also know that at its core, Dauntless demands grinding to find all of the materials or legendary items. This, however, should not be seen as a downside, but merely a core component of the game.

Slay On, Slayer

The game we have today in 1.0 did not develop overnight. The developers have actively taken feedback from their players over the past two years and the great game we have now is the product of that communication. The future looks bright for the game, and is sure to be a great addition to any player’s library, and even more when the Nintendo Switch adds a new way to play in the near future.

4.5 Out Of 5 Stars

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/dauntless-1-0-review/

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